At this time, Li Ke was just a little kid, a little younger than Li Chengqian, but he had a calm and wise temperament.

How could he be called a wise king with dragon shoulders and phoenix neck? It was a pity that he was not born to Empress Zhangsun, otherwise he might have a chance to compete for the heir to the royal family in the future.

With his reputation, he might really become a good emperor.

After all, in terms of bloodline, he was a combination of the royal family of the Sui Dynasty and the royal family of the Li Tang Dynasty, and he was extremely noble!

But in the end, he was unjustly killed by Zhangsun Wuji because of his bloodline, which was really a pity.

""I heard that your mother was not in good health, so I searched for a year and finally found the Tianshan Snow Lotus, which can improve your health."

Li Ke bowed to Empress Changsun, presented the gift box in his hand, and said respectfully. Looking at his appearance, he really looked like a filial son.

Although Empress Changsun was not his biological mother, he still had to show his filial side. This alone was enough to surpass most of his peers.

"Oh? Tianshan Snow Lotus?"

Empress Changsun was slightly startled, and took the box, and said with some surprise.

This Tianshan Snow Lotus is a legendary holy medicine! It is hard to find, and I didn't expect Li Ke to be able to get such a good thing, and the key is that he gave it to her. This filial piety is not small.

The whole box is made of jade, and it feels very good in the hand, very warm. Before she opened it, she had already smelled a faint medicinal fragrance. Just as she was about to open it, Xu Chen spoke and said with a smile:

""Mother, it is best to put this Tianshan Snow Lotus in a high-quality jade box and refrigerate it. When you need it, take it out and take it immediately. Do not let it come into contact with air during the process, otherwise it will lose its nutrients."

All good medicinal materials have a shelf life. This Tianshan Snow Lotus is naturally very easy to corrupt. If it is opened and closed frequently, the air will circulate, which will accelerate the loss of its nutrients.

""My brother is right. I heard that the Tianshan Snow Lotus grows in cold and gloomy places on the mountains. After picking it, it should be placed in a jade box. If it is refrigerated with ice, it can be kept for a year without spoiling."

Li Ke nodded repeatedly after hearing what Xu Chen said, and explained:

"So that's the case. Then I won't open it."

Empress Chang Sun nodded as if she suddenly understood something and said with a smile,

"Ke'er is filial, this Tianshan Snow Lotus is not an ordinary thing. You must have spent a lot of effort to find it, right?"It is very thoughtful for a prince who is not his own son to give such a valuable gift.

"As long as the queen mother can recover, my hard work is nothing."

Li Ke bowed to Empress Changsun again and said very sensibly. Everyone was amazed when they heard it. What a filial son!

"Haha, good! Ke'er is so devoted and filial, I will definitely choose a good fiefdom for you next year!"

After hearing this, Li Shimin was very pleased and said directly.

The implication was very obvious, he wanted to make Li Ke a king! And it was a kingship of great weight. For him who was not a legitimate son, this was definitely a great reward!

"Thank you, Father! These are what I should do."

Li Ke also showed a smile on his face, bowed, and then retreated.

For princes like them, those material rewards are nothing. What they want is the favor of Li Shimin and Empress Changsun, and the status they give. As long as they are favored, everything is not a problem, and they will have everything they want.

Next, Li Lizhi, Li Tai and others presented gifts. The gifts they gave were not expensive, but they were all made by themselves. For example, Li Lizhi painted a evergreen for Empress Changsun, and Li Tai wrote a Tao Te Ching himself. Compared with Li Ke and Xiangcheng

, the level of care for these two things is definitely several levels lower, but who told them that they are the daughter and son of Empress Changsun?

Receiving gifts from one's own children, the feeling is certainly different. Empress Changsun's smile on her face was even more prosperous at this time, and she repeatedly threw down heavy rewards and promises, which was even more than the previous ones.

Of course, this is also something that cannot be envied. Who told the others that they were not born in her belly? It's strange that fate is not good enough!

"The princes are all thoughtful today, I am very satisfied."

Empress Changsun glanced at Li Tai's Tao Te Ching, nodded, and then put it aside, and asked with a smile,

"Gao Ming, I see you are always hesitant and seem to be a little uneasy. What's wrong? Did you not prepare a gift and are afraid of being blamed by your mother?"

Since Princess Xiangcheng presented the gift, Li Chengqian looked as if there were thumbtacks on his buttocks. He looked extremely uncomfortable. Such an obvious expression had actually been seen by Li Shimin and Empress Zhangsun, and they were puzzled.

Could it be that the gift prepared by this boy was not good, and he felt embarrassed because his brothers and sisters all gave good gifts?

"No... not my mother."

Li Chengqian's face flushed slightly, and he denied it repeatedly, but he still looked a little embarrassed. He said awkwardly,

"But compared with the gifts from his younger brothers and sisters, Chengqian's gift seemed a little strange, so he was restless."

Before Xu Chen came, Li Chengqian was the eldest brother. Since he was the eldest brother, he had to be more sensible and more attentive. Now seeing his younger brothers and sisters giving expensive gifts, he felt a lot of pressure in his heart.……

"It doesn't matter. Mother doesn't really want to take your things. She just wants a token of your appreciation. As long as the appreciation is there, no matter what it is, Mother will be happy."

After hearing this, Empress Changsun was relieved and encouraged.

"It's clever, be bold, maybe your mother will like your gift the most."

For this nominal eldest son, he also occupies a great weight in the heart of Empress Changsun. Apart from the real eldest prince, it can be said that Li Chengqian is the piece of flesh in her heart. She will definitely love him very much. Even if he really did something wrong, she will be tolerant.

It's just that Li Shimin will be more strict with him.

"What does it look like?"

Unlike Empress Changsun, Li Shimin frowned and scolded,

"Hurry up and take it out. Are you a girl? You are so slow!"

His scolding made Li Chengqian's expression, which had been slightly relaxed, tense up again. He opened the gift box in his hand with trembling voice and said:

"Mother... This is a pair of boots made for you by Cheng Qian."

Upon hearing this, Eunuch Zhang quickly opened the gift box and saw that it was indeed a pair of leather boots!

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