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The reason is just as Li Shimin said, if all the people in the world go to farm, there is still not enough food to eat! There are also people who become businessmen. They don’t engage in production but can be rich. Who doesn’t envy them?

If businessmen have money and social status, wouldn’t everyone flock to them and want to do business? In this way, productivity can’t keep up, so there is nothing wrong with the ranking of the status of"scholars, farmers, merchants and artisans".

Therefore, it is very difficult for Xu Chen to hold a commercial auction on the birthday of Empress Changsun. At least those sour Confucian scholars and remonstrators are the first to disagree!

"That's right, so what I want to do is not an ordinary auction, but a charity auction!"

Xu Chen had expected Li Shimin's answer and said with a smile

"Charity auction? What is that? This term sounds quite new."

Li Shimin's eyes slightly stern, and he asked with some curiosity.

This kid, could it be that he really has a solution?

"Charity, as the name suggests, is a kind act of kindness. What is the purpose of holding this auction? It is not for my own money, but for the funds of the three major institutions! What is the purpose of these funds? Isn't it for the people of the world?"

Xu Chen took out a serious look at this time and explained seriously,

"So this money was raised, and it benefited everyone in the end! Are you asking where the money is needed? Then I have to tell you, it costs money to open a wool processing factory? It costs money to smelt iron, right? Transportation costs money, hundreds of mouths in the research institute need to be fed, consumables are needed for experiments... and so on. How can we start all this without money? Can we use love to influence people?"

People are realistic. Who will work for you if you don't have money? Who will buy your life if you are hungry? It is undeniable that there are indeed a group of people in this world who have lofty ideals and are willing to work hard without money. They eat grass and squeeze milk, but what about most people? Don't they have to support their families?

Doing anything costs money! The three new institutions opened by the Tang Dynasty are three gold-eating beasts. If you want to get it started, you must add money to it all the time, add money, and add money again!

Who will pay for this money? Li Shimin? Can Li Shimin afford it? Only Xu Chen can handle it.

And this charity auction is his initial idea, to bring"fine wool products"、"perfume"、"Sunglasses" and a series of other products were made into Tang Dynasty-style luxury goods to attract noble ladies to buy them, and then the money they paid was used to fund the three major institutions. As a middleman, Xu Chen did not make any profit from the price difference.

This is what it means to be wholeheartedly for the country!

"I understand, this is not a business, it is a great act of kindness that benefits millions of people in our Tang Dynasty!"

After listening to Xu Chen's words, Li Shimin couldn't help but shook his head and sighed,

"Chen'er, thank you for your hard work for our Tang Dynasty.……"

He said this from the bottom of his heart. There is a saying that the problems that can be solved with money in this world are not problems, the problem is how to get money?

Especially after it rises to the national level, tens of millions of dollars thrown in are still a drop in the bucket! Don't look at the fact that he gave 300,000 taels of silver, but this is not enough to build garment factories across the country!

When Xu Chen reported the series of places where money needed to be spent, Li Shimin also deeply realized that what he gave Xu Chen was not power over the world, but a heavy burden, a heavy burden that even he could not handle!

"These are nothing. As long as the productivity of the Tang Dynasty can be improved, the people can have enough food and live and work in peace, that's fine. It doesn't matter if I work harder."

Xu Chen said casually. His tone was very calm, but it revealed a sense of determination.

Since he came to the Tang Dynasty and had such a good system, he couldn't just watch the people in dire straits and remain indifferent, right? Even in the 21st century, there are still a large number of poor households, let alone in ancient times?

He could choose to be a salted fish-like king, general, and minister, with no worries about food and clothing for his whole life, make some small inventions, and make some fresh dishes, and his life could be very moist; he could also choose to be a wealthy businessman and live a luxurious life.

But isn't this too wasteful? Since God made him come to the Tang Dynasty and gave him a system, he felt that the people on this land needed him to save!

With one person's strength, he can benefit the world!

"Ding! The host has achieved the achievement - great ideals! Achievement explanation: Some people's ideals are lighter than a feather, while some people's ideals are heavier than Mount Tai. The system is very happy that the host can have a broad mind, so it gives this achievement. I hope the host will continue to work hard and change the Tang Dynasty!"

"Achievement Reward: Genetic modification, the host will receive the baptism of the highest technology, gain a long life, and be immune to all poisons."

A voice sounded in Xu Chen's mind, and suddenly, he seemed to feel a tremor in the depths of his soul!

All over his body, it seemed that all organs and cells had some subtle changes, but he couldn't feel where they had changed. He just felt that he seemed to be more energetic, even the Ten Women of the Sun were no problem!

"Oh my god, a long life? System, you are really awesome!"

Xu Chen couldn't help but feel a little excited after hearing what the system said, secretly praising it, this system is really good, it has everything, and it doesn't issue a lot of miscellaneous tasks, and it can also have such a heaven-defying function.

In the system world, this is definitely a breath of fresh air!

"Good! I am very pleased that you have such ambitions. What our Tang Dynasty lacks is people like you!"

Li Shimin looked at Xu Chen, and he even admired this kid a little in his heart. He made the decision directly.

"I agree! Tomorrow is the Queen's birthday, you can join the charity auction, and you will be in charge of all matters. Just one thing, don't make any mistakes for me."It has come to this point, if he still doesn't agree, it really doesn't make sense.

Empress Changsun also smiled and nodded, praising:

"Du Yichen'er, tomorrow I will wear the same outfit as today to promote you, so that you can sell better and get more money."

She is going to stand up for Xu Chen and become his image spokesperson!_Please download the ununderlined version of the novel

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