Wan Xuanyu took Li Zhiyun's hand and sat down, and said seriously:

"Yun'er, my mother wants to discuss something with you..."

Wan Xuanyu's face showed embarrassment.

And at this moment, Qing'er rushed to clean up the table, just heard their conversation, and did not step forward, hiding behind the curtain.

"Mother, if there is anything you can say bluntly, the child must do it!"

"You can definitely do this thing," Wan Xuanyu smiled slightly, and continued: "

Jie'er is getting bigger and bigger, after observing for my mother, this girl has matured..." Li

Zhiyun's face was red, and his heart was slightly shaking.

Qing'er behind the curtain also had slightly red cheeks, but her heart was a little stunned.

Who knows, Wan Xuanyu's words changed, "But after all, Ji'er's mind is still a little naïve, and it will be considered a real maturity after a while, but you are eighteen years old!" Qing'er

on the side seemed to feel that Wan Xuanyu

had something to say, and pricked up her ears and listened with some expectation.

"Mother, the child is not in a hurry, you can wait another two years..."

Wan Xuanyu smiled bitterly:

"I know you are not in a hurry, but for my mother's anxiety, I am waiting to hold my grandson!"

Li Zhiyun patted Wan Xuanyu's shoulder with some distress.

I am eighteen years old, if I put it in my previous life, I don't know where to play in the mud

! People in their thirties still call themselves "babies" at every turn!

But this world is different.

Seeing that Li Zhiyun seemed to be thinking about what he said, Wan Xuanyu hit the railway while it was hot:

"It's good to see that Qing'er for my mother, the little girl will be eighteen this year!"

Qing'er behind the curtain suddenly chuckled in her heart, her face was covered with a slight red, and she looked at the ground with some embarrassment.

Unfortunately, you can't see your toes.

At this moment, Qing'er really realized a problem, she is not young, it is time to find a home!

Outside the window, a peach tree is swaying in the wind.

The peaches on the tree have been ripe for a long time.

The fruits are plump.

These peaches are expected to be picked.

She especially hoped that the person who came to pick was Li Zhiyun.

Li Zhiyun's mind also had Qing'er's delicate appearance in his mind.

Although he also had impulses, and Qing'er herself was not bad, Wu Ji didn't seem to be friendly to Qing'er.

"Mother, think about it..."

Li Zhiyun casually found a reason to perfunctory, got up and said "good night", and walked out.


Wan Xuanyu's face was a little disappointed.

Qing'er walked out from behind the curtain, bowed down and asked for peace:

"Niangniang, your words have been heard by the slaves, no matter what, the slaves thank Niangniang

!" Wan Xuanyu lovingly lifted Qing'er up, touched Qing'er's little face, and said: "Qing'er

, you have paid more attention to this time, Yun'er has no idea about you, but after a long time, maybe he will have ideas about you!"

Qing'er nodded shyly, and many pictures appeared in her mind, and it may be worth looking forward to for a long time.

Wu Jiao boudoir.

"Brother Yun, what did my mother say to you?"

asked Wu Jiao with his big eyes flickering.

"Nothing... "

Is it to let you marry Qing'er's little girl with a rippling spring heart?" Li

Zhiyun: ???

Is this what your little girl said?

"Brother Yun, in fact, I didn't understand it before, but now I understand some, and it's not easy for you..." Well


Li Zhiyun suddenly looked at Wu Jiao with some relief, could it be a change of nature?

"It's not easy for you either, so don't see Qing'er, lest a pair of lonely men and widows wipe their guns and go off!" Li

Zhiyun was crying and laughing, and he almost didn't come up with an old breath.


coaxing Qing'er to sleep, Li Zhiyun walked towards his bedroom.

When he first walked to the door, Li Zhiyun saw a graceful figure.


saw that she was lowering her head and sorting out her clothes.

Because the whole body is bowing forward, people can't help but think.

This scene reminded Li Zhiyun of a similar picture he saw on Douyin in his previous life.


order to be famous, many women struggled to straighten their chests and raise their buttocks, completely twisting themselves.

It's ridiculous to think about.

"Ahem..." Li

Zhiyun lowered his head, and Quan Dang didn't see anything walk in.

Qing'er was suddenly confused and immediately knelt down.

"Slave... The slave meets Gongzi..."

"Hmm... Get up.

Li Zhiyun bent over to the bed.

"Gongzi, what's wrong with your waist?"

Qing'er immediately stepped forward nervously, trying to help Li Zhiyun.

"Don't get in the way, don't get in the way, maybe I'm a little tired from rushing today..." Li

Zhiyun didn't dare to look at Qing'er's hooking eyes, and lay directly on the bed.

"I'm tired, you also want to go to rest early..." Li

Zhiyun was heartbroken, closed his eyes, and issued an eviction order.

Li Zhiyun

suddenly felt Qing'er's voice ringing in his ears

: "Gongzi, Qing'er has recently learned professional Tuina methods with Sun DaoChang, it's better to let Qing'er eliminate your fatigue for you!" Li

Zhiyun said a little angrily: "I'm really tired, you go down."

Qing'er obviously felt Li Zhiyun's strangeness, and remembered Wan Xuanyu's words in her mind.

You have to find a way to get him to have an idea about you!

Suddenly, Qing'er was heartbroken again and walked up again.

"Gongzi, this is what I should do......."


Li Zhiyun felt that during this time, he might be too tired and nervous.

The muscles of the whole body also appear tense, maybe some muscles are strained, resulting in the rhythm is really difficult to control, and it doesn't take long for cramps.

Compared with Li Zhiyun's happy moment, Li Jiancheng's late night was not good.

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