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Chen stood alone on the high platform, looking down at the audience. At this moment, the tens of thousands of soldiers were also looking at him.

Everyone had a completely different expression. Some were curious, some were serious, some were frivolous, and some were disdainful. Several people had already started to whisper and discuss the commander:

"Hey, look at this marshal, why is he a kid? He looks no older than 15, right? How can he lead us in battle?"

"Yes, this is nonsense! What does he know as a little brat? Your Majesty is also confused. It would be great if he could lead the army himself. At the very least, he should let the Duke of Wei and his men come.……"

"That’s right, this is too much of a joke. It seems like we can’t fight this battle!"

"I think your majesty doesn't want to fight at all. I heard that the Turkic army has 200,000 soldiers. How many people do we have? We are definitely not their opponents. We will negotiate for peace at that time. I guess the one on the stage is just a puppet."

For a while, there was a commotion in the parade grounds, and the discussion became louder and louder. The soldiers seemed to completely ignore the existence of the commander-in-chief, as if they were in a free chat room.

The scene seemed a little out of control, but Xu Chen said nothing. His eyes were like a hawk, scanning the stage, with no expression on his face, letting them talk.

In this way, the commotion was getting bigger and bigger, as if it was almost out of control. Yuchi Gong showed anxiety on his face and said:

"This, the Lord of God will not be able to control these soldiers, right? Your Majesty, how about I go up……"

In his opinion, Xu Chen lacked battlefield experience after all, and it was normal for him to be confused when he suddenly saw so many people.

Seeing that the soldiers were about to be overwhelmed, Yuchi Gong couldn't help it and wanted to step forward to give orders, but was stopped by Li Shimin beside him. Li Shimin smiled and said:

"It doesn’t matter. There will be no chaos. Let’s wait and see what methods this Divine Marquis uses to win over the people."

He looked around and saw that Xu Chen's face was calm and he didn't look panicked at all. It was clear that he had a plan in mind, but he hadn't spoken yet, which made Li Shimin a little curious.

What was Xu Chen up to?

On the high platform, Xu Chen remained silent and serious, like a god, looking down at the soldiers below. Whenever a soldier met his gaze, he would involuntarily close his mouth. They were shocked.

They clearly saw a kind of contempt in Xu Chen's eyes, a look of contempt for the entire army!

Unconsciously, the entire parade ground gradually quieted down. Everyone looked up at their commander. The more they looked, the more palpitations they had.

For a moment, they had an illusion that the person on the high platform was a god from heaven who came down to inspect!

Everyone quieted down, but they still kept their mouths shut. Their eyes were still scanning the audience. His eyes swept across the faces of every soldier until he finished looking at the last one. He moved his lips and said the first sentence in a loud voice like a bell:

"Are you soldiers?"

As soon as he asked this question, a look of disdain appeared on his face, and he sneered:

"I don’t think so! Not only not, but not worthy of it!"

These two self-questions and answers were filled with infinite irony and contempt. For a moment, several hot-tempered soldiers showed anger and shouted:

"Why do you say we are not soldiers!"

"That is, what qualifications do you have to say that we are not soldiers!"

Saying that a soldier is not worthy of being a soldier is definitely the most insulting remark. Even Li Shimin frowned.

How can you talk like that? Isn't this too unpleasant?!

However, Xu Chen was unmoved by this and let them be angry and abused. The trace of sarcasm on his face could not be shaken off. The soldiers below were so angry that their teeth itched.

This kid is so good at attracting hatred! If possible, they would have swarmed up and beaten him up!

However, Xu Chen's next words made their voices stop abruptly.

"Soldiers, obeying orders is their first duty! Since I have been appointed as the commander by His Majesty, you should obey! Even if I am just a three-year-old child, all you can do is obey me seriously, even if the order I give you is to change diapers!"

This sentence made Li Shimin and others burst out laughing. This was too funny.

But looking at Xu Chen's serious and ferocious expression, they could no longer laugh. Thinking about it carefully, they nodded repeatedly.

Indeed, military orders are like mountains, and soldiers must obey their generals. Otherwise, if the orders are passed down and the soldiers don't listen, how can the war be fought?

"Look at you again! What are you doing? Criticizing your commander! I scanned the expressions on each of your faces. Pay attention, everyone! I wanted to see what I wanted to see, but unfortunately, I didn't see it. Among the 38,000 people, not even one face looked at his commander with awe and respect!"

Xu Chen stood on the stage with his hands behind his back, like a giant sword standing upright, and every word he said pierced the soldiers' hearts!

"If an army doesn't even respect its commander, is it still worthy of being called an army? If a soldier can even talk about and make fun of his commander, is he still a soldier?!"

"No need to refute, I have already made a conclusion for you, you are not a soldier, nor are you qualified to be a soldier, are you dissatisfied? If you are dissatisfied, stand up!"

Xu Chen's expression was a little ferocious, pointing at everyone in the audience and shouting.

His momentum was overwhelming, and the soldiers were speechless. The whole parade ground fell into a dead silence.

Even those few with bad tempers lowered their heads silently. It was okay to talk back to the sergeants with whom they had a good relationship on weekdays, but now that the country was in crisis, they were still criticizing the commander. No matter how you look at it, they were in the wrong.

Although they were still dissatisfied in their hearts, they had to restrain themselves, otherwise, it would be really embarrassing!

Their expressions at this time were seen by Xu Chen, and at this time, Xu Chen nodded slightly and said coldly:

"You guys are just some of the garrisons of Chang'an City. To put it bluntly, you are just some weak soldiers! Even so, I pulled out 8,000 people from the city defense force, and pieced together 38,000 people. I didn't have any expectations for your combat effectiveness, but what I didn't expect was that your military attitude was even weaker than your combat effectiveness!"

"From combat effectiveness to combat awareness, and then to the attitude as a soldier, you are all at the level of a miscellaneous brand. To say that you are a miscellaneous brand among miscellaneous brands is to flatter you. In my opinion, 30,000 civilians pulled out of Chang'an City are better than you. At least, they know what respect and obedience are. When I give an order, they will rush forward!"

These words are like a sharp sword, hitting the heart of every soldier. It's not enough to hit it, it also smashes, smashing their pitiful self-esteem! _

Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection

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