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As soon as this thing was taken out, everyone present looked a little strange.

Who would give such a thing as a birthday gift? Even if you want to give it, you have to give clothes and jewelry. At the very least, a hairpin is better than boots! It is indeed a bit unreasonable for Li Chengqian to give such a thing that is not presentable.

"This... did you make this yourself?"

Empress Changsun looked at the pair of boots and was slightly stunned. It wasn't that she didn't like them, but it was a bit rude to give them as gifts on such an occasion. For a moment, she didn't know what to say.

However, to be honest, the boots were made quite delicately, at least they took a lot of thought.

"Yes... I chose the skin of an elk and studied with the shoemaker in the palace for three months before making this pair of deerskin boots. Because the weather has been cold recently, I am afraid that my mother's feet will be cold, so……"

Li Chengqian looked a little nervous at this time, just like a child who failed the test and handed the test paper to his parents for signature.

His explanation made everyone suddenly realize that this child was still thinking about his mother. His filial piety was still sufficient.

After hearing this, Empress Changsun's expression also eased and she smiled:

"Well, you are thoughtful and made a pair of boots for the Queen Mother. I didn't expect that you are so skillful and made boots in a very good way."

She had said before that gifts don't mean much. In comparison, what she values more is the thought. As long as she can feel Li Chengqian's intention, she can ignore other things.

"Thank you, mother, for your compliment."

Li Chengqian was relieved to see Empress Changsun smile, and a smile appeared on his face, but before he could completely relax, Li Shimin slammed the table and shouted:

"What award are you praising? You are the prince of my Tang Dynasty! What should a prince do? Either study hard like Qingque and read the book thoroughly, or learn martial arts like your brother, so that you can lead troops and fight in the future! But what are you doing? You are making straw sandals!"

"What, do you want to be a shoemaker in the future? If you do, I can help you do it now! It's really a disgrace to me and the royal family!"

Li Shimin's face was bulging with blue veins, his momentum was rising, and he started to scold Li Chengqian directly, so that Li Chengqian didn't dare to raise his head, and tears came out directly. Everyone present didn't dare to breathe at this time, for fear that they would be affected.

Even Empress Zhang Sun could only sigh helplessly. Although she could still accept the gift given by Li Chengqian in her heart, Li Shimin didn't like it.

If this pair of boots was given by a princess, it would be fine. It is understandable for a girl to do some needlework, even You can still get praise, but if a boy does this, then there will be something wrong. Li Shimin is right. Either study hard, practice martial arts, or weave clothes and make shoes. How can it be what a royal son should do? It's too girly!

For a moment, the atmosphere became tense. No one would stand up for Li Chengqian. He could only cry while being scolded by Li Shimin. It was miserable.

But at this time, there was a pair of eyes in the hall, staring at the pair of deerskin boots in Li Chengqian's hand with piercing eyes. After looking at it for a long time, he suddenly slapped the table and exclaimed:

""Great! Great! I didn't expect you to have such a talent for design. I underestimated you before!"

Xu Chen praised generously, and was even a little excited. He had originally prepared a wool coat, perfume and sunglasses for Empress Changsun, but he always felt that something was missing. Now he suddenly realized that it was a pair of boots!

Such a cool fashion, if paired with a pair of embroidered shoes, it would be a bit out of place, and even destroy the beauty. But if paired with these deerskin boots, the feeling is simply rubbed up! It

's absolutely handsome and cool!

"Brother Huang, please stop making fun of Gao Ming.……"

Li Chengqian lowered his head and said in a low voice with some resentment that he felt Xu Chen was mocking him! He was already feeling bad, and after being mocked by Xu Chen, his mood was really going to fall to the bottom.

The people present, including Li Shimin, also thought that Xu Chen was mocking Li Chengqian. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that Li Chengqian's boots were not pleasing to the eye, which made Li Shimin disgusted.

However, Xu Chen did not care about what everyone thought. He stood up, took the pair of boots in Li Chengqian's hand, looked at them carefully, and exclaimed:

"This pair of boots, whether in terms of materials, workmanship, or design, has reached an impeccable level. To be honest, it has reached a very high level in hand-made production, which took three months... Gao Ming, you spend at least an hour and a half a day tinkering with this pair of boots, right?"

From his aesthetic point of view, this pair of boots is indeed very good. If it were placed in the 21st century, it would be a trendy retro style. Li Chengqian's extraordinary talent in this area still surprised him.

"Two hours a day."

Li Chengqian lowered his head and blushed, speaking as softly as a mosquito, and admitted it with embarrassment.

As soon as he said this, Li Shimin was even more furious, and slammed the table again, just as he was about to scold him for"not doing his job properly", but Xu Chen laughed and clapped his hands:

"Good! You did a very good job. Even under the guidance of the shoemaker, you were able to independently complete the design, production and processing of this pair of boots, which is enough to prove your hands-on ability. I even think you are also very talented in aesthetics. This sense of layering and lines, wow!……"

Before Li Shimin could scold him, Xu Chen praised Li Chengqian again, and he almost believed it.

It seemed that...wasn't the emperor mocking him?

Everyone was also a little confused. Xu Chen's praise was well-founded, and he said some words that they didn't quite understand but thought were high-sounding. It seemed that Li Chengqian really did a good job. Even Empress Zhangsun was a little confused and said:

"Could it be that Cheng Qian... is really that outstanding?"

"Of course!"

Xu Chen nodded with great certainty, looked at Li Shimin, tilted his head and said,

"Some people think that making a pair of shoes is very simple, and they disdain to do these things, and even think that they are low-end, but what I want to say is that if you want to make a pair of exquisite shoes like this, it is very difficult!"

Subscribe to the blood collapse, the author announced that he would eat dirt..._

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