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For example, as Yuchi Gong is the Duke of E, his legitimate wife is naturally the Lady of E. Such a title is natural to be obtained, but now, what Xu Chen wants needs the Queen to take the initiative to grant it.

After all, even if he is granted the title of Duke in the future, the one who can become the first-class imperial lady is Xiao Wu, not Qingquan!

"You kid! How can a title be granted so casually?"

Empress Changsun hadn't spoken yet, but Li Shimin glared at her and said unhappily,

"Even if we have to have one, we have to wait until they get married before discussing it, otherwise wouldn’t it be a violation of etiquette? It’s not so easy to get a noblewoman in our Tang Dynasty!"

The royal family generally attaches great importance to the two things of"title" and"rank". If it is not for great contributions, or for blessings to the country, it is generally not granted. After all, once this thing is spoken, it will change a person's status!

If the title is really given to Qingquan, then no one will regard her as a lowly merchant's daughter, but as one of the top noble ladies in the entire Tang Dynasty circle!

The difference between the two can be said to be huge.

Therefore, Li Shimin scolded her, but before he finished speaking, Empress Zhangsun smiled and shook her head, saying:

"Your Majesty, Qingquan is not only Chen'er's wife-to-be, but also a master of tailoring. Take a look at her craftsmanship. How is it?"

As she said this, she handed the wool coat to Li Shimin, pointed at the phoenix pattern on it, and praised:

"Regardless of other things, just talking about these two phoenixes, they are so lifelike, just like the real thing! With such a skillful hand, do you think, can she be arranged a position of a female official in the palace?"

As the person who knows Li Shimin best, Empress Changsun started her lobbying method. Since this is what Xu Chen wants, she will definitely help her son do this.

This is maternal love!

"This... is indeed a skillful hand,……"

After hearing what Empress Changsun said, Li Shimin showed a hint of hesitation on his face. Qingquan's skills were really amazing, and he was unable to refute it all of a sudden. He could only nod and say,

"Well, with her ability, it is indeed more than enough to be a female official. As for the lady of honor... the rank should not be too high."

This is his concession, but it also limits Qingquan's rank. At least, she cannot become a lady of honor of the first rank.

However, for Qingquan, this is already a good thing that has fallen from the sky! For many dukes, only their original wives have the title of lady of honor. Not to mention the concubine, even the successor wife will not have the opportunity to become a lady of honor!

"That's good, come, Qingquan, come to your mother."

Empress Changsun smiled slightly, and immediately gave the order to Qingshou.

"Today, I will confer upon you the title of Lady of Shu County, and you will be appointed to the fifth-rank clothing bureau. If I need anything in the future, I will also ask you to make clothes for me!"

""Thank you, mother."

Qingquan pursed her lips and replied respectfully.

At this time, almost all the noble ladies present looked at her as if they were looking at a lucky person!

Lady of Shu County, third rank!

This is the status second only to the first rank of the state lady, that is to say, Qingquan's status at this time is only slightly lower than the top noble ladies of the Tang Dynasty present!

What's more important is that she also has an actual official position - the Imperial Court of the Shangyi Bureau!

This place is dedicated to making clothes for the emperor and the empress, and the Imperial Court is the highest official position among them, equivalent to one of the bosses!

With this honor and actual position added at the same time, everyone looks at her differently.

This girl is qualified to sit on an equal footing with them!

"Sister Qing, I am a little envious of you!"

Xiao Wu looked at Qingquan with envy and said.

Although she is the daughter of the Duke and the future wife of Xu Chen, she has not yet married at this moment, so naturally she does not have any title. In other words, Qingquan's social status is already higher than hers! If she said she was not envious, it would be a lie, but after all, they are sisters, she is also very happy.

"What are you envious of? You will certainly have your share when the time comes!"

Empress Changsun glanced at Xiao Wu and said with a smile,

"When you pass Chen'er's door, your mother will give you a big gift!"

I don't know why, although Qingquan is more sensible and well-behaved, Empress Changsun likes Xiaowu more for no reason. Maybe it's because of Xiaowu's cheerfulness. Adults naturally like lively, cute and sweet-mouthed children.

So, in her heart, she naturally prefers Xiaowu more. As soon as these words came out, a first-rank lady of the country in the future is inevitable.

Even Li Shimin had no objection to this, because Xu Chen's marquis is a marquis of the country! The country is not destroyed, and the title will last forever. Even some dukes are a little envious of Xu Chen's marquis!

As a marquis of the country, it is naturally no problem for his wife to be paired with a first-rank lady of the imperial edict.

""Hehe, thank you, mother!"

Xiao Wu smiled playfully, and his heart was also happy. Empress Changsun said it was a great gift, so it must be very valuable!

At first glance, the relationship between the mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law seemed to be handled very harmoniously! At this time, Xu Chen also stood up at the right time and said happily:

"Mother, Chen Er gave me sunglasses, perfume, and a wool coat as gifts. Can you say that he has won over everyone?"The three gifts have their own merits. When he said them out now, everyone���They were convinced, and even Princess Xiangcheng looked at her brother with admiration.

It was both innovative and extremely practical. After seeing it, everyone wanted it very much! Whether it was sunglasses, perfume, or wool coats... for these ladies, they were all fatally tempting!

"Of course! Chen'er, you really put so much effort into my mother's birthday. My mother is really happy.……"

Empress Changsun smiled happily, and her eyes were slightly red, obviously moved by Xu Chen.

This adopted son, it's really not in vain, he is really filial!

"What do you think, father?"

Empress Changsun easily handled it. Xu Chen looked at Li Shimin again and asked with a smile.

Old Li, you are a nitpicker. I wonder if you are still nitpicking now? You can't argue anymore, right? Humph!

As expected, Li Shimin could only nod his head and said helplessly:

"You really did surpass the rest, and I can't find any fault with you.……" ps: It turns out that Feilu was hacked. I wrongly blamed the programmer. I hope it can be restored as soon as possible..._

Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection

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