
Yuchi Gong immediately understood, with a gleam in his eyes. He incorporated the 3,000 guards into his own army and divided them into two groups. One group followed him into the palace to"protect the emperor", and the other group was sent to attack the East Palace.

At this moment, Li Shimin's people were active in various parts of the imperial city. Once the Xuanwu Gate was taken, it would be time to launch a general attack!

The two teams left in two different directions. Outside the Xuanwu Gate, only one or two hundred soldiers were left, and there were corpses all over the ground. The blood had already gathered into a river.

However, no one cared about these. For them who had been in battle for a long time, this scene was already commonplace.

"The situation was urgent just now, and I had no time to talk. I haven't heard of you, little brother. What's your name?"

Li Shimin waved his hand and ordered his soldiers to clean up the battlefield. The matter was settled, and he regained his composure. He bowed and smiled.

At this moment, he was not the powerful Emperor Taizong of Tang, and he still had some martial arts and battlefield spirit on him. He started to call each other brothers without saying a few words.

"Little brother, your head……"

Xu Chen muttered to himself, although he was a time traveler and had no relationship with Li Er in essence, he was his biological son by blood! He felt a little uncomfortable being called a little brother.

"My name is Xu Chen, a country bumpkin with no family background."

Xu Chen said frankly.

He started wandering when he was four or five years old, wandering all the way from Taiyuan to Chang'an, and settled in a village outside the city. He grew up eating at many families' homes, and could be said to be a very standard country bumpkin. In the Tang Dynasty, he was commonly known as"Tian She Weng"."

"Oh? My dear brother, you are not from a noble family?"

Li Shimin was a little surprised. He looked Xu Chen up and down again and asked in confusion,

"My dear brother, your martial arts are so strong, could it be that you have been taught by a master?"

Let alone the extremely strong martial arts, even with this golden armor, he would not believe that this guy is a country boy!

Even if it is a royal family, it is not easy to create such a set of equipment, right?

"No... uh, my master has passed away. The golden armor I wear was passed down by my ancestor. It has been hundreds of years."

Xu Chen was about to deny it, but changed his mind and agreed.

With a fictitious master and sect, everything seems much easier to explain. After all, the ancients were superstitious and could just explain away all unreasonable things.

"So that's how it is. I guess my brother's master must be an ancient immortal sect, which can cultivate such a genius."

Li Shimin sighed and turned on the dog-licking mode, and started to flatter. It was really comfortable to flatter.

He paused for a moment, his eyes sparkled, and he looked at Xu Chen and said earnestly,

"My dear brother, you have helped me accomplish great things today, and you have also killed the crown prince and the king of Qi. This is a great achievement! I just said that whoever kills the crown prince will be granted the title of Marquis of the State!"

"I, Li Shimin, will now confer upon you the title of……"

"Hey, wait a minute!"

Before Li Er finished speaking, Xu Chen shrugged and smiled, pointed in the direction of Taiji Palace, and said,

"You haven't become the emperor yet, so it's useless to be given the title. Let's talk about it after you ascend the throne. If there's nothing else, I'll leave first. See you later."

Originally, he was planning to come and watch the show today. If Li Shimin hadn't encountered a life-and-death crisis, he would not have bothered to come down and show up.

Being a village man in the village, making sure the villagers have enough to eat, warm clothes, running water, and light bulbs... cough, I'm getting off topic.

Anyway, this is what he likes. The court is too complicated, and he doesn't want to get involved in this muddy water for the time being.

After saying that, he put away the golden sword and dart in his hand, and before Li Shimin could react, he had already jumped a few times and disappeared outside the palace wall.

"Hey, my dear brother, my dear brother!"

Li Shimin was anxious to catch up, but his chest suddenly twitched. He squatted down in pain, and after a short pause, he looked up again. Wherever he looked, there was no trace of Xu Chen.

"There is such a strange man in the world……"

He murmured a few words, thinking back to the scene just now. He seemed to have an inexplicable familiarity with Xu Chen. The face appeared in his mind, and he felt a palpitation.

Could it be that he had seen this person before? Impossible, how could he have no impression of him at all?

Shaking his head, Li Shimin stopped thinking about it. Now was a critical moment, and he could not afford to be distracted. With a shake of his momentum, he became the invincible Prince Qin again, calmly giving orders:

"Pass the order down, instructing Zhangsun Wuji, Hou Junji and others to control all parts of the palace, and Qin Qiong and Cheng Yaojin to attack the East Palace and Wude Hall!"

"In addition, he said that he had received a secret order from the emperor to deploy the sixteen guards on the left and right to maintain the stability of Chang'an City and not to disturb the people. If there was a mutiny, it would be suppressed immediately!"

"I will personally go to the palace to see the emperor!"

With his command, all the soldiers and horses of the Qin Palace were immediately mobilized, and everything was done in an orderly manner, and the entire Chang'an City was under his control!

At the same time, Yuchi Gong, covered in blood, had already entered the Taiji Palace, holding a long knife in his hand, and rushed to Li Yuan!

At this moment, Li Yuan was still playing chess with Pei Ji. Although he felt something in his heart, when he saw the aggressive Yuchi Gong, his hands trembled and the chess piece fell. He barely calmed down and said:

"I heard the shouts of killing outside the door... Who is the one who is causing chaos today? Why are you here, my dear?"

Pei Ji and Xiao Yu beside him were also frightened by Yuchi Gong's murderous aura. They didn't even dare to breathe.

"The Crown Prince and the King of Qi conspired to rebel and mobilized 5,000 guards to Xuanwu Gate. Fortunately, His Royal Highness the King of Qin noticed it and led troops to suppress it. The Crown Prince and the King of Qi were both killed! His Royal Highness was worried about your safety and sent me to the palace to protect you."

Yuchi Gong looked directly at Li Yuan, not blushing at all for telling lies, and said with full energy


Li Yuan showed a trace of anger and regret in his eyes, but facing Yuchi Gong's forcing him to abdicate, he had no idea what to do. He looked at Pei Ji and asked,

"Things have developed to this point, what should I do?"

He really didn't expect that this would be the result. The sentence kept circling in his mind:

The crown prince and the king of Qi were all killed!

Two sons, just gone like this?

"I think the prince, the King of Qi, was jealous of the King of Qin's achievements, so he planned a conspiracy and took the lead in launching an uprising. Fortunately, the King of Qin was so powerful that he pacified them. Now the King of Qin has made great contributions. If Your Majesty makes him the crown prince, it will be a blessing for the country!"

Pei Ji glanced at Yuchi Gong, gritted his teeth, and had to say so.

Xiao Yu, who was standing beside him, also echoed him.

"That's...very good."

Li Yuan sighed and nodded in agreement, tears welling up in the corners of his eyes.

What else could he do? Erlang, Erlang, you have such a cruel heart!

"Now there are still soldiers and horses in the East Palace rebelling and resisting stubbornly. Your Majesty, please order all the troops inside and outside the city to obey the unified dispatch of the King of Qin so that the rebellion can be quelled as soon as possible!"

Yuchi Gong clasped his fists and said with a cold expression.

He was forcing Li Yuan to hand over his military power!

""Okay, draft the decree."

After Li Yuan finished speaking, he collapsed on the chair, unable to muster any strength.

On the fourth day of the sixth month of the ninth year of Wude, Li Shimin, the Prince of Qin, killed the Prince of Qi at Xuanwu Gate and gained the military power of the world!

Three days later, he was canonized as the Crown Prince, and two months later, he ascended the throne and became the emperor. Li Yuan was honored as the Supreme Emperor.

The Zhenguan Reign began!

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