Li Zhiyun scanned everyone and said

in a low voice: "Dou Jiande is too popular in Hebei, once the tiger returns to the mountain, Dou Jiande is a big army, then you Li Shimin fought this battle in vain?"

Li Shimin actually understood this truth for a long time, but he just wanted to scare Li Zhiyun and make the soldiers disbelieve him!

As far as the current situation is concerned, Li Zhiyun defeated Liang Shidu of Daliang and Xue Ju of Western Qin, and subdued the Turks.

If Henan and Mayi were included, Li Zhiyun would occupy half of the entire territory of China!

Although Li Zhiyun does not show strong hostility towards himself, this is only for now.

If only the Shenzhou Empire and the Tang Kingdom remain on the land of China, sooner or later there will be a war between the two!

Li Zhiyun took in the subtle changes in expression on Li Shimin's face and continued:

"Why are you unwilling to let Wang Shichong go and let him surrender as soon as possible?"

Li Zhiyun's words made everyone pause!


stopped talking about it, and looked at Wang Shichong in the city.


An hour later.

The gate of Luoyang City "creaked" open.

At the front, two half-naked people appeared, holding the Jade Seal National Seal and the Tiger Talisman in their hands.

Behind these two people were nearly 500 civilian and military officials and generals.

Behind the general were the defenders and people of Luoyang City who were suppressed by black.

I saw that they were walking with difficulty, walking unusually slowly, a mile away, as if they had walked for most of the day.

Everyone knelt in front of Li Zhiyun in unison.

Wang Shi filled his mouth with jade, and the whole country sealed:

"The criminal minister... Wang Shichong, leading hundreds of civil and military officials, and the people of the city, surrendered to His Royal Highness Li Zhiyun of the Shenzhou Empire!"

Bing Yuanzhen, hereby present the Tiger Talisman for the Troop Transfer, and I am willing to take the lead for His Highness

Li Zhiyun!" Li Zhiyun took the national seal, but did not take the tiger talisman.

Bing Yuanzhen suddenly chuckled in his heart.

Li Zhiyun said solemnly to Wang Shichong and everyone behind him:

"Everyone will be my Li Zhiyun's people, my Li Zhiyun's soldiers!"

Everyone's cloudy eyes gave birth to a trace of brilliance, but they quickly dimmed down.

In this chaotic world, the Crown Prince once said such things to them, but the Crown Prince did not realize it until his death.

Wang Shichong also said such things to them, so what?

Li Zhiyun seemed to see through their minds and sighed secretly.


trust was also shattered by frequent wars!

Liu Min immediately arranged for everyone to send steaming porridge, buttercakes, milk, and other food to the people and soldiers of Luoyang City.

Everyone immediately gobbled up.

"Don't worry, everyone has it, eat slowly, be careful to hurt your stomach!" Li

Zhiyun comforted everyone affectionately, and everyone looked at Li Zhiyun's eyes with a hint of stability.

Leave it alone, whoever can let them eat will listen well!

Not far away, a pair of eyes seemed to be staring at Li Zhiyun.

Li Zhiyun also felt this light, walked quietly in front of Bing Yuanzhen, took his hand, and walked forward!

Think about the previous-for-tat, and then think about Li Zhiyun's actions just now.

Li Zhiyun pulled him in front of

Cheng Yanjin, Luo Shixin and the others, and said: "Two generals, this General Bing will be your colleague in the future, let's talk!" Bing

Yuanzhen: ???'m not dreaming, right?

Seeing that Bing Yuanzhen's stupid pestle was there, Cheng Yanjin and Luo Shixin patted Bing Yuanzhen's shoulder and said happily:

" How is General Bing drinking, come, give Old

Cheng a drink!" Cheng Yanjin said, so he pulled Bing

Yuanzhen to the table, handed over a bowl of porridge and a glass of wine, and said: "Drink the porridge first, and then drink!" Bing

Yuanzhen's pair of vicissitudes eyes, tears were swirling, picked up the wine and raised his head and drank it!

"Emperor, this Troop Tiger Talisman..."

General Bing better keep it himself, and I will rely on you to guard this Luoyang City for me in the future!" Li

Zhiyun walked away with a smile, while Bing Yuanzhen still stood in place.

The tears swirling in his eyes finally couldn't help but fall.

At this moment, Li Zhiyun's back instantly grew tall in his heart.

Wang Shichong looked at this scene and let out a long sigh of relief.

He felt that surrendering to Li Zhiyun was the most correct thing he had done in his life.

Without thinking much about it, Wang Shichong picked up the cake and gobbled it up.

Li Zhiyun in the distance smiled heartily.

This scene shows that Wang Shichong has dropped everything and is finally a mortal.

"Uncle Wang, you will choke just by eating cakes, come, drink a glass of milk!" Wang

Shichong raised his head and saw a familiar figure.

After hesitating for a moment, Wang Shichong still took the milk from Luo Shixin's hand.

"Uncle Wang, I... I... I think..."

Luo Shixin suddenly became swallowing. His expression was very nervous.

Wang Shichong drank the milk, wiped the milk stains on his mouth, and pointed to Luoyang City behind him:

"Liniang has been hidden by me in the secret room at the back of the palace, you go and find her!"

Luo Shixin ran away with a smile on his face.

Cheng Yanjin and Bing Yuanzhen skimmed, looked at Luo Shixin, who was not present, sighed and shook his head, but he was helpless.

Emperor Li Zhiyun once said that everyone has everyone's way of life, we can disagree, but we must learn to respect.

This is the meaning of "freedom"!

After settling everything in, it is late at night.

Li Zhiyun did not enter the Luoyang Palace for the first time, but still slept in the military tent.

In order to welcome the arrival of the Queen Mother and Xiao'er, and for the enthronement ceremony two months later.

He wants to spend the next two months to properly transform this thousand-year-old capital and make it shine again

! And at this moment, a long-lost voice sounded in Li Zhiyun's mind

! --

The author has something to say:

Special thanks to the two "popping flowers" gifts sent by the star dream boss!! for the first chapter of the star like a dream!

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