The other side of Tiger Prison Pass, Li Shimin's office.

After repeated attacks on Dou Jiande for more than a month, Li Shimin's soldiers also suffered heavy casualties

! At present, only 1,000 troops remain!

Li Jing has led nearly 100,000 troops to the rear of the Xia Kingdom for many days, and he has

not seen any trace of his return! If he does not return, I am afraid that he will have to withdraw his troops!

Li Shimin immediately jumped onto his horse, picked up the Mo knife, and shouted at all the soldiers:

"This pass connects Songyue in the south, the Yellow River in the north, and the mountains are intertwined, and it is a natural danger!"

Li Shimin brandished a strange knife and rushed to the most difficult and dangerous heights of Tiger Prison Pass.

Don't say that this Mo Dao played a huge role in this battle, cutting up the enemy, just like looking at a watermelon

! This was the result of Xu Shiji's bitter pleading with Li Zhiyun at that time

! Suddenly, a look of horror flashed in Li Shimin's eyes

! How could so many people appear overnight?

That Dou Jiande's 100,000-strong army had already lost more than half of it in the war of attrition for more than a month!


looking at this group of people, the spiritual qi was completely different!

I saw that in front of them, there was a dark-skinned general, holding two pitch-black hard whips, and killed him fiercely.

"All the soldiers obey the order, rush me to the tiger prison and kill Li Shimin!"

Li Shimin's expression tightened:

"Throw me, smash them!" In

an instant, a large number of hard stones were pried open by the wood and rolled down

with a bang!Li Shimin was immediately shocked: Why was

this person so brave

? Could it be that he ate black charcoal?

Dou Jiande and Liu Wuzhou at the foot of the mountain had already sat on a stool and began to drink leisurely.

This was the first time in more than a month that Dou Jiande felt completely relaxed!

"Brother Dou, don't worry, Wei Chi Jingde is the number one general under me, and no one can stop

him!" "Okay, if this General Wei Chi kills Li Shimin today, I will follow the previous agreement and assign all ten cities in the northwest of the Xia Kingdom to Mayi

!" Liu Wuzhou immediately picked up the wine bottle with satisfaction and saluted:

"Just watch, in less than half a day's effort, Li Shimin will die!" The

two drank it all and looked at Wei Chi Jingde in front of them with interest.

"Li Shimin, surrender and don't kill

!" Wei Chi Jingde roared, shattering the mountain stream! Xu

Shiji suddenly blocked in front of Li Shimin:

"You, dream away!"

Xu Shiji's hands holding the Mo Dao were trembling slightly.

What a terrifying power! What

a hard whip

! It is comparable to a strange knife

! It has not even left a single sword mark!

"Who is coming, dare to report his name?" "

Your grandfather Chi Jingde is also!"

"General Wei Chi, why did you help that Dou Jiande?"

roared Li Shimin, wanting to forcibly woo Wei Chi Jingde.


Chi Jingde suddenly smiled, and he could only see two rows of large teeth:

"Dou Jiande is the king of the world, but your fifth brother Li Zhiyun is murderous!"

In this chaotic world, Dou Jiande really belongs to a generation of Ming monarchs! Dou Jiande

shared happiness and hardship with the soldiers, treated them favorably, practiced benevolence and righteousness, and usually did not kill prisoners of war after each victory.

Thinking of this, Li Shimin remembered the past.

Dou Jiande once captured his cousin Li Shentong and his aunt Princess Tong'an Chang.

But Dou Jiande did not kill them, but treated them as distinguished guests, and finally sent them back to the Tang Dynasty

! It can be seen that Dou Jiande really belongs to a generation of benevolent and righteous monarchs

! In a panic, Wei Chi Jingde suddenly changed his course, bypassed Xu Shiji, and suddenly killed Li

Shimin! Li Shimin tried his best to block it, but he was still shocked back several meters!

Li Shimin was horrified.

Since the conquest, he has never felt the threat of death so closely

! There are not many soldiers left around him, and everyone has blood on their faces

! They have lost their combat effectiveness

! Is today the time of their own death?

But the world has not yet been unified, and he has not yet taken the throne!

I only heard the ground shaking, and I saw dust!

in the two valleys below the mountain.

A force wearing black armor, red cloaks, and steel and black masks suddenly appeared

! Everyone rode on a war horse in battle armor, holding a sharp spear in his hand, a saber in his waist, and a large bow on his back!



!" "Kill!" "Take down Liu Wuzhou and Dou Jiande's heads for me!" Li

Zhiyun burst into a shout, his unparalleled skills were fully opened, frantically shuttling back and forth, his hands rose and fell, and his head flew all over the sky!


Shimin and Xu Shiwei on the mountain secretly bit their lips, and nodded their heads uncontrollably:

"Good, good!

Wei Chi Jingde couldn't care about Li Shimin and Xu Shiwei, and immediately roared and rushed down

! "You are that Li Zhiyun?" Wei Chi Jingde held the hard whip in both hands and glared angrily! "


"Hmph, smelly little child, give Lao Hei his life

!" "Drive

!" Li Zhiyun turned around and ran, and Wei Chi Jingde did not plan to chase

! But Dou Jiande and Liu Wuzhou were angry

! Fuck, you want to run after playing a few tricks on yourself?

It's better to die with that Li Shimin here!"

"Chase me, kill that Li Zhiyun!"


long as they kill this Li Zhiyun, the Luoyang crisis will be solved by themselves!

Wei Chi Jingde did not hesitate, and the double whip suddenly slapped the horse's butt, and the tiger followed in a hurry!

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