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The freshness of the mutton itself, combined with the salt and the key fragrance of the spices, is already full of fragrance in my mouth. After chewing it a little, the mutton fat overflowed from the meat like juice... I took a bite

, and the meat was full of juice, tender, fat but not greasy, which can be said to be a delicacy on earth!


At this moment, Li Shimin closed his eyes in ecstasy and kept chewing. The more he chewed, the stronger the delicious flavor became. Finally, he swallowed it all in one gulp. Then, a satisfied smile appeared on his face. He immediately looked at Xu Chen and said firmly:

"I want more! Make me another piece, quickly!"

No matter what, even if it's high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, ruptured blood vessels, etc., I don't care, I just want to eat mutton! I repeat, I want to eat mutton!!

This is what Li Shimin wanted at this time. However, facing Li Shimin's firm order, Xu Chen ignored him, but still shook his head and said firmly:

"No! Such heavy-tasting food is not suitable for you. Giving you a small piece is already an exception!"

You have a family history of hypertension and you still don't avoid eating. Are you going to die? This roasted whole lamb must not be given to Li Shimin too much. This is an iron rule!

Eunuch Zhang and others were a little worried when they saw Li Shimin's expression. They dared not disobey His Majesty's request, but His Highness Shen Hou dared to refuse without scruples!

Originally, the two Turkic chefs also wanted to learn Xu Chen's method to make lamb slices for Li Shimin, but before they started, Xu Chen had already swept his eyes over, as if to say: Without my consent, do you dare to move?

The two chefs were directly scared and stood there, not daring to look up. At this time, Xiao Wu Li Chengqian and others were already eating with oil dripping from their mouths:

"Brother Huang, please give me one more piece, it’s not enough for me to eat!"

"Qingque, stop making noise! You are so fat, and you still want to eat? If you want to eat, you should give it to me!"

"Alas, you two boys, can't you give way to your sister? I haven't even had a piece yet, humph!"

Li Tai, Li Chengqian, and Li Lizhi, the three legitimate sons of the emperor, were naturally more unscrupulous at this time. They chewed in their mouths and held them in their hands without caring about their image. Even Li Lizhi, as a girl, let go of her reserve and joined the queue for the food.

People like Li Ke and Princess Xiangcheng were naturally much quieter. They could only stare at the big and wide piece of mutton belly meat, which was divided into smaller and smaller pieces. They swallowed their saliva but did not dare to go up to take it.

In ancient times, people paid great attention to the distinction between the superiors and the inferiors, especially in the royal family, where the hierarchy was even more strict. Although they were all princes and princesses, the legitimate and Being born out of wedlock, the difference in status is huge! When eating, Li Chengqian and others have to grab the food first, and only if there is any leftovers are they eligible to eat.

Otherwise, snatching food from the legitimate prince is a very serious mistake. Being ignored is the lightest punishment, and at worst, he will be sent directly to a desolate place to be a poor prince!

Xu Chen looked at the three unscrupulous little brats who were still fighting there, and then looked at the several younger children behind them, all of whom were looking at him eagerly, but dared not say anything. He suddenly sank a little, slapped Li Tai's greasy fat hand that wanted to reach out, and said seriously:

"You three, stop eating now, go wash your hands!"

Xu Chen shouted, scaring the three children. Li Lizhi, who had always been favored, had never been taught a lesson in such a tone. Her eyes suddenly turned red, and she said with a grievance:

"Why, my brother, I haven't eaten yet, why are you so fierce?……"

Even her most strict teacher, Li Gang, spoke softly to her, not to mention Empress Changsun and Li Shimin, who were obedient to her. How could they yell at her like Xu Chen?

Thinking about it, tears were about to come out. Seeing this, the people around her looked a little nervous. They wanted to comfort her, but they heard Xu Chen scolding again:

"Why are you crying! You haven't eaten enough, but the brothers and sisters behind you haven't eaten yet! As a legitimate prince or princess, don't you have the courtesy to give in? If you want to cry, go outside and don't buzz like a mosquito in front of me, annoying me! Do you hear me?"

These seven or eight-year-old kids are just like sons and daughters to Xu Chen. Since he has become their brother today, he naturally has to educate them well.

As a straight man, he can't stand those spoiled children the most!

""Wuwuwu... I heard it."

Li Lizhi was scolded by Xu Chen again, and she was so scared that she held back her tears and dared not cry anymore. Li Chengqian and Li Tai also showed shame on their faces.

Yes, they were only concerned about eating, but did not consider the feelings of Li Ke and others. It was too selfish to do so.

The three children, at this time, distributed the untouched pieces of mutton on their plates to their younger brothers and sisters, and Li Ke and others also thanked them repeatedly. The atmosphere between brothers and sisters obviously became more harmonious.

The rest of the people looked at this scene with surprise and admiration on their faces. I'm afraid Xu Chen is the only one in the world who dares to teach the princes and princesses like this? He really has some of the majesty of the eldest prince or even the crown prince! Even Li Shimin's face showed a look of relief. He and his brothers killed each other, so he hated the brothers' quarrels the most. Now with Xu Chen here, these princes are obviously more harmonious.

This is exactly what he wants to see the most.

"Well, go ahead and wash your hands first. You look so greasy."

Xu Chen urged twice, then smiled and said,

"If you are not full, it's your fault���Good luck! There are more delicious things waiting for you later!"

Hearing these words, the three children who had been getting up slowly and reluctantly, now showed joy on their faces, and hurriedly left the Taiji Palace to wash their hands, their minds full of thoughts were all about the"more delicious" things that Xu Chen mentioned.

As for the scolding, no one took it to heart, because they had already recognized Xu Chen's identity as their brother from the bottom of their hearts, and being scolded by their brother was no big deal!

And the others who heard Xu Chen's words, especially Li Shimin, also showed expectations in their eyes, licked their lips, and asked repeatedly:

"Chen'er, don't keep me in suspense. What is the more delicious thing you mentioned? Can it?" ps: Today's new chapter has been swallowed, so I can only post it again. I will post one chapter and see if the previous one will come back tomorrow..._

Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection

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