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However, the pressure is now on Xu Chen. You said a lot and praised Li Chengqian to the sky. You are the last one to perform, so the gift must be more powerful, right?

Li Chengqian's gift is already innovative enough, so should yours be more"innovative" than his?

At this point, Li Shimin has actually let Li Chengqian go and directed his firepower on Xu Chen.

"My brother, I'm sorry.……"

Li Chengqian looked at Xu Chen with some worry, and whispered that if it wasn't for him, Xu Chen wouldn't have been so abrupt and used his father as a handle.

If Xu Chen was embarrassed because of him, he would really feel guilty.

"It's okay. I've been through a lot. It's nothing."

Xu Chen comforted Li Chengqian in a low voice, asked him to return to his seat, and took out the gift in his hand, saying with a smile,

"Chen Er presented a pair of sunglasses to his mother, and asked her to accept them."

These gifts have to be given one by one! In his opinion, these sunglasses are the most ordinary of the three gifts, so of course they should be given first.

"Sunglasses? What is that?"

Empress Changsun was a little curious and confused, so she quickly ordered the maid to bring the gift box over. When she opened it, she saw that there was indeed something black inside.

After seeing it, she became even more confused, and couldn't help but look at Li Shimin beside her with a questioning look.

"It seems that it is placed above the eyes?"

Li Shimin, who has always been well-informed, is also a little uncertain at this time, but he can still guess it correctly.

Glasses were not common until the Ming and Qing dynasties. They did not exist in the Tang Dynasty, let alone sunglasses. Therefore, Xu Chen's little invention is also innovative.

"That's right, these sunglasses are placed on the eyes, and the two legs are pinned on the ears. Come, let me put them on for you."

Xu Chen walked forward with a smile, took out the sunglasses, put them on Empress Changsun himself, and then said,

""Mother, how do you feel?""

Everyone who has worn sunglasses knows that this thing is definitely a good thing and very practical!

Of course, it is best to use it during the day. Wearing it at night will be a bit……

""Chen'er, I... why can't I see?"

Empress Changsun felt completely different after putting on her sunglasses. She couldn't help but feel a little nervous, because what appeared before her was a gloomy world, just like the underworld of Chuan Cao.

But the people in front of her were still alive.…

"What's going on? Can't see?"

When Li Shimin heard this, he became anxious and took off Empress Changsun's sunglasses, fearing that she was really blind and couldn't see. He questioned Xu Chen.

Could this kid be trying to hurt someone?!

"Why don't you try it yourself and you will know?"

Xu Chen shrugged and said casually, facts speak louder than words, no matter how much he said now, it would be useless

"Just try it, I still don't believe it, it really works……"

Li Shimin curled his lips and put on his sunglasses without hesitation. He was stunned when he put them on. He stopped talking halfway because he seemed to see a completely different world!

"How about it? These sunglasses are nice, right?"

Looking at Li Shimin's expression, Xu Chen couldn't help but feel a little proud, and explained,

"The material of these sunglasses is resin, which has a light-blocking effect! Today is a dinner party, so you may not feel its benefits. If you wear such sunglasses in the afternoon when the sun is glaring, even if you look directly at the strong sunlight, your eyes will not feel uncomfortable at all, but will feel very comfortable!"

"This is one of the benefits of sunglasses."

After hearing Xu Chen's explanation, the ladies showed curiosity and desire on their faces. After hearing what Xu Chen said, they also thought of the dilemma of being burned by the sun, and sometimes they couldn't open their eyes. If it was really as good as he said, wouldn't it be...

Each of them was moved. The key is to see these glasses on the eyes, there is really a different kind of beauty.

"Wow, if that's the case, this is really a good thing! Tomorrow I will test it to see if it has the good effect you said."

Li Shimin nodded, and he believed Xu Chen's words at this time.

Although it was evening, the Taiji Palace was brightly lit, just like daytime! But after putting on the sunglasses, it disappeared like the dark night, but the key point is that the light became dim, but everything was still clear.

If it was daytime, it is conceivable that the effect would be better!

"This is for my mother."

Xu Chen curled his lips and said, the implication was - it's not for you, why are you, Old Li, joining in the fun!


Isn't this too bold? Although it was given to the Empress, the Emperor wanted it, and you dared to refuse his face? This Xu Chen is really...

Now, everyone admired Xu Chen's courage.

"Chen'er, what I gave to your mother is also for your father. Come on, tell me, what else do these sunglasses do?"

When Empress Changsun saw that Li Shimin was about to frown, she quickly tried to smooth things over and changed the subject.


Li Shimin snorted. Although he didn't say anything, he still returned the sunglasses to Empress Changsun.

After the boy said so, he still held it in his hand. Wouldn't it make him look excessive? It's just a pair of sunglasses. He, Li Er, doesn't care about it!

"Haha, the second effect is actually very simple, that is, it looks good and is very cool!"

Xu Chen ignored Li Shimin, took the sunglasses and put them on his eyes, posed a few times, and said:

"Am I handsome? Am I good-looking? Do you think I am classy now?"


Everyone was a little speechless about Xu Chen's words at this time, but it's true that wearing sunglasses is a little different. Although it's two black things covering the eyes, it's really handsome!

To describe it with a word they don't know, that is - tall and handsome! _Please download the ununderlined version of the novel

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