Heirloom! This was a great temptation for anyone in ancient times!

""Please do not talk about being a marquis, for one general's success is the result of the sacrifice of thousands of men." This one line of poetry tells the difficulty of being a marquis or a prime minister. Most officials in the hall, except for the Dukes like Changsun Wuji, who would not be tempted?

That was the noble marquis passed down from generation to generation!

However, what lay before them was also an eternal problem. Throughout the ages, many great sages and virtuous people could not solve it, so how could they solve it?

For a while, there was a commotion in Hanyuan Hall, but no one dared to stand up.

After a whole stick of incense, a white-haired old scholar finally stood up, but he shook his head and said:

"Your Majesty, the Tang Dynasty was founded not long ago, and the national strength is not yet strong. We should not act too hastily. Even during the prosperous times of wise rulers such as Emperor Wu of Han and Emperor Xuan of Han, countless people died of starvation and freezing. This is the will of heaven and cannot be violated."

The words of this old scholar were affirmed by many people in the room. This explanation was quite consistent with their thoughts.

It's not that we can't do it, it's the will of heaven!


Xu Chen sneered, looked at the sour scholar with contempt, and was too lazy to refute.

"God's will, my God! You don't think about how to improve the living standards of the people, but think about these things to comfort yourself all day long. If Confucius heard it, he would probably get up and smash your head!

"God's will? Does God want my people to freeze to death or starve to death? If this is God's will, then what is the point of offering sacrifices to God? Let God ask me whether I agree or not!"

Li Shimin also showed a trace of contempt in his eyes, and shouted with a wave of his sleeves,

"Just because you can't solve the problem doesn't mean no one can. Come on, call Li Chunfeng!"

When he shouted, the eunuch beside him immediately called out in a shrill voice. After a while, Li Chunfeng appeared outside. He lowered his head and walked quickly into the hall with a newly made sweater in his hand. When he entered the hall, the snow-white sweater immediately attracted everyone's attention. The texture was like a fine mink coat!

"Your Majesty, I, Li Chunfeng, have brought you a wool sweater. Please have a look."

Li Chunfeng presented the wool sweater in his hands with both hands and said respectfully,

"Cardigan? What is that?……"

"Could it be that the clothes are made of wool? That's impossible. I've never heard of wool being used to make clothes."

"Who knows? It looks good."

Hearing the word"wool sweater", the ministers all started to discuss among themselves. They were all curious about the new things.

Could this be what His Majesty said, the thing that can help the people survive the winter?

"Wow, my dear, you are really fast. You have made a wool sweater so quickly."

Li Shimin took it and stroked it gently. His eyes lit up and he praised it.

"Good! Good! Come on, pass it around, let everyone feel how good this sweater is."

As he said this, he handed the sweater to Changsun Wuji, who had been waiting eagerly. As soon as he touched it, Yuchi Gong beside him reached out to grab it. Several people made a fuss, and in the midst of all the arguing, it was finally passed around slowly. Those at the back stretched their necks to look forward, and they couldn't wait any longer.

Because they saw that those who had touched it all sighed as follows:

"Hiss...the texture is really top-notch!"

"Oh...it's so warm, holding it in my hands feels like holding it in a pile of charcoal!"

"Ah! It's so comfortable. Let me touch it for a while longer. I have a request. Can you let me try it on for a while? Just for a while?"

""Go, go, the people behind are still waiting!"

The entire Hanyuan Hall was as lively as a vegetable market. Those who had touched the sweater couldn't let it go and were reluctant to pass it on to the next person.

By the time all the officials had touched it, half an hour had passed. There were exclamations in the hall one after another, and the atmosphere was unprecedentedly warm.

"This sweater is really good! I wonder how much it costs. If it's not expensive, I really want to buy one!"

"How could such an exquisite thing not be expensive? If I were to ask myself, even if it took a month's salary to buy one, I would still bite the bullet and buy it. It's so warm!"

"Could it be that His Majesty specially provided them for me? How come I have never seen clothes like this before?"

"You want to buy it? You are dreaming! In my opinion, this can only be a gift from the emperor!"

The civil and military officials were all interested. Looking at the woolen sweater that was back in Li Shimin's hands, they all had strong desires in their expressions!

Who wouldn't want to spend this cold winter well?

"Seeing this wool sweater, I guess everyone must have some doubts in their hearts, right? Li Chunfeng, please explain to everyone how this wool sweater is made."

Li Shimin laughed, and did not despise it. He took off his dragon robe and several layers of fur on the spot, and then put on the wool sweater. A warm feeling came over him, making him feel comfortable and happy.

This wool sweater is really worth several fur coats!

"Yes, Your Majesty. This wool sweater was invented by the Divine Marquis Xu Chen. He gave me the design of the wool processing machine. I followed his idea and asked the craftsmen to build it overnight. The wool processing machine can really turn wool into yarn, just like the hemp yarn you use."

Li Chunfeng first bowed to Xu Chen, and then said in a deep voice, while taking out a few thick wool yarns and a yarn ball from his arms, holding them high in the air to show everyone

"I believe everyone has experienced the wool sweater made of this wool yarn. It is very warm! I dare say that you are only one wool sweater away from getting through the cold winter!"

Li Chunfeng is not only a scientific research talent, but also an orator. This speech made the ministers fascinated, but some people still frowned and said:

"This sweater is so good, it must be expensive, right? Can people like us afford it??"

"Right? Can ordinary officials like us afford it?"

The price is what everyone is most concerned about. If this wool sweater costs ten taels of gold, then with their meager salaries, they can only envy it, right?

In the market, a fur coat costs 20 taels of gold. For ordinary officials from poor families, that is simply an astronomical figure. They can only think about it in their hearts.

"This is a good question. Can ordinary officials afford woolen sweaters? Good question! But I have another question!"

Li Shimin, wearing a woolen sweater, looked at Li Chunfeng with a smile, but his voice was a bit grand and majestic. He said in a sonorous and powerful voice,

"I also want to ask on behalf of the people of this world, can they afford it!"

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