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Seeing Xu Chen and the two girls about to leave Taiji Palace, Li Shimin could only helplessly call out:

""Wait a minute! I still have something to tell you!"

Why doesn't this kid do things according to his own ideas every time? This is really a headache!

Upon hearing this, Empress Changsun smiled immediately. It seems that she won the bet this time. Chen Er did not let her down!

"Hmm? Old Li, what else do you want to say?"

Xu Chen turned around and asked with some confusion.

Now that most people had left and there were no outsiders present, Xu Chen naturally didn't need to call him father, and it was more intimate to call him Old Li.


Li Shimin looked at Xu Chen's expression and saw that it didn't seem fake. The breath in his heart suddenly deflated like a ball. He said speechlessly,

"I didn't give you any reward, why don't you ask me for it?"

He couldn't figure it out. With Xu Chen's character, he has always been unwilling to suffer losses. Logically speaking, he should ask him for a reward.

Could it be that this kid has changed his temper now?


Xu Chen was slightly stunned, and then he said seriously,

"Why do you want a reward? It's natural for a son to give his mother a birthday present on her birthday. I gave my mother a present but never thought about asking for anything in return."

Some of these words were said deliberately for Li Shimin to hear, but most of them were his true thoughts. As a son, giving his mother a gift, should he ask her for a red envelope?

If there is, it is the mother's courtesy. If there is no red envelope, it is also normal. Regarding this point, Xu Chen said that he didn't care at all.

But the speaker did not mean it, but the listener took it to heart. After hearing what Xu Chen said, Empress Changsun was moved beyond words. At this time, her eyes were slightly red, and she murmured softly:

"Good son, my dear son……"

During this period, she had always treated Xu Chen as her own son, and Xu Chen treated her as well as his own mother, which naturally made her feel warm in her heart.

Although Xu Chen's words today were very plain, they were very real, and Li Shimin and Empress Changsun were slightly moved.

What a filial son! With such a son, what else could a husband ask for?

"You... if you were my own child, how wonderful it would be……"

Li Shimin murmured in a low voice. He looked at Xu Chen at this time, and the more he looked at him, the more he liked him. He couldn't help but compare him with himself, and suddenly felt...

No matter which aspect, Xu Chen was more outstanding than himself. Even if there were some shortcomings in some details, it was harmless and was completely overshadowed by his great advantages.

If such a young man was really his biological son, he would never hesitate. Even if he was born out of wedlock, he would make him the crown prince! It's just a pity that the adopted son is just that, and this world, after all, belongs to the Li family. He can't do abdication or something.

However, if Xu Chen really has great achievements and benefits the people in the future, then he can consider making an exception and giving him a king with a different surname. Of course

, what he didn't expect was that the adopted son in front of him was his biological son! The"eldest prince" that the Baiqi Division is now desperately tracking down outside the city of Chang'an is actually far away and close at hand.

"Chen'er, don't be offended, I just made a bet with your father."

Empress Changsun saw that Li Shimin was lost in thought and quickly took over the conversation and comforted him,

"My dear, you really didn't ask for a reward, but even if you didn't ask, your mother would never refuse to give it to you. Tell me, what reward do you want? As long as your mother has it, I will give it to you."

At this time, Empress Changsun was doting on Xu Chen. She had so many rare treasures, and the words"all for you" showed her unique motherly love for Xu Chen.

"Yes, although I lost this time, I lost happily. You are indeed qualified to choose the reward."

Li Shimin also sighed and agreed.

Whether it was the three unique gifts sent by Xu Chen today or the words just now, they were enough to prove his filial piety!

The founding of the Tang Dynasty valued loyalty and filial piety the most, and Li Shimin also valued this, so he naturally thought that Xu Chen should be rewarded.

However, for such a promise, Xu Chen shook his head and chuckled:

"From the moment I came into this world, I have never lacked anything. I will fight for everything I want, so I am not interested in material rewards, but... I do have a request now, and I hope my mother can agree to it."

He really looked down on the so-called"treasures" in the palace, such as jade and porcelain. What's the use of those things? They are not as practical as a pig's trotter! What he wants most now is to get the right to host the Queen's birthday ceremony tomorrow, and turn it into an auction!

"Just tell me, as long as I can do it."

Empress Chang Sun replied immediately, without any ambiguity.

As long as her son wanted something, even if it was the stars in the sky, she would find a way to get it down. Yes, she doted on him like that!

"It's like this... I made a batch of sweaters and perfumes of different styles, and I want to auction them among the noble ladies in Chang'an City."

Xu Chen hesitated for a moment before explaining,

"Now the Clothing Department, Grain Department and even the Datang Research Institute need too much money, and the treasury is empty now, so there will definitely be no funding. I can only rely on myself to find a way to raise money, so……"

As he said this, he glanced at Li Shimin, which made Comrade Li Er blush and feel a little embarrassed.

The treasury was empty, and the following projects could not be���As an emperor, he also has a great responsibility! Xu Chen has to raise money himself. Being such a high official is really a thankless job.

"Auction? Is this... okay?"

Empress Changsun frowned slightly, then turned to look at Li Shimin and asked,

"Your Majesty, if Chen'er wants to do this, is it in accordance with etiquette?"

The Queen's birthday is actually a serious matter. If it is followed by an auction, it will have the smell of money, wouldn't it be despised by others?

Regarding this point, Li Shimin also frowned, pondered for a long time, and then shook his head and said:

"If we simply hold an auction, it is obviously not in line with etiquette. The Tang Dynasty wants to suppress the development of merchants. Otherwise, everyone will do business, and who will farm? This trend cannot be allowed to continue in our royal family."

"At least, we need to change the way we do things and the name we use.……" ps: If nothing unexpected happens, I will resume updating more than 10,000 words tomorrow. My subscriptions have almost dropped in the past two days. My heart aches! _Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection

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