At this moment, Li Jiancheng still had difficulty sleeping, and his eyes were full of calculation.

After lying down for so long, he did not exchange the slightest sympathy from

Li Zhiyun! This person is really a wolf son with ambition and a cold-faced beast

! And to this day, his father Li Yuan still has great hopes for

Li Zhiyun! Is Li

Zhiyun willing to return to Chang'an?

Obviously, it is completely impossible

! However, if he can go to Luoyang with him, the situation may be completely different!

All you can do now is wait and wait for Luoyang in two months.

At that time, find a way to let the father and emperor come to this Luoyang City to negotiate

with Li Zhiyun! Take the opportunity to return

to Chang'an! Once he returns to Chang'an, Li Zhiyun's good days will come to an end!

In a strong YY, Li Jiancheng fell asleep with a smile on his lips.

In my sleep, it's all white flowers... Snow.

He even dreamed that Yin Yanxue was waving to him.


The grass grows and the warbler flies, and time flies.

In the anticipation of everyone, two months have passed.

During this time, Li Zhiyun harvested all the pumpkins, watermelons and corn in the field.

A large amount of food was stored.

Enough for these horses for more than a year.

Sun Simiao's Medicine King Academy has also been on the right track, training many good doctors who benefit people.


Shuofang King City Noda square.

More than 2,000 ground platoon vehicles are ready to go.

300,000 soldiers are fierce.

Five thousand tigers rode solemnly and killed.

More than a hundred ministers were full of spring breeze.

The big banner of Li character fluttered in the wind, and the rows of war drums were displayed in an orderly manner.

Li Zhiyun immediately crossed the knife and stared at

the world: "Soldiers, just today, follow me into the Central Plains and dominate the world!" "Soldiers


just today, follow me to smooth the chaotic world and reach the peak

!" "Bang!" "Boom!"

In a flash.

All the soldiers set off towards Luoyang City with anticipation!

Wan Xuanyu rode in a carriage with Wu Shu and Qing'er, and Qing'er was originally in another car and was pulled over by Wan Xuanyu.

Suddenly, Wu Shu glanced at Qing'er warily.

"Say, are you flirting with Brother Yun again?"

Qing'er immediately blushed, subconsciously wiped the corners of her mouth, and did not dare to look at Wu Shu's eyes.

"Xiao'er, Qing'er is two years older than you, and she is also your sister, so be gentle with others..."

Wan Xuanyu took Lawu's small hand and persuaded.

Wu Shu glanced at his mouth and said, "

Hmph, who doesn't know what you do every night

!" Wan Xuanyu and Qing'er were stunned for a moment, could it be that Wu Shu knew it

? But didn't he do anything

? Didn't he just help Li Zhiyun loosen his muscles?

And the next moment, Wu Shu's words were amazing!

"Qing'er, I allow you to miss Brother Yun, but you can't have other ideas, you don't understand!"

Qing'er's face was even redder, like a ripe apple.

The atmosphere was a little awkward, Qing'er thought about it, but her heart was happy, at least she could miss him.

This Wu Shu is still relatively generous.

Qing'er immediately took out the fruit salad she had just made with yogurt.

After Wu Shu hesitated for a moment, he finally did not hold back and took it.

Wan Xuanyu looked at this pair of "good sisters" and breathed a long sigh of relief.

And behind the army, it was followed by the army of Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji, who had unloaded their armor by 150,000.

Their mood at the moment is excited, they can finally return to the Central Plains, after all, all their families are there.

During this time, they had tried to contact their families, but it was conceivable that Li Yuan must have stayed behind and ordered that they were forbidden to leave the city

! Therefore, for them, sooner or later, they would have to return to the Tang Kingdom and reunite with their families!


that everyone was already on the road, Li Zhiyun said goodbye to his mother and Wu Shu, and he himself led 5,000 tigers and iron horses, one step ahead of others, and rushed towards Luoyang City!

Li Zhiyun has long planned for the next step.

In this short period of three months.

Accept Wang Shichong's surrender.

Order was re-established in the eastern capital Luoyang.

Restore the reputation of the eastern capital Luoyang.

Then, in Luoyang City, he formally established the Shenzhou Empire and ascended the throne as emperor

! Just when Li Zhiyun was traveling in the starry night, Wang Shichong of Luoyang City really couldn't hold on as expected!

Wang Shicheng slumped on the dragon chair with a tired face.

"Your Majesty, the uprising in the city is already the eighth this month, and this time our army has suffered slight casualties!" Yang

Gongqing arched his hand, not daring to look directly into Wang Shicheng's eyes.

How many casualties?" asked Wang Shichong.

"Hmm... More than 100 people were killed and more than 200 injured..."

Wang Shichong immediately said angrily:

"What are these soldiers for, and hundreds of mobs can't be cured?"

In the past two months, the people in the city have starved to death, and peasant uprisings have broken out in many places!

We can't complain that the soldiers have no combat effectiveness, and now they have been surviving on wild vegetables for more than half a month!

There was also news that Yang Gongqing did not tell Wang Shichong, that is, last night more than 1,000 soldiers sneaked out of the city and joined Cheng Yanjin

! At present, it is only a matter of time before Wang Shichong's army is defeated!

The other soldiers in the hall also looked at the ground with earthy faces, expressionless.

Wang Shichong tried to lift his body and comforted:

"Don't worry, don't worry, that Dou Jiande from Hebei has been sending troops for a few days, and he will be with the lone army in a few days!"

Wang Shichong thought that everyone would be excited, but no one paid attention to him.

The atmosphere was awkward.

He has said this three times after

sending troops for several days

, but what about people?

Li Shimin has already been trapped in the tiger prison!

"Your Majesty, then Li Shimin is holding the Tiger Prison Pass, and there are spear batteries, and our soldiers have suffered heavy losses

!" Dou Jiande stared forward with scarlet eyes, and said angrily:

"If you can't attack the Tiger Prison again, then Wang Shichong will definitely die in the country!"


!" a scout came on horseback

: "Your Majesty, General Liu Wuzhou Liu has already led an army to come!" "What?"

Dou Jiande's eyes suddenly lit up:

"Hurry up, please

!" "Your Majesty Qiyu, Chi Jingde, the first general under Liu Wuzhou, has already led 50,000 elite soldiers to press up!"

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