Not often.

Bing Yuanzhen and Zheng Wenxiu arrived.

In the past few months, Zheng Wenxiu, who was Xiao Mill's old minister and Dong Jingzhen's old department, was left in one place by Li Zhiyun without asking, and several generals had been arranged to follow him.


how could this group of northern dry ducks understand the mystery of the southern sailor?

Li Zhiyun glanced at Zheng Wenxiu, did not say anything, but instead asked Bing Yuanzhen next to Zheng Wenxiu:

"General Bing, how many lakes are there in this entire Luoyang City?"

"However, there are a few rivers

!" "Yi River, Luo River, Dai River, Jian River!" Li

Zhiyun pondered for a while

, and said, "At present, most of the people in Luoyang City are hungry and displaced, and if they are not organized, I am afraid that many incidents will occur.

In times of war, starving and displaced people are the biggest destabilizing factors in the entire society, and the slightest lack of attention can cause a civil explosion.

These old subordinates of the former Wang Shichong had a deep understanding of this!

"Emperor, how about we use work for relief, organize these hungry and displaced people, and repair Luoyang City!"

Liu Min stepped forward and said.

Li Zhiyun looked at Liu Min appreciatively, and everyone nodded approvingly.

Cash-for-work has historically been the best way to stabilize displaced persons.

If you just blindly let them eat and drink for nothing, they will definitely have nothing to do in time, and they may not be able to make a name for themselves.

However, Bing Yuanzhen was very puzzled.

What does this cash-for-work have to do with the fact that he just asked him how many lakes there are in Luoyang City

? Could it be that Li Zhiyun wants to dig up the lakes?

Although he had suggested that Wang Shichong dig the lake to store water, Wang Shichong did not take his advice.

Because in his opinion, the Eastern Crusade and Western War to expand the territory is the right thing, as for those projects to improve people's livelihood, it is not worth mentioning!

Who knows if this Luoyang City will change owners in the next moment of the fuck In

fact, in this chaotic world, most of the separatist forces have the same idea as Wang Shichong.

But Li Zhiyun is different.

Sure enough, the next moment.

Li Zhiyun said to Liu Min: "

Master Liu, I will issue a few orders!"

In an instant, everyone knelt down.

"First, set up the Department of Water Conservancy and Lakes, with Zheng Wenxiu concurrently serving as the first director, organizing the soldiers and the people in Luoyang City to survey suitable terrain, select places with soft geology, dig a large lake, and connect it with the Yi River, Luo River, Dai River, and Jian River to reserve water sources and regulate the drought in Luoyang City, which is a long-term project!"

Unified repair, if necessary, can be rebuilt with cement, I want to let the people in Luoyang City live in the best houses

!" "Third, set up the Department of Agriculture, Liu Min concurrently served as the first director, practiced the land revolution, built a quyuan plough day and night to restore the land, and grabbed the last stubble of the year with pumpkins, corn, wheat, etc., and planted them all!"

"Fourth, all the ministers of the former Great Zhengguo must closely cooperate with the generals, you must know that this is only a transitional stage, and when everything returns to normal, all the power will still be handed over to you!" "

In the transitional stage, all the soldiers must have iron discipline, perform their duties, and severely punish anyone who disturbs the people

!" "In order to set an example, during this time, I have been handling political affairs in this Taoist temple!" Li

Zhiyun finished speaking in one breath, and Liu Min quickly recorded.


!" "Nuo!"


Everyone knelt down to take orders, especially those old subordinates and ministers of the former Wang Shichong, their eyes were full of tears and extremely excited.

They thought that there was nothing for them in the world, let alone reused.

But Li Zhiyun rekindled their fighting spirit and hope;

everyone knelt on the ground, but all but one person.

Naturally, it was that Zheng Wenxiu.

At this moment, he had silently retreated into the corner and looked at Li Zhiyun with disdain.

Although he also felt that Li Zhiyun's orders seemed

to be the

same thing, every order was closely related to the people in this city

! But who wouldn't say good things

? The key depends on whether or not I can carry them out!

In addition, when will I become your "director of the Department of Water Conservancy and Lakes"?

After Liu Min recorded these orders, he suddenly frowned and asked:

"Emperor, this heavy rain is estimated to stop in a while, is it still time to dig a pit and store water


?" Everyone looked at Li Zhiyun suspiciously, when will the emperor be able to pinch and calculate

, could it be that Zhuge Liang is reincarnated, and he will also look at the weather?

But Li Zhiyun's tone just now was extremely firm.

But if he says this, it will be true

! What he

says is what he says! What he says comes! He says that if it rains, it is rainstorms! Even if

he says gold, they can believe it.

However, digging some temporary pits for water storage is naturally nothing to say, after all, the lake can not be completed overnight.


Zheng Wenxiu, who has always known a lot about water, was confused! When could that

thing in the cellar be used to "store water"?

But this also greatly aroused Zheng Wenxiu's

curiosity, because as a general of the navy division, he understood very well the importance of water when the ship was fighting.

"When will this cellar be able to store water?"

asked Zheng Wenxiu as he turned to Li Zhiyun.

Others also looked at Li Zhiyun curiously, wanting to get an answer.

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