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Shimin's doubts were also the doubts of most people present. Mutton has always been eaten like this, no problem!

Roast it first, and then add the fragrant spices. In this way, there will be no smell of mutton when eating mutton. As people from the Central Plains, they actually like to cover up that smell.

The Turks, on the other hand, like the smell of mutton very much. Even the men and women who shepherd sheep will carry the smell of mutton all their lives, and they can't wash it off even if they wash their skin!

Moreover, in the Tang Dynasty, spices are a very precious thing. Even ordinary nobles find it difficult to get such good things. Only in the evening banquet of the palace can they have the opportunity to enjoy a feast!

To put it bluntly, their condiments are too scarce. These spices that Xu Chen despises are simply the supreme delicacy in the eyes of the ladies! It's hard to imagine what they would look like if they tasted chicken essence and MSG. Would they dance happily?

Xu Chen had already decided in his heart that he would make this fat mutton into a real delicacy, so that these country bumpkin nobles could see what the Tang Dynasty on the tip of the tongue is like!

He slowly walked to the roasted whole lamb that was cooked to about 60% doneness, tore off a piece of the most tender meat from the lamb, put it in his mouth, and nodded while chewing:

"The ingredients themselves are good, they should be the fattest sheep on the grassland. How can you bear to pile up spices with such good raw materials?"

He has the same food concept as Qingquan. Compared with seasonings, he actually pays more attention to the taste of the ingredients themselves. For example, this roasted whole lamb, in his opinion, can be eaten with relish even without any seasoning.

"The Tang people don't like the smell of grassland sheep, so we……"

The Turkic man looked at Xu Chen, his body trembling slightly, and spoke tremblingly.

In front of Xu Chen, he was like a grandson, and did not dare to have any disrespectful behavior or tone, because the man in front of him was as easy to kill as killing a chicken!

After that battle, almost all Turkic people had an instinctive fear of the word"Xu Chen", and even used his name to replace demons and tigers and wolves to scare disobedient children.

So much so that now, if a child cries, a Turkic woman only needs to shout"Cry again? If you cry again, Xu Chen is coming!", and the child will definitely stop crying and be very well-behaved!

His influence can be seen from this

"Well... this is true, but let's not force it. In fact, we can use other methods to make roasted whole lamb, which can also maximize its flavor."

Hearing this, Xu Chen agreed with the Turkic chef's statement and turned to instruct Eunuch Zhang,

"Please ask eunuch Zhang to get me a soft brush. If you don't have one, an ordinary brush will do."

"Yes, Your Highness."

Eunuch Zhang did not dare to neglect it, and quickly took out a soft brush and asked Xu Chen to use it. Xu Chen was also unambiguous, and directly poked the brand new brush into the roasted whole lamb meat, soaking it back and forth. The golden sheep oil penetrated into the brush, which was extremely greasy, but also fragrant.

"I am going to show you the best way to roast lamb."

Xu Chen said with a faint smile, and threw the brush soaked with mutton fat from the air into the bowl of salt. After stirring it, it immediately brought a lot of salt grains, which stuck to the mutton fat and hair.

Then, he lightly touched the basin of spices like a dragonfly skimming the water, and stopped after a light taste. In this way, the brush was already mixed with mutton fat, salt and spices. The aroma of the mixture of these three alone is enough to make people's appetites grow!

Next, Xu Chen gently brushed the roasted lamb with the brush, leaving a golden mark. He did not hesitate, turned the grill, and baked the side that had been brushed with seasoning until the mark dried and the strong fragrance came. He brushed it again, and another golden mark appeared. After three rounds, the piece of mutton had already turned dark yellow, which meant that the salt and a little spice had been seasoned!

"Well, this piece of meat on the sheep's stomach is already 90% cooked, and the flavor of the seasoning has completely penetrated it. Just cut it off and taste it."

Xu Chen put down the brush, carefully cut off the large piece of fat and tender mutton with a knife, and put it into the food plate that had been prepared long ago. Finally, he poured a small handful of boiling water on it to slightly dilute the saltiness and greasiness.

This action was smooth and flowing, and it was obvious that he was a picnic master! This was indeed the case. In his previous life, Xu Chen was a person who loved outdoor sports and picnics. He especially liked picnics. After a day of playing, he could kill a whole little fat sheep by himself!

At this time, everyone present was starving after seeing Xu Chen's set of techniques, and their minds were full of thoughts about what it tasted like. Especially Li Shimin, his eyes were shining at this time, and he couldn't wait to say:

""Quick, quick! Bring it to me for a taste!"

Even though he was sitting on the stage, he could still smell the aroma, and the aroma was not coming from the spices.

This was definitely a brand new experience! After eating the dishes made by Xue Rengui, he had no doubts about Xu Chen's cooking ability, and he was already craving for it.

That piece of meat on the mutton belly must be his, and no one is allowed to grab it. Whoever grabs it will be in trouble!

But unexpectedly, Xu Chen shook his head, cut off a small piece from the large piece of mutton belly, handed it to Eunuch Zhang, and said seriously:

"You have high blood pressure, so it's not suitable for you to eat such heavy-tasting food. Giving you a piece to taste is enough."

Roasted whole lamb, no matter how light the taste is, it is still roasted whole lamb, and it is also heavy-tasting! And the most taboo for patients with high blood pressure and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases is heavy-tasting food.

Giving you a small piece is already a great favor from Xu Chen!

Li Shimin:"@%……!!!"

"The three words"hypertension" will definitely be a lifelong pain for him, but since Xu Chen said so, what else can he do? He can only watch the big piece of meat being divided by Xu Chen to Xiao Wu Qingquan, Li Chengqian and others, and said angrily:

"What are you waiting for? Hurry up and serve it!"

"Yes, yes!"

Eunuch Zhang was startled and hurriedly sent it up. He was frightened by what Li Shimin said.

He had never been scolded by the emperor like this before...

Li Shimin would not care about him. Looking at the piece of mutton tripe in front of him, he put it into his mouth without thinking... ps: My friends, Feilu seems to be a little normal. Tomorrow I will try to resume the ten thousand word update. I have exploded in the past two days..._

Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection

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