"Got it, got it."

Faced with Wu Shigui's lecture, Xu Chen could only nod his head obediently.

Having said this, it means that Wu Shigui no longer regards Xu Chen as an outsider.

"That young man in golden armor, I have praised you so much, why don't you come out?"

Li Shimin stood up, looked around the hall, clapped his hands,

"Come! Come forward and listen to the order!"

After hearing this order, all the civil and military officials looked around, wanting to see who the young man in golden armor was and whether he was as mighty as His Majesty said.

Wu Shigui also stretched his neck and watched curiously, but at this moment, Xu Chen beside him suddenly took a step forward and walked towards Li Shimin.

"Xu Chen, what are you doing? Don't go up there and make trouble.……"

"This is a capital crime, come back!"

When Wu Shigui saw Xu Chen walk out, his brain suddenly crashed. He wanted to pull him, but he couldn't, so he could only shout anxiously from behind.

This kid, is he crazy?!

With his current IQ, he is not enough to think about why Xu Chen walked up so openly. His mind is full of thoughts about the consequences of His Majesty's wrath.

However, the next scene made him stand there in a daze.

Li Shimin looked at Xu Chen with a smile and even came down to greet him in person. This is the emperor's"demotion ceremony"!

Zhangsun Wuji and others were a little jealous. Isn't Xu Chen too favored?

""Your Majesty, please come and see me."

Xu Chen bowed to Li Shimin and said in a deep voice.

If he continued to call him"Old Li" in front of everyone, it would be a lack of respect. Xu Chen was still clear about this.

""Good, good, good! No need to be polite, Lord Xu!"

Li Shimin looked at Xu Chen and said three good words in a row, and said with satisfaction,

"Xu Aiqing came down from the sky to save my life, just like a god descending from heaven. I have been thinking about you day and night for three days. The only thing that can match you is the word"god". Okay! I will make you a divine marquis."

"From today on, you are the Divine Marquis of the Tang Dynasty!"

Divine Marquis! This title is so awesome that all the officials present changed color when they heard it, and some even sat down on the ground in fear!

Such a title is absolutely unprecedented and will never be repeated!

"Your Majesty, no, Your Majesty, how can you blaspheme the gods!"

A white-haired old scholar immediately knelt on the ground, crying and shouting.

His crying caused a large group of people to kneel down and cry:

"Your Majesty, if bestowing this title arouses the wrath of the gods, it will be detrimental to our Great Tang Dynasty!"

"Yes, Your Majesty, please choose another title. No one is worthy of the title of Divine Marquis, and no one can bear it!"

Those who knelt down were basically the backbone of the Tang Dynasty. People like Fang Xuanling had held a meeting with Li Shimin in advance. At this time, they were just a little pale and said nothing.

"All right, all of you get up. It's disgraceful to keep crying."

Li Shimin was indeed Li Shimin. He only frowned and revealed his supreme majesty. He gave an order, and the ministers were frightened. They stopped crying and stood up from the ground.

However, they still looked reluctant. Now they were just suppressed by Li Shimin. After today, they would jointly write a letter to request a change of name!

"Are you the only ones who understand these principles, and I don't? How ridiculous!"

Li Shimin swung his sleeves and snorted coldly,

"Now, I want to talk about the second happy thing! This year is colder than previous years. You have all felt it, right? I want to ask, have you ever thought about how to survive this severe winter?"

"Auxiliary machine, you speak first!"

Li Shimin began to call the roll, and Zhangsun Wuji walked out of the queue and bowed:

"Your Majesty, I am ashamed to say that I can only prepare some mink fur and tiger skin in advance to survive the cold winter."

Sable fur coats are good things for winter in any era, but the price is... Even ordinary officials can't afford it. Only the Changsun family, a wealthy family, can have one for everyone.

"Well, it seems that you will have to spend a lot of money to survive the winter."

Li Shimin nodded calmly, turned to look at Fang Xuanling, and asked,

"Mr. Fang, please tell me how you plan to spend the winter this year."

Now it was Fang Xuanling's turn to speak.

"Your Majesty, I have little money in my family, but fortunately, a few years ago, Your Majesty gave me a bearskin coat, which I can leave for my old mother to spend the winter with. As for me, I am still strong, so I can wear a few more cloth clothes, burn some charcoal to keep warm, and I will get through it."

Fang Xuanling replied in a deep voice. His answer was obviously much more shabby, but many officials present nodded. What else can they do if they don't have money at home?

As long as they don't freeze to death, it's fine!

""Lord Fang has worked so hard for the country, but he has no clothes to wear in the winter. This really makes me ashamed. Come on, give Fang Xuanling three fur coats and send them to his house immediately. Don't let the pillars of our Tang Dynasty freeze to death!"

Li Shimin said seriously, and immediately ordered the eunuchs to go down and give clothes.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your grace!"

Fang Xuanling shed a few tears when he heard this, knelt on the ground and kowtowed to thank you, and then he stopped.

"Whose turn is it next? Yes, Zhijie, tell me, how do you spend the winter?"

Li Shimin asked more than ten people in a row, including civil officials and military generals. After talking for a long time, there were only a few answers. Those with better conditions at home wore brocade hats, mink furs, and animal fur coats; those with worse conditions wore more cloth clothes and burned more charcoal to keep warm.

For a while, there was a lot of discussion in the court, all of which were discussing how to spend this winter. Almost everyone frowned with some worries, and several elderly people all had sad eyes.

This winter is really not easy to spend! I am old and may not be able to make it!

"After hearing what you said, I feel bad, but I still want to ask you one more question."

Li Shimin glanced at the civil and military officials and said word by word,

"I want to ask, in such a cold winter, how can the people of this world survive the winter!"

This question almost made everyone in the audience silent, and all the ministers lowered their heads and remained silent.

The officials were all frowning, not to mention the common people. This winter, the entire Tang Dynasty might freeze to death again for thousands, or even tens of thousands!

"If even you feel sad, then the common people are even more sad. I have already anticipated that the Ministry of Revenue will submit a memorial about the number of people who froze to death next year. The number must be shocking!"

Li Shimin's eyes were filled with sorrow, and he waved his hand and shouted,

"I am asking you now, is there anyone who can solve the problem of the people surviving the winter? If there is, stand up, and I will also make you a marquis, a state marquis!"

It's about to be put on the shelves, how many people are still watching?

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