Wang Shichong immediately straightened his body and looked forward hard.


did he come back alive

? Could it be that Dou Jiande had already retired from the army?

Or had he been killed... Defeat?


Wang Shichong seemed to have been pierced in the brain by a spike, and a fly crawled in with the small hole pierced!

"You are not Li Shimin, you are not Li Shimin!"

I'm not..."

Wang Shichong fell into a strange circle, holding his head and shaking wildly.


Zheng Guo loses, then most of the Central Plains will be Li Tang's domain

! This is tantamount to changing the entire pattern today!

Li Zhiyun under the city smiled heartily, he knew that the best way to defeat a person was.


Zhiyun immediately took out two things wrapped in rags from his horse and came to a Wolong fort at the forefront.

Two pieces of things were suddenly inserted into the two spears and fired at Wang Shichong

in the city! Everyone in the city immediately crouched down, their heads against the city wall to prevent being shot.

And Wang Shichong, who was already in madness, did not hide.

Two black guns whistled.

It's time for a minute.

Only the general Bing Yuanzhen suddenly took a step forward and desperately blocked in front of Wang Shichong

! Bang!

Bang! The

two black guns did not shoot into the wall, but fell to the ground in response.

Everyone immediately looked warily at the two lumps of blood on the head of the black spear that had solidified.

Wang Shichong even pushed Bing Yuanzhen into the distance and looked up on the ground.

In a flash.


people suddenly felt a pang of nausea and vomited countless mouthfuls of bitter water.

A terrible fact came to everyone's mind.

Dou Jiande's Xia Guo and Liu Wuzhou's Ma Yi died!

Li Jing, who was on the land of the Xia Kingdom, was leading all the soldiers to frantically attack the capital of the Xia Kingdom!

Wang Shichong, a rough man, actually had a sour nose, and two lines of hot tears flowed down his cheeks.

Crying up to heaven without scruples!

This is fate.


Gongqing on the side looked at the collapsed Wang Shichong with a dead face, staring at the black gun on the ground and his heart beating rapidly.

, don't do one or the other.

Yang Gongqing took advantage of the unpreparedness and suddenly picked up the spear on the ground and stabbed it towards Wang Shichong without warning!

"Your Majesty be careful!! Bing

Yuanzhen immediately burst into laughter and immediately rushed forward, trying to stop Yang Gongqing.

But he was pushed away by Wang Shichong fiercely before, and now he is more than a dozen steps away from

Wang Shichong

, and it is too late! "Wang Shichong, go and die

!" "Emperor, I, Yang Gongqing, are here to make meritorious contributions!" Before

Wang Shichong could react, he felt a black dot in front of him rapidly enlarge!

Wang Shichong closed his eyes in the midst of crying, and bitter tears flowed into his mouth.

Perhaps, this is fate!

Between the electric flint, only listen to the "bang".

Wang Shichong fell to the ground in pain! Bang

! Immediately after another loud bang, another person fell to the ground

! It turned out to be Yang Gongqing

! I saw the position of his temple, and an arrow was inserted into

it! But Wang Shichong just fell, but his whole body was unscathed!


immediately looked at the city.


saw that Li Zhiyun had already put down the hundred stone bow in his hand, looked at the city with interest, and said, "

Wang Shichong, if you don't surrender again, I believe that you soldiers can also kill

you!" But I promise you, as long as you surrender in Kaicheng, I will ensure that you do not die!"

As soon as Li Zhiyun's words fell, everyone in the city suddenly stood up and looked at Li Zhiyun with bright eyes.

The arrow that killed Yang Gongqing just now turned out to be shot by

Li Zhiyun! He stopped Yang Gongqing's "surrender" and saved Wang Shichong

! Could it

be that he really didn't kill

prisoners? But the story of Li Zhiyun killing prisoners is being spread all over the world!

Bing Yuanzhen got up from the ground, stepped forward, showed gratitude, and respectfully handed over his hand:

Thank you to the emperor for his life-saving grace and grace not to kill!" After

Bing Yuanzhen finished speaking, he picked up Wang Shichong and said,

"Your Majesty, at the moment, my Great Zheng Guo is exhausted, and Li Zhiyun is a Ming Jun with clear grievances, and it is undoubtedly the best decision to surrender now!"

"Your Majesty, even if we die in battle, it will be difficult to recover the defeat

, please Your Majesty think twice!" "Your Majesty, there are still countless innocent people in the city, if they do not surrender, they will be starved to death!"

Descend!" The

people in the city seemed to hear some wind noise, and slowly leaned closer to the city.

Wang Shichong listened to everyone's advice, glanced at all the people under the city, and closed his eyes in pain.

Looking back on this life, he fought everywhere and was thrilled, and finally established the Great Zheng Kingdom in Henan.

On this way, I asked myself that I had done a lot of unconscionable things, and I was even more sorry for the people in this city and all the soldiers behind me!

Perhaps, it's time to end all this!"

Wang Shichong asked the last question before the opening of the city.

Li Zhiyun nodded solemnly:

"How could I have lied to

you?" "It's like the agreement signed for you before never to attack Luoyang City, did I do it?"

Li Zhiyun's answer left everyone in the city speechless.

Indeed, Lee Ji-yun did.

Siege without attack, directly surrounded Wang Shichong alive.

But for the decision not to kill Wang Shichong, Li Shimin and everyone seemed a little unconvinced.

"Emperor, Wang Shichong is mean and unkind, ruthless and unrighteous, and it is difficult to convince the public without killing!" "Emperor, Wang Shichong

is deceitful and treacherous, and his crime is punished!"

Everyone was talking about it, and Li Shimin directly spoke:

"Li Zhiyun, why did you kill Dou Jiande and let Wang Shichong go?"

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