Li Zhiyun did not answer Zheng Wenxiu's question, and asked rhetorically

: "General Zheng, may I ask you a question?" Zheng

Wenxiu turned his head to one place:

"Li Zhiyun, there is no problem in helping you dig a lake and digging a pit, I have dug a lot before!" Li Zhiyun

bowed his head slightly, and really did not look at the wrong person.

But Zheng Wenxiu's words changed: "If you want to ask me if I would like to help you train the navy master, I think it's better to forget it, General Ben doesn't have this mind for the time being

!" "Be bold!" Cheng

Yanjin immediately stepped forward and pulled Zheng Wenxiu's robe collar and said angrily:

"You can't kneel down here, and you dare to call the emperor by name?"


people on the side also couldn't stand this Zheng Wenxiu's bad attitude for a long time, and they all stepped forward to accuse.

"Zheng Wenxiu, if it weren't for the emperor wanting to keep your life, you would have died in Yichuan!" "

Do you think the emperor won't know the water master training method?" Li

Zhiyun smiled awkwardly in his heart, sorry, how this water master trains, I really don't.

In his previous life, he was a proper dry duck, not to mention the army of training sailors, and he didn't even understand the dog planing!

Zheng Wenxiu was angered by Cheng Bitjin's actions, and threw Cheng Bitjin away with one hand and was about to leave.

Li Zhiyun waved his hand, interrupted everyone's discussion, and walked towards Zheng Wenxiu.

Zheng Wenxiu chuckled in his heart, a bad premonition surged in his heart, and his drooping hands couldn't help but squeeze his robe.

This Li Zhiyun won't kill him, right?

Li Zhiyun's starry eyes moved slightly, and a slight smile appeared on his face:


Zheng doesn't have to be familiar with this Cheng Yanjin, the question I asked has nothing to do with the training of the water master, but it is related to the lives of all the sailor soldiers!" Well


Zheng Wenxiu's curiosity grew, what is related to the life of the water master?"

Seeing that his words aroused

Zheng Wenxiu's interest, Li Zhiyun said: "May I ask General Zheng, how does the water store when the navy division fights?" Zheng

Wenxiu chuckled in his heart, the question raised by Li Zhiyun is really a big problem!

Cheng Yanjin had long seen that Zheng Wenxiu was unhappy, and immediately replied

: "Hey, what should I do

!" "Emperor, you don't need to ask him, Old Cheng will know!" Li

Zhiyun looked at Cheng Yanjin with interest: "Oh, you should talk about it!" "

Put the water in the wooden barrel, and then put the barrel in the bottom compartment of the ship, in the rainy day or when docking, replenish the water in time and change the water in time!"

What if it doesn't rain and there's no port?"


water in the barrel will be very turbid in less than seven days, breeding many small insects, that is, bacteria, how to drink?"

Everyone looked at Li Zhiyun in amazement, this word is really fresh, although it is the first time I heard it, but it feels very appropriate! Li Zhiyun

said quietly:

"Yes, drinking this kind of water with small insects, the soldiers will get sick and may die!"

Everyone thought thoughtfully.

Yes, whoever drinks this kind of water will get sick, and once he gets sick on the boat, nine times out of ten he will die

! If a plague breaks out again and again, the whole boat is finished!

When Zheng Wenxiu heard this, his thoughts were the same as Li Zhiyun.

How to store water has always been a headache when sailors go out to fight.

On the ship, it is impossible to boil water on fire, and the wooden boat has a safety hazard

! Put it in a wooden barrel, you can do it for a short time, if it is full of peculiar smell for a long time, as long as the soldiers dare to drink, they dare to get sick!

"Emperor, then do you have a way to reserve water?"

"I naturally have a way!"

Suddenly, everyone's eyes burned at Li Zhiyun, including Zheng Wenxiu.

If he can solve this problem, it will greatly improve the daily life security of the soldiers and avoid worrying about their lives due to the water problem

! In addition, this will also be of great significance to the common people in the entire Central Plains!

"Okay, what should you do, I can discuss this issue with General Zheng!"


Zhiyun waved his hand: "The director of the construction department is the foreman of the contractor, and it is very fragrant!" Cheng

Yanjin and Luo Shixin scolded and walked away, and Liu Min and Bing Yuanzhen also took their leave.


If you don't look closely in the crowd, you really can't see that there is another person standing there stupidly.

His face was originally dark, and after listening to all the arrangements, there was nothing wrong with him, how could he not be angry.

"Emperor, these few of them have something to do, what about me?" "

General Wei Chi, you also have an important task!" Wei Chi

Jingde immediately knelt down happily: "Please arrange for the emperor

!" "First, you should also go back to Mayi, there is still waiting for you to take over, remember, you also have to arrange for someone to dig a pit and dig a cellar!"

Second, when passing through Hebei, he also asked General Wei Chi to inform General Su Dingfang that all the important military affairs of the former Great Xia Kingdom were arranged by him!" Li

Zhiyun pondered for a while, as if remembering something important again, and immediately added:

"Please inform General Su, you must find an excuse to kill that Liu Heimin, remember!"

In history, this Liu Heiman was not a fuel-saving lamp, but an old fried dough stick of turmoil and rebellion!

When Wei Chi Jingde heard this, it was all some dirty work, and he was unwilling to scold and scold and go away.

Only Zheng Wenxiu and Li Zhiyun were left at the scene, and the atmosphere was a little awkward.

"Your Highness, when will we start discussing... The problem of water storage?"

asked Zheng Wenxiu with courage, and no longer called Li Zhiyun by his name, and certainly did not call him "Emperor".

"First follow me to find one thing-saltpeter!" "Saltpeter

?" Li

Zhiyun nodded and stopped talking, but waited for this rainstorm to end early.

Zheng Wenxiu's heart had many questions.

He had heard of saltpeter for a long time, and it was used as medicine during the Warring States period, and the "Pu Qi" recorded in the "Shennong Materia Medica" written in the Eastern Han Dynasty was saltpeter.

Often in the cool autumn season, saltpeter usually precipitates in the shape of a shell or salt flower, covering the ground and the foot of the wall, which is the so-called ground frost.

Saltpeter diarrhea laxative, moisturizing soft firm, clear heat, used for stagnation, dry knots, pharyngeal swelling, cradle carbuncle, hemorrhoids, etc.

Could it be that Li Zhiyun had hemorrhoids and used saltpeter to treat his illness?

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