Another poisonous arrow flew through the air, and this time the target was still Li Shimin!


Xu Chen cursed angrily. He didn't have time to think too much at this moment. He was still a few steps away from Li Yuanji. His long sword couldn't kill him. He was anxious and threw the golden dart in his hand fiercely.


The golden dart spun in the air and passed through Li Yuanji's neck, just like a knife slashing on tofu, without any stagnation.

A thin red line appeared on Li Yuanji's neck. He suddenly widened his eyes and laughed miserably intermittently:

"Second brother, the three of us are going to reunite down there...hahaha, hahahaha……"

Before he finished speaking, his head had already slipped off his neck, and with a thud, it landed on the ground, stirring up a cloud of dust.

Crown Prince Li Jiancheng and Prince of Qi Li Yuanji were all killed! The three thousand guards were in a state of panic, not knowing what to do.

Everyone looked at Xu Chen, who looked like a god of war, but Xu Chen turned his head suddenly and shouted:

""Be careful of the poison arrow!"

However, this shout was a little late. Li Yuanji was an expert in horseback archery. He had used up all his life's strength in this arrow, and with infinite hatred and anger, he vowed to kill Li Shimin!

"Your Highness, be careful!"

At the critical moment, Yuchi Gong was the first to react and rushed towards Li Shimin. The poison arrow pierced his arm directly and also penetrated into Li Shimin's armor and clothing.

In the end, the fatal arrow with great penetrating power penetrated an inch into Li Shimin's heart!

If it weren't for Yuchi Gong's strong arm, I'm afraid he would be pierced through the heart and died on the spot!


Li Shimin felt his chest tighten suddenly, as if being bitten by a poisonous snake. He roared and pulled the poison arrow out of Yuchi Gong's arm!

A few strands of green blood immediately flowed out of the one-inch wound on his chest, and a bloody hole was also pierced on Yuchi Gong's left arm, and blood gushed out.

""Yuchi, how are you?"

Li Shimin asked nervously. He had been through many battles and had countless wounds of varying sizes. He didn't take it seriously, but Yuchi Gong's arm was pierced, which was a serious injury.

If he was not treated in time, he might lose his entire arm.

"Your Highness, the important matter is important, I will be fine!"

Yuchi Gong tore off a piece of cloth from his clothes and bandaged the wound to stop the bleeding. He picked up the horse lance again and swept it towards the three thousand guards, shouting:

"The Crown Prince Qi Wang defied the will of heaven and has been killed by the gods! Why don't you take off your armor quickly!"

His shout shook the nine heavens, and the three thousand guards looked at each other in bewilderment, at a loss.

It seemed... that was indeed the truth?

"This this……"

"We are willing to be ordered by the general!"

After hesitating for a while, the guards saw the bodies of the crown prince and the king of Qi not far away, as well as the majestic god of war walking towards the king of Qin, and finally surrendered.

Now that the crown prince and the king of Qi are dead, Li Shimin is the only legitimate son left. I am afraid that he will ascend the throne soon and become emperor. It is meaningless to resist now.

At this time, Xu Chen also untied his helmet, walked in front of Li Shimin and Yuchi Gong, looked at the two of them, and frowned slightly.

His actions made Li Shimin a little uneasy.

""I wonder why the general frowned?"

Li Shimin asked carefully, fearing that he would offend Xu Chen.

He had just seen the power of the general with his own eyes, so he must not offend him!

Even Yuchi Gong's momentum weakened. He was a fierce tiger just now, but now he became a docile sheep in front of Xu Chen.

"Yuchi, your arm can no longer be used. Cut it off yourself later."

Xu Chen used the system to check the injuries of the two people and then said,

"The poison on this arrow is extraordinary and extremely strong. After 24 hours, the poison will spread throughout the body, and your life will be in danger."

This sentence was like a bolt from the blue, hitting Yuchi Gong.


He smiled bitterly and nodded. As an unrivaled warrior on the battlefield, he knew how important his right hand was to him.

If this arm was disabled, he would never be able to command troops and charge into battle again.

However, for Li Shimin, this arrow was worth it!

"As for your injury……"

Xu Chen checked again and said hesitantly.

Although his system is powerful, it is not so powerful in the field of medicine. He still needs to keep exploring.

Although Li Shimin was injured, he was relieved after all. Now it seems that there is no big problem.

""General, how is His Highness' injury?"

Yuchi Gong said nervously. It didn't matter if he broke an arm, but Li Shimin couldn't let anything go wrong.

The soldiers and generals of the Qin Palace all looked at Xu Chen nervously, while Li Shimin himself had a burning gaze, and it was unknown what he was thinking.

" shouldn't be a big deal."

Xu Chen, the barefoot doctor, could only make the following judgment:

"That's good, that's good……"

When everyone heard this, they all breathed a sigh of relief and smiled, as if they had been reborn. They had thought that the situation was doomed to fail, but it was actually saved. It was like a dream!

""God, are you really sent by God to save me?"

Li Shimin stared at Xu Chen and asked a question that everyone wanted to know.

Even the guards not far away pricked up their ears, wanting to hear more clearly.

"There is no such thing as someone sent by God. I am a human, okay?"

Xu Chen looked at the hopeful eyes of the crowd and said with a smile,

"I was watching the battle on the top of the Imperial City just now. I jumped down to help you when I saw you were in trouble. If you really can't understand, just think of me as a martial arts master with good Qinggong skills!"

It was too profound. He was afraid that these ancient people would not understand. He couldn't say that I used composite metal materials as protection. According to Newton's classical mechanics, the force was removed at the moment of landing, so that I would not fall to death, right?

This made him dizzy.

""A martial arts master?"

Li Shimin was a little disappointed. Compared to this answer, he hoped that Xu Chen was a messenger sent by heaven.

Then, if he inherited the throne, wouldn't it be"in accordance with the will of heaven"?!

But this is not bad either. If he is not a god, then he must be a human being, and he can use him...

Maybe, the person in front of him will become a legend in the history of the Tang Dynasty under his rule!

Thinking of this, Li Er's heart immediately became active. He stared at Xu Chen as if he was looking at a rare treasure, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

"Ahem, Yuchi, why don't you hurry into the palace to protect the emperor!"

Xu Chen avoided Li Shimin's gaze, coughed twice, and said meaningfully to Yuchi Gong,

"The Crown Prince and the Prince of Qi are in rebellion. It is so critical that the Emperor cannot be left without someone to protect him!"

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