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"If that is possible, it would be great. With my mother as my image spokesperson, the business of this auction will surely be booming!"

Xu Chen grinned. This is what he was waiting for.

The Queen is the leader of women in the world. Her clothes will surely become a trend in the circle of noble ladies in the Tang Dynasty!

In fact, from the eyes of those noble ladies today, it can be seen that they are also very eager to get those things. If you tell them now that as long as they have money, they can buy them and be as fashionable as the Queen, guess how crazy these beauty-loving women will be?

At this time, Xu Chen was already demonstrating the grand occasion of tomorrow in his mind.

"Well, as long as Chen'er is happy, that's all."Empress Changsun also smiled. She was very happy to be able to help her son. What's more, this was related to the country and society of the entire Tang Dynasty, and it was a great thing that would benefit the people of the world. Not to mention going out for a fashion show, even if she had to sunbathe for a day, she would not have the slightest complaint.

This was a truly virtuous and good queen!

"Everyone knows your prestige and power, but who knows how you have managed to survive so hard?"

Li Shimin looked at Xu Chen, who looked calm, and sighed more in his heart. He promised,

"Chen'er, you do your best. If you encounter any difficulties, please come and tell me. Whether it is financial or other support, I will do my best to help you as long as I can."

That day, Xu Chen was awarded the title of Marquis of God in the court, and was given the titles of General Manager of the Garment Department and Minister of Grain. In an instant, he directly grasped the lifeline of the Tang Dynasty! Who wouldn't envy him? Who wouldn't say"power over the world" behind his back?

But what's behind this? The burden of food and clothing for all the people in the entire Tang Dynasty was shouldered by Xu Chen alone!

Before, Li Shimin had never investigated it in depth, but just delegated power, but now he suddenly thought about it from a different perspective. If he were Xu Chen, how would he use this power? It was so painful to think about it, he couldn't think of how to use these three engines of the Tang Dynasty. It was too difficult, really too difficult!

Thinking of this, Li Shimin felt a little distressed and a little admired. He felt sorry for this young man who was only 14 years old and shouldered the burden of the world, and he admired that such a heavy burden seemed very easy in Xu Chen's eyes.

With such ability and talent, he is really a great man of the time!

"Don't worry, everything is under my control, there is no problem."

Xu Chen said with a smile, not taking it seriously at all.

As long as there is a system, plus his smart brain, these are not difficult problems! He then said:

"It's getting late, so I'll take my leave now. I still need to plan tomorrow's activities."

An auction can't be held just like that. All the processes must be designed in advance to achieve the best results. He even wants to inform the nobles now: You must bring enough money tomorrow. We are a small business and we don't accept credit!

"Well, go ahead,"

Li Shimin nodded. It was already the end of the night, nine o'clock in the evening. For them, it was indeed late and it was time to go back to bed.

Xiao Wu and Qing Quan also bowed respectfully to the emperor and empress, and then retreated with Xu Chen. Only Changsun Huang Shimin and two others were left in the Taiji Palace.

"Guanyin, what do you think of Xu Chen?……"

Li Shimin looked at Xu Chen walking away, his expression complicated, and said,

"Alas, why can't I give birth to such a good son!"

If Xu Chen was his son, even if he died on the spot, he wouldn't have to worry about no one inheriting the Tang Dynasty!

However, at this time, Empress Changsun was staring at Xu Chen's departing back, in a daze, until Li Shimin patted her, she came back to her senses

"What's wrong?"

Li Shimin asked in confusion. It was rare for the queen not to listen to him seriously.……

"It’s okay… I’m just a little confused as to why Chen’er also has a mole on the back of her neck, and that mole seems to be exactly the same as Dalang’s."

Empress Changsun hesitated and said immediately.

Is there really such a coincidence in the world?

"What did you say?"

Li Shimin's expression was stern, and he asked repeatedly,

"It's been more than ten years, how can you still remember it so clearly?"

These words coming from Empress Changsun shocked Li Shimin.

"Your Majesty, what are you talking about? That was a piece of flesh that fell from my body. How could I not remember it clearly?"

Empress Changsun looked at Li Shimin with some resentment and said softly,

"This Chen'er has many similarities with Dalang, whether it is appearance, age or anything else, they are so similar. I have been watching him these days, and sometimes, I really have the illusion that he is our Dalang.……"

Mother and son have a close relationship, this is not just a casual remark, she can clearly feel the close relationship between Xu Chen and her, but this matter is of great importance, and she cannot make a conclusion based on her feelings alone.

"He looks like me, and has a mole exactly like Dalang's. He has a strange background, seems to have no father or mother, and lives in the suburbs of Chang'an City.……"

Li Shimin murmured, and his mind was shaken with every word he said. By the end, he was so excited that he ordered:

"Pass the order! Let the Hundred Cavalry Division send out all its troops to find out the origins of the Divine Marquis Xu Chen! At the same time, let Li Jun continue to search for the whereabouts of the eldest prince. If necessary... the two can work together to search!"

This is a serious matter, and it cannot be confirmed by random guesses! It must be done!���He had to get to the bottom of it and make a conclusion!

After all, this was a major event related to the successor of the entire Tang Empire. There could be no mistakes or errors. Even if there was only one detail that didn't match, he would never be sure!

After he passed down this order, the Hundred Cavalry Division had something to do again.……

"Well, Your Majesty, don't think about it for now. I didn't just say it casually."

Empress Changsun yawned, stretched, stood up and said,

"I will take my leave, and please rest early, Your Majesty."

She stood up, and with the wool coat, she stood in front of Li Shimin, which made Comrade Li Er's eyes go straight, and he immediately threw Xu Chen's matter out of his mind, grabbed Empress Changsun's hand, and said with a smile:

"My queen, where are you going? Today, you can sleep with me in this Taiji Palace! Try to give Gao Ming and Qing Que another brother!"

This queen with a different style, he is really itchy and wants to try it!

While you are young, it would be great to have a few more princes and princesses._Fei

Lu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection

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