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The song"Hundred Years of Chaofeng" dazzled the audience, and they were amazed and applauded. Generally, only the queen or the noble ladies with a long life are qualified to order such a dance. If you want to see more, watch it.

""Okay, reward."

Empress Changsun nodded gently, looked at the dancers and musicians performing, and ordered:

"Thank you, Queen, for your reward."

All the performers knelt on the ground, took the reward money with both hands, and retreated respectfully.

Then, some operas and even acrobatics were performed. Time passed quickly. Before they knew it, an hour had passed. Everyone had already had three rounds of wine and five kinds of dishes, and they were having a great time.

Finally, it was time to present gifts. There were rules for presenting gifts. They had to present gifts from the back to the front, that is, starting from the lowest-ranking person. This was also a chance for those people to show their faces. As for whether they could seize this opportunity and bring honor to themselves, it depended on themselves.

""Present a gift!"

Eunuch Zhang shouted in a shrill voice, and the last few wives of the Dukes stood up, each holding a gift box in their hands, and handed over the notes in their hands.

Eunuch Zhang looked at it, nodded, and said:

"The Lady of Su presented a pair of jade bracelets, the Lady of Wei presented a phoenix hairpin, and the Lady of Liang presented a brocade dress.……"

It doesn't sound like a particularly expensive gift, but in fact, these are already the highest-quality gifts of the same category! For example, this jade bracelet is made of the finest white jade. Even the queen would not normally wear such a fine bracelet. The phoenix hairpin and brocade clothes are also made of superior materials, which are definitely worthy of the queen.

""Yes, reward."

Empress Changsun smiled faintly and nodded, but she was not too happy, because it was not difficult for her to get these things. For these ladies, giving such gifts was just right.

"Thank you, Empress Dowager."

After receiving the reward, several imperial ladies knelt down and returned to their seats. The Empress gave them a gift box in return, but they didn't know what was inside. They couldn't open it now and could only go back to see.

But one thing was certain, it would not be worse than what they had given. After they started, the ladies of the court, princesses, and other nobles began to present gifts one after another. Jade, jewelry, jade and the like were endless, but they were all just for show. Although precious, they were not rare. This was the conservative approach. It would not attract the attention of Empress Changsun, but it would definitely not go wrong.

Round after round of gifts and rewards, finally, it was the turn of the princes and princesses. Princess Xiangcheng stood up, presented the gift box in her hand, and said softly:

"It took me a year to complete the embroidery of this phoenix picture for you, the Queen Mother. I hope you like it."

At this time, Princess Xiangcheng was also a little girl, three or four years younger than Xiaowu, but she was born more sensible and extremely humble. She was a role model among princesses and worth learning.

It was just a pity that she was not born by Empress Changsun, and she didn't even know who her biological mother was. It should be that Li Shimin made a mess on some day, so Xiangcheng's status was also very low and she was often ignored.

If it weren't for such a large banquet, all princesses had to attend, maybe she wouldn't have a place.

"Oh? It's actually a phoenix painting?"

Empress Changsun was slightly surprised and quickly ordered,

"Show it to me. It’s not easy to make this Phoenix Picture."

Embroidery patterns are divided into simple and difficult ones, and this Phoenix Picture is basically of hellish difficulty. Even for an embroidery master, it is difficult to complete it without three months of hard work. Xiangcheng is just an eight or nine-year-old girl who can embroider it. It is conceivable how much time and energy it took.

Eunuch Zhang hurriedly presented the embroidery and placed it in front of Empress Changsun and Li Shimin. It was indeed a completed Phoenix Picture!

The key is that it is not rough at all. Every feather is embroidered very delicately, as if it was painted on. The effort required for this is far beyond that of others.

"Good, good, you are thoughtful."

Empress Changsun looked at the well-behaved Princess Xiangcheng and was touched. Although this girl was not her own flesh and blood, this gift alone had already touched her heart. She immediately said,

"Now that the emperor's children have started their studies, you can find a mentor in the palace. Study hard and become a well-educated princess in the future. Withdraw now."

""Thank you, mother."

Princess Xiangcheng showed a hint of joy in her eyes, and she thanked her sincerely and left.

Although Empress Changsun's words seemed to say nothing, in fact, for Princess Xiangcheng, it was already a great reward!

The teachers of the princes and princesses in the palace were all the top scholars in the entire Tang Dynasty! They were very scarce.

In other words, not every royal child could get such top learning resources. Obviously, Xiangcheng did not have teachers like Li Chengqian and others, but now, Empress Changsun's words allowed her to obtain this resource, which was already a great reward for her!

And the last two words"Princess" also determined her future title. Even if she had no status, she would at least be a princess of the Tang Dynasty! Just these two points were enough to make her grateful.

This year's hard work was not in vain!

"It is indeed intentional. In the future, you must learn from the imperial sister and not be distracted by pleasure, understand?"

Li Shimin looked at the painting of the Phoenix and was somewhat shocked. He turned to look at his princes and taught them.

"Yes, Father."

The little kids all nodded obediently, then turned to face Princess Xiangcheng and said respectfully,

"Please give me more advice in the future, sister."

The royal family is like this. No matter what, you have to be polite. Otherwise, how can you be called a civilized person?

"Okay, who's next?"

Li Shimin waved his hand and asked with a smile,

"Li Ke, it's your turn. What gift do you have for your mother?" ps: It's only been fixed now. I'm impressed..._

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