"Well, since your majesty has ordered me to tell you about hybrid rice, what exactly is so magical about it!"

Xu Chen swung his sleeves, with a confident smile on his face, and indeed had the demeanor of a state marquis.

When he made his speech, he did not bow like other officials, but faced the ministers and spoke freely. He only heard him say:

"This hybrid rice is a hybrid of three types of rice: ordinary rice, upland rice, and wild rice! Its advantage is that it combines the good genes of these three types of rice. It does not require a very good environment or too much water. It can be planted even on high mountains, and can survive even in deserts and plateaus. This reflects the vitality of upland rice and wild rice!"

"However, the shape, sowing method, and taste of hybrid rice are similar to those of ordinary rice. It has a soft and sticky texture, and is only slightly inferior to the taste of fine rice. However, its yield is 8 times that of ordinary rice!"

This explanation confused the ministers. Even the most educated people in the entire Tang Dynasty did not quite understand the meaning of"gene"."、"What does"hybrid" mean?

But they understood one thing: hybrid rice can be planted anywhere, and the yield is amazing!

"There is such a magical rice! If the people of our Tang Dynasty had it, why would they worry about not having enough food?"

"Yes! This is really the gospel of our Tang Dynasty, the gospel of Your Majesty, and even the gospel of all the people in the world!"

"The Lord of God's actions will benefit future generations!"

The ministers were so excited that their blood boiled and they praised excitedly. They also got used to calling him the Lord of God.

Now, they admired this young man from the bottom of their hearts. He really had the means of a god!

But at the same time, some officials frowned slightly and raised doubts:

"Things are unpredictable, and there is no perfect thing in the world. Hybrid rice is so good, doesn't it have any disadvantages?"

This question hits the nail on the head. It only mentioned the advantages, but not the disadvantages!

What if there are any serious side effects? Wouldn't it become useless?

"There are certainly some disadvantages. In addition to not tasting that good, hybrid rice cannot reproduce on its own. The seeds must be provided by this Marquis. Otherwise, it cannot be grown!"

Xu Chen shrugged and explained.

"This hybrid rice is a secret teaching of my master. I am not sure how to make the seeds, and further research is needed."

These words were undoubtedly a bucket of cold water poured on everyone's heads.

"Ah? If it can't reproduce, then the number of seeds is limited. Doesn't it mean that it can only be planted on a small scale and can't be promoted to the world?"

"Yes, Lord Shen, your seeds are not only enough for Qinglong Village to plant, right?"

After hearing this, everyone was a little disappointed. It turned out that it was impossible to plant on a large scale, and they were happy for nothing.

"Hehe, don't worry, everyone. My sect has a large reserve of seeds, enough to distribute to the people of the entire Tang Dynasty. Well... it shouldn't be a problem to distribute them for three to five years. By that time, I will have studied it thoroughly and can make seeds myself."

Xu Chen had already anticipated their reactions and said calmly,

"I will also hand over this technology to Your Majesty. Your Majesty can set up a Tang Dynasty Research Institute and select some researchers to conduct research. Maybe you can speed up the pace."

He had thought about it a long time ago. Although the system is omnipotent and can continuously provide improved hybrid rice seeds, even if it is provided for a hundred years, it will not be difficult, but it is obviously unreasonable to do so.

The grain of the entire Tang Dynasty depends on Xu Chen alone to allocate. If he leaves, won't it be paralyzed instantly? It is better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish. Since Li Shimin trusts him so much, he naturally has to give something back.

Otherwise, all the food in the world is in the hands of one person. If he wants to rebel one day, wouldn't it be easy? Even if Li Shimin trusts him, he will definitely be unable to sleep and eat because of this.

Sure enough, when he said this, Li Shimin's eyes suddenly bloomed with a ray of light, and he laughed heartily:

""Okay! Lord Shen, why didn't I think of this idea? Your suggestion is very good. I will immediately issue an edict to establish the Tang Dynasty Research Institute you mentioned, which is dedicated to researching the good technologies you mentioned. I will now appoint you as the director of the Tang Dynasty Research Institute. The official position... is second rank!" Well

, with this appointment, Xu Chen's official position was upgraded by two levels, from the third rank general manager of the Garment Department to the second rank director of the Tang Dynasty Research Institute! Of course

, the third rank and above in the Tang Dynasty were all honorary titles. Although the rank of the director of the research institute was high, his power was not as great as that of the general manager of the Garment Department.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Xu Chen bowed to Li Shimin, and the two smiled in tacit understanding.

No one among the ministers raised any objection to Xu Chen's rocket-like promotion.

Who can attend the court here is not a smart person? It seems that Li Shimin promoted Xu Chen, but in fact, it was in exchange for Xu Chen's huge benefits.

If hybrid rice technology is not handed over to the country, but secretly developed among the people, it will be a time bomb. Who knows when there will be famine, and who will not follow the one with food? The huge Li Tang Dynasty is vulnerable in the face of food!

"The Divine Marquis presented the wool sweater and hybrid rice to the country. We are not as good as him. Please accept Changsun Wuji's greetings!"

Changsun Wuji took the lead and bowed deeply to Xu Chen. His bow brought Yuchi Gong, Fang Xuanling and others to their knees.

"Please accept Yuchi Gong’s greeting, Lord Shen!"

"God, please accept my greeting!"

"The Divine Marquis is benevolent and brave, please accept Fang Xuanling’s greeting!"

"Lord God, please accept……"

Suddenly, the court was filled with people paying respects one after another, which made Li Shimin feel uncomfortable.

You guys, when you paid respects to me, you were not so sincere! When the civil and military officials had almost finished paying their respects, Li Shimin waved his hand, signaling everyone to stop, and turned to look at Xu Chen, his eyes became sharp, and he said in a deep voice:

"Lord Shen, seeing this, I suddenly feel that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. I want to give you another tough job, are you willing?"

This sentence is the rhythm of appointing officials again. Everyone is already a little immune to it. Go ahead and appoint them all at once!

""Your Majesty, please speak."

Xu Chen said calmly without any pressure on his face.

He was not keen on power. Even if he was given the title of emperor, he would not do it. Naturally, he would not be as excited as ordinary officials.

"Well, since you are willing, then I will hand over this important task of benefiting the people to you!"

Li Shimin flicked his sleeves, walked quickly to the dragon throne, sat upright, and said solemnly,

"Xu Chen, I now appoint you as the Minister of Grain and Agriculture of the country, in charge of the national granaries and treasuries! As well as the hybrid rice seed distribution warehouses in various places, from seed distribution to planting, harvesting, and tax payment, you are in full charge!"

"Are you willing to take on this important task and benefit the people of the world?"

There is one more chapter, which will be released at around six o'clock, and then it will be available in the early morning. Please support me by placing your first order. Thank you!

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