Can the poor people afford it?

This question made the ministers' faces freeze, and they all looked embarrassed.

"Your Majesty, you are really asking, I am afraid that even we cannot afford such precious clothes, how can the common people be qualified to wear them?……"A fifth-rank official muttered in a low voice.

His words also represent the thoughts of most people.

Officials may not be able to afford it, how can ordinary people want to wear it? Dream on!

However, Li Chunfeng's next words completely silenced this group of people.

He only heard him say in a resounding voice:

"Your Majesty, the raw material wool is extremely cheap. All we need is the wool that everyone has discarded! The manufacturing cost of the wool processing machine is also very cheap. If it is mass-produced, the cost of one machine will not exceed fifty taels of silver!"

"A wool processing machine can produce a considerable amount of wool yarn in a day. I made a rough estimate. From purchasing to processing, and then to the final sweater, the cost price is only 10 times that of coarse linen! I'm sure that every ordinary person can afford it!"

Li Chunfeng's tone was very firm, and his conclusion was extremely shocking!

The cost of a coarse linen shirt is only a few cents? It can be almost ignored, and the cost price of such a good wool sweater is only twice that of a linen shirt?

Doesn't this mean that any official present can buy ten or eight pieces without any pressure?

Thinking of this, the hearts of the civil and military ministers were all eager to move. The cost of this wool sweater is so low, but its value is very high. If you use it to do business... In just a few seconds, several ministers who are interested in profit have set their sights on wool sweaters.

"Hahaha, good! You are worthy of being the pillar of the Tang Dynasty, Li Chunfeng, you have done a great job. I said that whoever can solve this problem, I will also make him a Marquis of the State, and I will make you……"

Li Shimin laughed heartily, and was extremely satisfied with Li Chunfeng's answer. He patted his shoulder and was about to reward him, but at this moment Li Chunfeng suddenly knelt on the ground, looking terrified and said:

"Your Majesty, I dare not accept the reward! Whether it is the design concept or the design idea of this wool processing machine, it is the credit of the Divine Marquis Xu Chen. I just assisted in its completion. If you want to reward, please give it to the Divine Marquis!"

What he said was true. With that detailed design drawing, there is definitely more than one person in the Tang Dynasty who can build a wool processing machine! Not to mention anything else, just the skilled craftsmen of the lineage of Lu Ban's descendants will definitely have no pressure to build this machine.

In the final analysis, he was just relying on Xu Chen's light, and he could not bear the tremendous glory of the"Chuan Guo Hou". After hearing this, the faces of the Confucian scholars and the opposition changed. They did not expect that Xu Chen was so powerful. Not only did he save the emperor, but he also made such a peerless invention!

If it is really as Li Chunfeng said, all the people in the world can afford to wear this wool sweater. This merit can simply shake the world. It seems that it is not too much to be named a"god", right?

In an instant, the backbone force that had just opposed Xu Chen's title began to waver.……

"Well, that's right, my dear minister, you are not greedy for merit, I admire you for this, I will discuss your reward another day, I will definitely make you satisfied."

Li Shimin's smile became even bigger, he turned to look at the ministers, and said majestically,

"The Godly Marquis created such a machine and invented a good thing like a wool sweater that benefits all people. It can be said that he has done immeasurable good deeds. He will be supported by the people one day and even be honored as a god! Now, who else thinks it’s wrong? Stand up and say something. On behalf of the people, I will scold you!"

These words were said very firmly, and no one dared to object.

Because Li Shimin now represents the people of the world! Let me ask you, how dare you, a small sour scholar, go against the people of the world? Aren't you afraid that one person's spit will drown you?

All those who hinder the happiness of the people will be infamous for thousands of years! And all those who benefit the people will be famous for generations and become saints! Just like Guan Erye in the Three Kingdoms period, he was supported by the people, worshipped as a god.

Xu Chen's move was enough for the people to build a temple for him!

At this moment, no one dared to stand out against the world, including Wei Zheng. As a minister who had met with Li Shimin in advance, he knew no less than Fang Xuanling and others, and he supported Xu Chen in his heart.

And the white-haired old scholar, although he was still dissatisfied in his heart and his face was very bad, he still did not stand up to oppose it.

People like him are very careful about their feathers, and naturally do not want to lose their integrity because of this matter.

"Okay, now no one objects, right? Divine Marquis Xu Chen, come forward and listen to the title!"

Li Shimin waved his hand and took advantage of this opportunity to speak directly,

"This wool sweater was invented by you, so naturally you will be in charge of it. From today on, the court will set up a new clothing department and allocate 300,000 taels of silver! The first 100,000 taels will be used to build a wool processing machine manufacturing factory in Chang'an, and the second 100,000 taels will be used to set up wool processing factories in various prefectures to provide enough clothes for the local people!"

Li Shimin paused for a moment and said meaningfully:

"There are still 100,000 taels, which can be used to purchase wool, wood, ironware and other raw materials, which can be freely used! Xu Chen, I will appoint you as the general manager of the Garment Department, with a rank of third grade. Whether it is Chang'an or the garment factories in various prefectures, the personnel, silver, and materials will all be under your full jurisdiction!"

"I hope you can do something and don't let me down!"

This series of orders was issued, and everyone in the hall had an incredible look on their faces.

Oh my God! The power and benefits that can be brought by the position of the General Manager of the Garment Department are absolutely unimaginable. It can be said that it almost takes away part of the emperor's power!

And full control and management means that Xu Chen has the right to purchase wool, the right to purchase processing machine materials, the right to select the location of wool processing plants in various prefectures and... the final pricing power of wool sweaters! It can be imagined that from today on, those who want to curry favor with this divine marquis will trample down the door of his house!

There is no doubt that the two words"Xu Chen" will become the hottest names in the entire Chang'an aristocratic circle!

"Thank you for your grace, Your Majesty. I, Xu Chen, will certainly live up to your trust!"

Xu Chen bowed respectfully to Li Shimin and said solemnly.

He did not expect that Li Shimin would actually give him such a great power. Originally, he just wanted a supervisory power, so that when others did something wrong, he could have the power to correct their mistakes.

But who knew that Li Shimin gave all the power to him at once, which made him a little confused for a while.

It's simply playing with fire! If this is handed over to someone with ulterior motives, it may be able to subvert the entire Tang Dynasty regime!

Dad, you really don't doubt my ability and loyalty at all, right?!

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