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But even so, these garrison troops can never be said to be miscellaneous! They may have different organizations, but they are not old and weak soldiers. If they are really integrated and trained well, they will definitely be a powerful fighting force.

But Xu Chen has no time to train his soldiers. What he has to do now is not to let the soldiers have a real iron will, but to let them hold their breath.

A breath of air that is not looked down upon by the coach!

"What the Lord of God said is true.……"

Li Shimin frowned, shook his head and sighed,

"The words are too harsh, I am afraid they will hurt the soldiers.……"

Li Shimin was not only an emperor who loved his people like his own children, but also a general who loved his soldiers like his own children. He always used a conciliatory approach to influence his soldiers. How could he be like Xu Chen, who cursed people as soon as he opened his mouth?

The two of them obviously had completely different ways of using troops.

"Your Majesty, extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures. I think the move by the Divine Marquis is not a bad idea. Look, the soldiers are holding their breath now."

Li Ji smiled slightly, comforted, and pointed at the soldiers.

Sure enough, most of the soldiers had unconvinced expressions on their faces, but they were temporarily restrained by Xu Chen's power.

After all, Xu Chen was right now, and although what he said was unpleasant, it was not wrong. For a while, they couldn't think of anything to refute.

After all, they were soldiers who couldn't read a single word! If civil servants like Wei Zheng came, I'm afraid they would have scolded Xu Chen to death!

"Well, I hope he can really inspire the fighting spirit of the soldiers."

Li Shimin heard this and nodded helplessly. He felt a little regretful at this moment. Why did he insist on letting this kid be the marshal? If he messed up, wouldn't it ruin everything?

As he was thinking, Xu Chen on the high platform spoke again. He only heard him shout:

"Let such a ragtag army, a ragtag army of only 38,000 people, face 200,000 elite Turks. I know some of you have already peed your pants in fear! Are you thinking, what's the point of fighting? Isn't this just going to die? The fighting power of these country chickens and clay dogs like us is like paper in front of the Turks, and it will be broken with a poke, right?"

This question really caused a noise among the soldiers. A large number of them were poked in the sore spot and lowered their heads, not daring to look up and look directly at Xu Chen.

They really thought so.

"Look, a ragtag group is a ragtag group. I just asked a question, and 50% of the people lowered their heads in an instant! You guys are cowards, wastes, and maggots in my Tang Dynasty army!"

"Do you know that the Tang Dynasty has reached the end? We are the last line of defense! Behind us are our homes, our wives and children, and the backbone of the Tang people! If we lose, people will march straight in, trample on your remains, rape your wives and daughters, and plunder your entire family. Do you want to see this?

Xu Chen slammed the war drum, shocking everyone's heart, and he roared,

"Lift your heads, everyone! Answer me!"

The soldiers who bowed their heads seemed to have their psychological defenses broken by the sound of the war drums. Some of the weak ones started to cry quietly.

How could this be possible? Every word was so heartbreaking. It was so painful.……

"Although you are a ragtag group and a waste, you are lucky to have met me! Let me introduce myself again. I am Xu Chen, the Great Tang Divine Marquis and the Grand Marshal of the Army of the World!"

Xu Chen raised his mouth slightly and said proudly,

"You can call me the Wolf, because my favorite animal is the wolf! Do you know why? Because they are fierce and slippery, especially when a group of wolves gather together, that's scary. Even tigers have to avoid them! I hope my soldiers are all wolves, and our army is a wolf pack!"

"I have said that no matter how powerful the Turks are, they are nothing but paper tigers. We are a wolf pack led by me. We are not afraid of real tigers, so how can we be afraid of a fake tiger?"

He paused for a moment and took in the expressions of the soldiers at this moment. Now, he saw the shock and finally felt a fighting spirit and passion hovering over the parade ground.

Xu Chen finally breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that the time was ripe, so he put away his rigid expression and said calmly:

"I have finished speaking. Anyone who wants to be a coward can get out of the training ground now, go back and hide in the cellar with your wife and children, and pray that the Turkish iron hoof will not find you when it passes by."

Another heavy hammer fell on their hearts. The soldiers remained silent, but one by one, they gradually clenched their fists, and no one retreated.

Xu Chen was right. They were already the last line of defense of the Tang Dynasty. For their wives and children, for their homes, they could not retreat, even if they died!

"Good! It seems that you are still men with penises. Now let me ask you again, do you want to be a wolf?"

Xu Chen nodded and asked again. At this time, almost all the soldiers raised their heads and growled:


"Haven't you eaten yet? Speak louder, your alpha wolf can't hear you!"


A roar resounded through the clouds. A total of 38,000 people released all their courage and heroism, shocking Li Shimin and others.

How long has it been? This army seemed to be completely new from beginning to end, bursting out with a shocking momentum!

If we only talk about momentum, it is even better than his most elite Xuanjia Army!

"Shen Hou is really a god. I am so excited to hear these words.���"I wish I could become a howling wolf!"

Cheng Yaojin rubbed his hands, eager to try.

As a general, he already had a fire burning in his heart.

The desire to kill was rising in the whole training ground!

"This method of training soldiers is indeed unheard of and unseen. He has injected the army's soul into it."

Li Shimin nodded in admiration, and the big stone in his heart suddenly relaxed a little.

With such an army, why worry about the invasion of the Turks?

At this time, Xu Chen walked down from the high platform slowly, saying as he walked:

"A wolf travels a thousand miles to eat meat, a dog travels a thousand miles to eat feces. Would you choose to eat meat or feces?"

"Eat meat!!!"

"Good! Now you have a chance to eat meat. I have ordered Yuchi Gong to be the vanguard and go to Gaoling to stop the 20,000 Turkic vanguard cavalry. So, I have to select 10,000 of you to eat the first bite of meat."

Xu Chen shuttled among the soldiers and said with a smile,

"Ten thousand people against twenty thousand people, if you have the confidence to fight two people, step forward and step out of the line!"_Please download the ununderlined version of the novel

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