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Chen's words made Li Shimin's face darken slightly. He saw that this kid was coming for him, and he was a little unhappy in his heart, but it was not a good time to get angry at this time, so he snorted coldly and said:

"A pair of worn-out boots, can you boast about it? I want to hear how difficult it is. If you can't explain it, humph……"

He never thought that making shoes was a technical job, so he certainly didn't think Xu Chen could convince him.

"Brother Huang, you don't have to stand up for me. I am willing to be punished.……"

Li Chengqian saw that Xu Chen and Li Shimin were somewhat confrontational at this time, and he could not help but worry. He naturally did not want his brother to stand against his father because of him.

After all, what he did was indeed not what a prince should do.

"You did nothing wrong, why should you be punished? Don't worry, my brother will seek justice for you!"

Xu Chen patted Li Chengqian's shoulder to comfort him, then raised the boots in his hand and said to everyone:

"When we make a pair of shoes, we don't produce them on an assembly line. In other words, we don't follow a cookie-cutter path. If we make shoes of the same standard, there is really no technical content in making them. It's understandable that people look down on them, because anyone can do it. However, if we add some of our own ideas to it, the meaning is completely different. I usually call it design."

As he spoke, he rotated the boots in his hand 360 degrees, admiring every aspect of it, and then exclaimed:

"This pair of deerskin boots has a strong sense of design. It is obvious that Gao Ming added his own ideas when making this pair of shoes! Just the style is different from ordinary boots! See the small high heel? This is definitely an advanced concept and design. The feel and warmth of the inside of the shoe can be said to be both fashionable and practical!"

"Gao Ming, if I hold a fashion design competition in the future, you must do me the honor of participating. In my opinion, it will be no problem for you to get into the top three!"

Xu Chen's words simply praised this pair of deerskin boots to the sky! Everyone was confused, but in their hearts, they couldn't help but feel that what he said made sense. All their eyes were focused on the boots. After a closer look... it seemed that they were indeed a little different, at least very beautiful!

"Thank you, my brother. Gao Ming will definitely attend."

Li Chengqian was flattered by Xu Chen, and suddenly he became more confident. He was actually an optimistic kid who would shine with a little sunshine. It was just that Li Shimin always gave him cloudy days.

"If that's the case, Gao Ming did a good job?"

After listening to Xu Chen's analysis, Empress Changsun nodded frequently, turned her eyes to Li Shimin on the side, and asked tentatively.

Anyway, as she listened, she felt that her son was still good!

"Oh, what's good about it? No matter how well it's made, it's just a pair of broken shoes."

However, Li Shimin still didn't buy it, still put on a sour face, and scolded,

"If you put this thought into the Book of Sages, your studies will improve a lot, right? You are always doing useless work, but you feel like you are working hard, but you don’t know that you are just deceiving yourself!"

In his opinion, no matter how good your shoes are, what's the use? Does the royal family need a shoemaker like you? If you don't use your energy where it should be used, in his opinion, it's just a waste of time!

However, after hearing what Xu Chen said, he finally calmed down a little. At least, after hearing what Xu Chen said, his son would be better than others even if he made a pair of shoes! What about other things?

At this time, he could only comfort himself in this way.

"Father, I have to refute you. What you said is wrong. Who said it was just a pair of broken shoes? From this pair of shoes, I can at least see three advantages of Gao Ming!"

Xu Chen did not give Li Shimin any face at all, stretched out three fingers, and said in a sonorous and powerful voice,

"First of all, this winter is cold, and ordinary shoes can't keep warm at all! And the queen mother has a cold body, so in winter, her hands and feet will definitely be cold, especially her feet, which will definitely be frozen. Then this pair of extremely warm deerskin boots will come in handy. Who can deny this filial piety when thinking of this?"

"Secondly, Gao Ming is only seven or eight years old. To put it bluntly, a seven or eight-year-old kid can make a pair of boots independently. This hands-on ability can be considered strong, right? We should not look at things too one-sidedly. In a big way, this at least proves his carefulness and patience. Isn't this a great advantage?"

"Finally, in the process of making shoes, the most valuable thing is to add your own design ideas, which I think is the most valuable quality, that is innovation! What is the most lacking in the Tang Dynasty today? Talent! Talents who can innovate! I am very pleased to see that Chengqian has such potential!"The three paragraphs were said passionately, and the people who listened were also excited. This time, the eyes looking at Li Chengqian and the pair of boots were a little different.

This is not a boot, this is the crystallization of Li Chengqian's excellent quality!

"Brother, I……"

Li Chengqian was so moved by what Xu Chen said that he was almost in tears. His eyes were red and he didn't know what to say. He just felt at this moment that Xu Chen was the best person in the world who treated him the best and the one who understood him the best!

"Gao Ming, you are very good, don't underestimate yourself. I see the future of the Tang Dynasty in you."

Xu Chen also looked at Li Chengqian, smiled and waved his hand, and said,

"If the Tang Dynasty wants to develop and take off in the future, it must rely on innovation! Let's throw away the old and rotten things, remove the dross, take the essence, summarize the experience, and innovate new things. Such new things must bring a new atmosphere and can bring the Tang Dynasty to prosperity!"

Innovation! Two simple words, but they contain infinite vitality and are the eternal driving force for the development of this world!

At this time, everyone present was infected by Xu Chen's speech, and their hearts were shaken and couldn't stop for a long time. No matter what he was saying, his words were really contagious!

"Oh... you kid, you are really……"

Li Shimin looked at Xu Chen, and was somewhat shocked. His heart was a little excited. Xu Chen's words always had the effect of motivating him. After calming down a little, he finally waved his hand and hummed:

"Okay, you convinced me. It seems that Gao Ming did a good job. It's me who is too pedantic and doesn't know how to innovate."

"But I heard you said it was amazing. I wonder if the gift you gave to your mother was also an"innovative" thing? Talking without doing is just a fake trick!"

The next chapter will be tomorrow morning. Feilu has been really unstable recently..._

Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection

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