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It was not the first time that Li Shimin had seen wool sweaters, but most of what he saw were ordinary styles suitable for ordinary people. He focused on its practical effects and did not think about it in a deeper way.

However, now, the gift sent by Xu Chen completely shocked him!

Wool products can actually be made into such exquisite coats, not only that, but also maintain such a good feel and warmth!

Originally, he just thought that the emergence of"wool sweaters" was to benefit the people of the Tang Dynasty and enable people all over the world to spend a good winter. But now it seems that the role of wool is far more than that...

At least, in the upper class circles, wool coats are also presentable!

"This is a wool coat? It is so gorgeous.……"

Empress Changsun held the soft wool coat in her hands and couldn't let it go. She asked repeatedly,

"Chen'er, who on earth has such a skillful hand? How could he make such a dress!"

The more she looked at it, the more Empress Changsun felt that the dress was full of details and sincerity. It was obviously made by a textile master. For a moment, she was also a little curious.

It was not easy to make ordinary wool that was originally abandoned into a woolen sweater, but now, it could actually make such high-end clothes. This surprised her!

The wool itself is not different. It is people who turn waste into treasure!

"Mother, this is one of your daughters-in-law, Qingquan."

Xu Chen pulled Qingquan, who was a little shy, behind him and introduced her with a smile,

"She is Qingquan. This wool coat was designed and processed by her alone! She is also a good cook and has unique insights into food! It is precisely because of these two excellent qualities of hers that I took her as my concubine."

As he said this, he pushed Qingquan in front of Empress Changsun and encouraged her:

"Go, it's okay, mother is a very easy-going person, don't worry, what we are competing for now is talent, not those things."

The reason why he pushed Qingquan out at this time was very simple, he wanted to ask for a status for her in front of Empress Changsun and Li Shimin!

After all, Qingquan is the daughter of a merchant. Even if she wants to marry him as a divine marquis, she can only be a concubine and will not get a status, because the families are not well matched! And Xiaowu, the daughter of a duke, is a barely matched match.

Strictly speaking, with Xu Chen's current status as a heirloom, at least the legitimate daughter of a duke and a royal noble can be worthy of him. Others are really a little short of that.

Therefore, Qingquan needs an identity, a worthy identity, and as long as Empress Changsun opens her mouth, this identity will no longer be a problem.

This is why Xu Chen insisted on taking her.

At this time, Qingquan was taken out by Xu Chen, and her face suddenly blushed, but fortunately she would not lose the chain at the critical moment. She saluted to Empress Changsun and whispered:

"Your servant greets Her Majesty the Queen……"

When facing Empress Changsun alone, Qingquan couldn't help but call herself"a slave", and given her status, she should indeed call herself a slave.

But when Empress Changsun heard this, she frowned slightly and scolded:

"Although you haven't married yet, you are already Chen'er's designated concubine. How can you still call yourself a slave and lower your status? And you call me the Queen, which makes it so strange. How can this be considered as a formality?"

This sentence seemed to be a reprimand, but in fact it elevated Qingquan's status in disguise, which made Qingquan feel warm in his heart. He nodded repeatedly and said:

"Yes, mother."

After changing her words, she suddenly felt that her inferiority complex was not so strong.

"Well, raise your head and show it to your mother."

Empress Changsun smiled and raised her hand to order,

"I am a little curious. With Chen'er's eyes, he will not be attracted by some vulgar women. You must have some outstanding qualities to attract his attention, right?"

She and Li Shimin once wanted to marry the princess to him, but they were choked back by Xu Chen's words"The day you are conferred the title of Marquis, the day you marry her". He must be a passionate man. They can also feel that Xu Chen is a person who values feelings. A person who cares about feelings so much, unexpectedly found a partner so quickly. This partner, without a doubt, must be attractive!

Qingquan looked up obediently, the blush on her face had not yet dissipated, which further set off the whiteness of her face. She also has a quiet temperament. She is the most standard Jiangnan beauty.

"Good! You are indeed beautiful and charming. It is a blessing for Chen'er to have a wife like you."

Empress Changsun looked at Qingquan with shining eyes and praised her.

"I heard from Chen'er that this wool coat was designed and made by you? How do you have such skills? Do you have a master?"

In this era, if you want to make good clothes, you have to follow your master. For example, the beauty of Shu embroidery is unparalleled in the world and has a very profound heritage.

""That's not the case. It's just that my father is a cloth merchant, and I learned my craft from my mother. She sometimes sews clothes by herself, and she learned it by watching."

Qingquan answered honestly. She and her mother's conditions have never been good. Even as the daughter of a cloth merchant, she didn't have many new clothes to wear. She had to sew and mend them by herself. This was undoubtedly a great irony.

For example, when the old lady's clothes were torn, she just took a new one. The gap between the two sides is obvious.

"She turned out to be a merchant's daughter. No wonder……"

Empress Changsun nodded, finally understanding why Qingquan was so self-abased. In this agricultural society, in terms of status, she was a peasant woman.���The daughter of a wealthy businessman has a higher status than the daughter of a wealthy businessman.

Moreover, Qingquan is a concubine's daughter, which is simply the bottom of the pyramid!

Thinking of this, Empress Changsun did not hesitate, turned her eyes to Xu Chen, and said with a smile:

"This palace now understands, it turns out that Chen'er is waiting here."

No wonder Xu Chen has been praising Qingquan with all his might, it turns out that he is asking for status and position for her!

"I can't hide it from my mother's discerning eyes."

Xu Chen took the opportunity to flatter her and said with a smile,

"I wonder what title will Queen Mother give Qingquan?"_

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