Are you willing to take on this important task?!

This sentence kept echoing throughout the court, and the faces of all the ministers suddenly changed, and even some of them began to turn pale...

If the power of the chief steward of the clothing department is already very great, then the power of the Minister of Agriculture is really overwhelming!

Controlling the food and clothing of the whole world, from now on, a word from the Divine Marquis Xu Chen may determine the life and death of countless people and even officials. If he issues an order, who dares not to obey?

This young man has taken over the lifeblood of the Tang Dynasty from Li Shimin at this moment!

Your Majesty, do you trust this kid so much? He looks only fourteen or fifteen years old. What qualifications does he have to sit in such a high position and enjoy such great power?!

Among the ministers, several officials have already shown disdain on their faces and snorted a few times to express their dissatisfaction. They are jealous and jealous, and they wish that the person who is rewarded is themselves!

"It is my duty to protect the well-being of the people."

Xu Chen nodded solemnly towards Li Shimin, then said,

"However, I have a small request, please agree to it, Your Majesty."……"

You have been given so much power, but you are still not satisfied and still make demands?!

The people who snorted just now became even more unhappy. This ignorant boy will anger the emperor one day.

Several people have even whispered to each other in secret, preparing to report Xu Chen!

"My dear minister, please speak freely."

Li Shimin nodded. He had been given so much power, so he would not care about such a small request.

"The three positions I have taken over now not only concern the people of the world, but also the country and society of the Tang Dynasty. It is a heavy burden for me to have so much power in my hands."

Xu Chen looked at Li Shimin with burning eyes and said openly,

"I hope that after the transition period, no matter whether it is the Research Institute, the Garment Department or the Ministry of Agriculture, when a sound system is established and they can operate normally, all my powers will be removed, leaving only the supervisory power! I hope that this transition period will not exceed five years."

His words stunned Li Shimin, and all the ministers, including Zhangsun Wuji and others, were stunned.

Others are trying their best to climb up, wishing that the whole world would be under their control, but how can you be like you, who has not yet taken office, and has imposed restrictions on yourself and reduced your power?

No one understood why Xu Chen said this, only Li Jing and Li Ji looked at each other with surprise in their eyes.

"This boy is indeed a rare talent among men!"

Li Ji whispered, and his evaluation of Xu Chen was raised several notches again.

"My dear minister, why do you say that? Do you think the burden on you is too heavy? If so, I can assign you a few more capable ministers. With their assistance, you will definitely feel a lot more relaxed."

Li Shimin's eyes flashed with a strange light, and he said in a deep voice.

He really didn't expect that this young man, who was only fourteen or fifteen years old, would be so calm when he was successful at a young age!

He is simply a freak! Originally, he did have this plan. After Xu Chen completed the construction of the entire system, he would slowly reduce his power. This was also for the stability of his country. With such a large power, he was actually gambling. Now he really needed Xu Chen. He was gambling that Xu Chen would not rebel, but now, after being said by Xu Chen, Li Shimin felt a little ashamed.

People didn't even think about staying, but instead consciously returned the power after the construction was completed. In this way, Comrade Li Er seemed to be a little"a villain's heart judging a gentleman's belly"

"Haha, Your Majesty, what I long for in my heart is a leisurely life like Tao Yuanming. If I hadn't seen the suffering of the people, I wouldn't want to take on these positions."

Xu Chen smiled and bowed to Li Shimin, then turned to look at all the ministers in the Hanguang Hall and said in a sonorous and powerful voice,

"I know that among the ministers, there must be some who are dissatisfied with me and jealous of me. Now, those who are dissatisfied can stand up. If you can also operate these three things well, I will definitely submit my resignation to His Majesty and let you take this position!"

For a moment, all the ministers were intimidated by Xu Chen's momentum, and those who were dissatisfied also bowed their heads. No one dared to speak, and only heard Xu Chen continue:

"It's not that I want to sit in this position, but I have to sit in it. To put it bluntly, the current Tang Dynasty needs my contribution! So I came here, with the idea of making sure that the people of the world have enough food to eat and clothes to wear, I sat in this position, but I'm not staying here. When my ideal is achieved and the world is at peace, I will return to the countryside and become a farmer."

Xu Chen's eyes were sharp, and he said word by word:

"Therefore, you'd better not come after me, and don't set your sights on wool sweaters and hybrid rice, because it's useless. I don't form cliques or engage in private interests. I don't want to have students and old officials. I don't need students all over the world. I'll leave after I'm done. It's that simple!"

His words were both a warning to those who had ulterior motives and a way to dissuade them. At the same time, he was also expressing his loyalty to Li Shimin.

The power you gave me is great, but I don't covet it and won't pose a threat to you!

The purpose is very simple, it's for the people of the world!

After Xu Chen's words fell, everyone's mind was still shaken and couldn't calm down for a long time. Most people had an idea in their minds:

This Shen Hou is really a ruthless man with skills!

""Good, good, good!"

Li Shimin clapped his hands loudly, saying"good" three times in a row. His beard was about to fall off with excitement. He walked down the steps again, hugged Xu Chen's shoulders, and said repeatedly:

""What a good one, not forming a clique or engaging in private interests, what a good one, not wanting to have students all over the world. With someone like you around, why should we worry about the prosperity of our Tang Dynasty? Come, I will personally put on the marquis' robe for you. From now on, you are the unique divine marquis of our Tang Dynasty!"

As he said this, he really untied Xu Chen's package, took out the gorgeous marquis' robe inside, and personally put it on Xu Chen, right in this Hanguang Hall, under the gaze of all the civil and military officials.

The emperor put on his robe, such a holy favor, is unheard of and unseen in ancient and modern times!

In a gorgeous dress, Xu Chen was originally a tall man of 1.8 meters, and at this time he looked even more heroic and extraordinary. Coupled with his unique confidence and sharpness, all the officials admired him for a while.

What a handsome divine marquis of the Tang Dynasty!

Today, the emperor personally put on the robe for the divine marquis, which will surely become a good story that will be passed down through the ages.

After putting on the clothes, Xu Chen burst out with his innate nobleness, and even Li Shimin's eyes lit up and joked:

"The Marquis of God is so handsome, do you have a marriage contract? If not, how about my princess marrying you?"

The emperor's grace is so great, being a marquis and a prince consort, he is simply the most favored person in the world, and all the ministers are envious and jealous.

But Xu Chen's face suddenly changed, and he almost spit out.

What the hell? You want to marry a princess to you? That's incest! No, no, I want my Xiao Wu wife, not those silly sisters!

"Your Majesty, I have been honored with the title of Marquis today, but there is still one thing that has not been completed."

Seeing that Li Shimin's motives were not pure, Xu Chen stopped dragging his feet and said seriously,

"I once promised a girl that I would marry her when I became a noble and a prime minister! A man's word is worth a thousand gold, and I will never break my oath."

"Now is the time for me to propose to her!"

After saying that, he walked down the stairs and walked towards Wu Shigui under the gaze of everyone...

Brother Meng will be put on the shelves immediately. There will be three updates in the early morning, and then the subsequent seven updates will be connected during the day tomorrow, a total of ten updates! I sincerely hope that everyone will support it, thank you!

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