"Ah...oh, oh."

Li Shimin was awakened by Empress Changsun's call. He realized his own loss of composure and blushed. He changed the subject repeatedly to cover it up.

"Well, not bad, not bad. I look very good overall. How does the Queen feel?"

He wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth inadvertently, and his movements were so fast that almost no one noticed.

The emperor of the Tang Dynasty actually drooled in public. If this was discovered, wouldn't it be a laughing stock and too embarrassing!

Empress Changsun didn't pay attention to this detail. Instead, she twisted her body and smiled:

"Chen'er's wool coat is very warm and very light to wear. It feels much better than those furs and animal skins. Gao Ming's deerskin boots don't freeze my feet at all. I feel warm when I wear them."

Wool and deerskin are the best warm-keeping products. They are much more practical than the so-called bear skin and tiger skin. There are countless sheep and elk in the world, but tigers and bears are not so easy to hunt.

Don't you see, an ordinary broken tiger skin is worth twenty taels of gold, and if it is a complete and high-quality tiger skin, it is one hundred taels of gold, which is also priceless! Li Shimin, who is relatively frugal, doesn't even have a tiger skin coat.

Therefore, the wool coat with excellent warmth-keeping effect is naturally favored by Empress Changsun. Now she is wearing it on her body and is a little reluctant to take it off.

This kind of comfortable feeling, no matter who has experienced it, will love it. It can be foreseen that Empress Changsun will wear this wool coat for a long time in the future. It is definitely a weapon for winter!

"Oh? The effect is so good, it really is warm and not cold at all?"

Li Shimin heard this, and a trace of surprise appeared on his face again.

He originally thought that this wool coat was just beautiful. While pursuing beauty, some things must be sacrificed, such as warmth. After all, this coat looks quite thin.

He didn't expect that it is so practical! It is really rare to be beautiful and keep warm at the same time. At this moment, even he is a little envious.

To be honest, he also needs such clothes!

"Of course, wool itself is good for keeping warm, and designing it to look good is just the icing on the cake, so I won't lose sight of the main point."

Xu Chen nodded and explained with a matter-of-fact expression.

"Among wool products, there is a more refined one, called cashmere sweater. A thin layer of cashmere is enough to keep out the cold, and the effect is even better."

When wool processing matures and people all over the world can use it, he will take the route of fine products, upgrade and expand the industry, and making cashmere sweaters is one of the ideas.

"That's good, that's good... I didn't expect you to be so pragmatic, not bad."

Li Shimin nodded with satisfaction. Beautiful things are good, but for the current Tang Dynasty, it is more commendable to focus on practical results. At this point, he actually felt a little itchy in his heart, and hinted,

"Actually... ahem, my birthday is not too far from the Queen's. I counted on my fingers and it seems to be coming soon. Alas, this is the first birthday since I ascended the throne. I want to make it grand, but I don't want to be extravagant. This is really a headache.……"

As he said this, he also cast a look at Xu Chen, as if to say"You know".

Well, this is no longer a hint, this is a direct indication!

In response, Xu Chen looked as if he didn't understand, and nodded repeatedly, following Li Shimin's words:

"Yes, yes, it is indeed a headache, and the emperor still has to worry about it."

You want me to reply? No way! I don't have the time to organize a birthday party for you!

Li Shimin:"……"

Seeing that Xu Chen was unwilling to answer, Comrade Li Er's face looked a little unhappy for a moment. He snorted coldly and ordered:

"All right! After a long time of tossing and turning, the gift-giving part is almost over. Chengqian is thoughtful, so I will give you your favorite imperial horse. I had a great time today, but now I am a little tired, so let's adjourn now!"

We have eaten what we should eat, drank what we should drink, said what we should show, and have gone through all the procedures. At this time, the dinner has indeed come to an end.

However, even Li Chengqian, the kid, was praised and rewarded, but Xu Chen, who made the greatest contribution to the dinner, got nothing, let alone a reward, not even a verbal compliment.

This made the eyes of the noble ladies looking at Xu Chen have a little more.

It seems that His Majesty does not absolutely favor Xu Chen. The three gifts given by Xu Chen today can be said to be overwhelming and admired by everyone. With such effort, he did not get any reward at all?

This, in their view, is definitely an important message, at least it shows that the relationship between Xu Chen and Li Shimin may not be as good as imagined!

"Thank you, father."

Li Chengqian was naturally happy to receive the reward, and bowed respectfully to Li Shimin.

But then, he was a little confused, why didn't the father reward his brother? With this doubt, Li Chengqian looked at Xu Chen, but saw Xu Chen blinked at him, signaling him not to speak. The smart Li Chengqian naturally understood, packed up his things, and returned to his bedroom with his brothers and sisters.

At this time, Empress Changsun also felt that the atmosphere was a little wrong. She was about to call Xu Chen to give him a reward, but she remembered the conversation with Li���The bet between the people - will Xu Chen ask for a reward himself?

Thinking of this, she could only stop and look at Xu Chen and Xiao Wu and Qing Quan without saying a word.

This child is really so patient.

People in the hall left one after another, and slowly, it became deserted and empty. Xu Chen also looked normal, straightened his clothes, and bowed to Empress Changsun and Li Shimin with his two wives, and said calmly:

""Father, Your Majesty, Mother, I will take my leave."

Qingquan and Xiaowu bowed again. After the three of them finished their greetings, they actually had no intention of stopping and walked directly to the door with big strides, which made Li Shimin's eyes twitch.

Could it be that he was going to lose the bet again this time? This kid didn't play by the rules!

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