"Wei Chen/Last General, see Emperor!" It

turned out to be Yao Dayong, Zong Luoji, Xin Fang'er, Zhang Guang'an and others.

At the back, there was also a humerus minister - Xiao Yao.

"Emperor, the last general just learned the news of your return, and he hurried over before he had

time to eat!" "Yes, Emperor, Weichen is outside inspecting the corn harvest in the whole county, and his front foot is still in the field, and this hind foot is here!"

Everyone said in a word, and Zong Luoji was even more direct, only to hear his stomach "growl" twice!

General Zong, are you very hungry

?" "Yes, yes, do you see a table of delicacies here and want to eat a bite?" Li

Zhiyun and Wan Xuanyu looked at each other and smiled, and waved their hands: "Let's all take a seat quickly!" "

In this situation, how can there be less poor road?" A

voice came, and I saw a fairy wind Daoist bone-like person, almost floating in.

Since this time, the Medicine King Academy has completed the enrollment work, and the number of students has reached more than 2,000! All

kinds of teaching work have also been fully launched!

"It turns out to be Sun DaoChang, hurry up and take a seat!" Li

Zhiyun hurriedly got up and pulled Sun Simiao and Xiao Yu over together.

The mournful little eyes of everyone looked at Li Zhiyun.

After a group of people sat down, they "reported" their recent work to Li Zhiyun while eating happily.

At present, from Yan'an County to Shuofang, from Western Qin to Turks, everyone is busy with a good harvest.

Watermelon, corn, and pumpkin not only filled the stomachs of all the people and soldiers, but also created great benefits for them, completely improving the original hungry and unclothed life.

This originally Shuofang City in the extreme north has also become a famous city in the entire Chinese land!

There are even many people who come from afar to beg for the seeds of all kinds of divine objects.

According to Li Zhiyun's orders, they were not stingy, and often sold the seeds to others at very low prices

! And the Turkic counties, under the leadership of Princess Yicheng, also adjusted the price and increased sales with a civilian positioning, achieving a monthly sales of 100,000 cans of milk powder

! Today, the dairy business has become the largest source of income in the entire grassland!

Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji's nearly 100,000 soldiers were also scattered in various places in the process of continuous transformation, helping to do farm work during the day, studying at night, and becoming more and more fond of this place, they are even contacting their families in Chang'an, trying to invite their families to come and settle here for a long time!

Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji have already put down Wang Ye's figure, abandoned unrealistic ideas, and become the real Xiaoyao Wang Ye.

However, daily farm work physical exercise and new classroom learning are essential.

Li Zhiyun listened to everyone's enthusiastic report, and the corners of his mouth curved.

Regardless of whether this Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji are pretending to be, everything is developing in a good way.

However, he did not intend to let Li Jiancheng go

, everything, everything about the "green hat thief", he needed to pay the price!"

"Emperor, when you come back this time, has Wang Shichong been conquered?"

asked Zong Luoji excitedly.

Who knew that Li Zhiyun shook his head: "Not yet!"

Suddenly, everyone looked at Li Zhiyun in bewilderment.

"I'm coming back this time to announce a few major decisions!" the

well-fed crowd immediately listened carefully.

"First, in two months, move the national capital to the eastern capital Luoyang!"

Luoyang City, the ancient capital, has many emperors lingering.

Although Luoyang

is good, will Wang Shichong agree? Or will Li Zhiyun defeat Wang Shichong within

two months? Uncle Liu and a group of other people from Chang'an are full of excitement in their hearts

! Although this Shuofang is very good, the Central Plains is his

home! And now, I can finally go home!

"Second, I have decided to formally establish the Shenzhou Empire in two months!"

Everyone's eyes sparkled at once.


great and invincible Shenzhou Empire will surely stand on top of the world under the leadership of Li Zhiyun

!" "At that time, I will hold an enthronement ceremony in Luoyang, and all the ministers and generals of my Shenzhou Empire will go to Luoyang together to receive my review!" "At that time, I will invite all the lords of the divided kingdoms to gather in Luoyang to

discuss the big plan together!"

"Wei Chen/Last General, congratulations to the Emperor, Congratulations to the Emperor!" Everyone

immediately knelt on the ground, and there was more pride in their eyes when they looked at Li Zhiyun.

And right now.


!" "Emperor Qiyu, outside the palace, Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji ask to meet!" "


at this time, what is the purpose of these two people coming?"

Li Zhiyun nodded quietly.

In a moment, two figures appeared in front of everyone.

"Fifth brother, you're back

!" "Fifth brother, you look much haggard!" Li

Zhiyun looked startled and frowned, this...

Xiao Yu and Tang Jian on the side got up to give a salute, after all, these two are still the princes of the Great Tang!

Li Zhiyun also did not speak out.

The two did not feel embarrassed, and suddenly took out a particularly exquisite carving from behind:

"Fifth brother, this is the pumpkin carving technique that the eldest brother has learned during this time, do you think this looks like a Tarzan?" After

Li Jiancheng said this, everyone suddenly realized that it was really like that!

Li Zhiyun was also interested, and glanced at the pumpkin in Li Jiancheng's hand.

As soon as Li Jiancheng saw that there was a play, he immediately put the pumpkin on the table very consciously, rubbed his hands, and said extremely embarrassed:

"Fifth brother, I have been here for more than two months, presumably my father and emperor also miss us very much, I don't know

..." "Yes, fifth brother, I always dream of my father and his old man during this time, presumably he is also waiting for you to go back..."

Suddenly, Li Zhiyun threw the wine bottle in his hand to the ground, and his eyes were not angry.

Li Jiancheng instantly lowered his head and stopped speaking, but there were a few more cruelties in his eyes.

I don't believe that you dare to risk the world's condemnation and kill your eldest brother! I don't believe

that I will never be able to return to the Great Tang Dynasty, and I will not be able to kill you!

Everyone also retreated.

Li Zhiyun was about to take Wu Jiao's hand to accompany her to sleep and tell her bedtime stories, but Wan Xuanyu spoke:

"Ji'er, you go back to the room first, and I want to say a few words to Yun'er for my mother." Wu

Jiao walked away obediently.

Li Zhiyun chuckled inwardly.

Mother wouldn't be trying to "urge marriage", would she?

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