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On the contrary, he was actually quite happy in his heart. From these three gifts, he could fully see the filial piety shown by Xu Chen. He really treated Empress Changsun as his own mother!

This alone was enough to make him feel gratified. After all, the Tang Dynasty was founded on loyalty, benevolence and filial piety. Filial piety is also the foundation of the country!

"Haha, then please ask your mother to wear these three gifts together with Cheng Qian's pair of deerskin boots, okay?"

Xu Chen laughed when he heard Li Shimin's affirmative answer and suggested

"Whether it is good or not, we have to wear it to know what kind of visual effect it will have!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he showed an expectant look on his face, and not only him, Xiao Wu Qingquan, Li Chengqian Li Tai, the royal relatives and even the ladies, all had curious and eager expressions on their faces. If these four things are put together, what kind of chemical reaction will occur? Just by thinking about it in their minds, they are already a little excited, and they wish they could turn into Empress Changsun and try it on themselves!

From ancient times to modern times, loving beauty is the nature of women, and trying on clothes is also their favorite


Empress Changsun was moved when she heard this, and immediately looked at Li Shimin with a questioning look.

It would be impolite to leave and change clothes at such a banquet! Would Li Shimin be unhappy?

Everything was subject to the emperor's will!

""Hmm... I would also like to see what kind of changes you will have after you put on these new things."

Unexpectedly, Li Shimin's face was also filled with a bit of expectation, and he responded with a smile.

His queen was used to being virtuous and kind, and her life was too restrained. Now that there were new things, how could he restrict her?

Besides, he actually wanted to see what the different styles of Empress Changsun would look like.

"Well... OK, I'll go downstairs to change clothes."

Hearing that her husband agreed, Empress Changsun smiled and ordered two palace maids to go with her to the dressing room in the back hall.

Wool coat, sunglasses, perfume, deerskin boots, if you want to get it, get the whole set! It takes a lot of time to dress up carefully.

So, during this period, Li Shimin was also considerate and asked the eunuchs and palace maids to serve food and wine again, and ordered:

"Please wait a moment. I will give you a whole sheep. You can eat it as you like."

As he was speaking, a man came in from outside the palace gate and placed a whole slaughtered sheep in the center of the hall. There were charcoal fire, a big pot, a grill, and a!

This is the rhythm of making the famous palace dish roasted whole!

In the Tang Dynasty, people were not very fond of eating pork, and killing cattle was illegal, so the main source of meat was mutton.

However, they only ate it, not caring how to cook it. Even in the palace, there is only one way to cook mutton, that is, roast the whole sheep! After roasting, add heavy spices. Note that this spice is very thick, at least five centimeters, which can reflect the grade of the royal family!

The consequence of this is that the taste is too heavy, which completely covers up the freshness of the mutton itself, just like eating meat mixed with spices. This will also cause a great burden on the body. Xu Chen has every reason to believe that Li Shimin's high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease are caused by eating this way. With such a heavy taste, it would be strange if he didn't get sick!

""Your Majesty, do you need to sprinkle spices on it to make a roasted whole lamb?"

A strong man knelt on the ground and asked respectfully.

Judging from his accent, he was a grassland man, probably a Turk. They were quite experienced in making lamb, and of course, the taste was heavier.

"Well, you start making it."

Li Shimin licked his lips calmly, his eyes shining slightly, and gave the order.

He was intimidated by Xu Chen these days, so he didn't dare to eat meat. He ate vegetarian food all day long. Today, he finally had a big meat dish, so he naturally wanted to eat it to his heart's content!

After saying this, he secretly glanced at Xu Chen, and seeing that he didn't react, he was relieved.

If this kid dissuaded him, and said something about high blood pressure, ruptured blood vessels, heart disease, etc., then he really had no appetite to eat!

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The strong man pounded his chest, and then he and another person started to light a fire in the center of the hall, and then put the whole sheep on it and started to roast it. The originally cold Taiji Palace suddenly became warm. Under the light of the fire, the aroma of mutton gradually came out, and everyone was salivating. Slowly

, the whole sheep was roasted into a golden color, and drops of mutton fell into the fire, and the aroma overflowed. The Turkic strong man was about to pile the pot of spices on it, but Qingquan frowned slightly and whispered:

"It's a pity to eat such a good sheep. With so many spices piled on it, it's not like eating mutton. Just eat the spices.……"

As a gourmet, she was quite sad about the mutton being wasted, but she could do nothing about it. She couldn't stand up to stop it, could she?

She didn't have the courage and power to do so, but fortunately, her husband did.

Qingquan's voice was neither loud nor soft, and was just heard by Xu Chen. This sentence was exactly the same as what Xu Chen was thinking. This fat sheep should not be wasted!

He stood up and said repeatedly:

"Wait, wait! This is not how you roast a whole lamb.……"

When he stood up, the two Turkish strong men frowned slightly, feeling a little unhappy.

As Turks, they have been eating mutton and beef for generations. They have made roasted whole lamb countless times. How could they not know how to make it? This is simply a humiliation to them!

As hot-tempered Turks, they could not stand such doubts, but when they saw the person who was speaking, they were immediately speechless.

Damn, isn't this the fierce man who destroyed their 200,000-strong Turkish army? Can't afford to offend...

For a moment, they could only stop, stop adding those spices, and listen to Xu Chen's lecture.

Li Shimin saw this and his heart moved slightly, and asked:

"Since ancient times, there have been only a few ways to cook mutton, and the Turks are the best at roasting mutton in the world, so why do you say that?"

This guy, why do you always have different opinions? The key is that most of the time he is right!_Please download the ununderlined version of the novel

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