By noon, the rainstorm had finally stopped.

Li Zhiyun and Zheng Wenxiu set off in a hurry.

Behind the two of them, there were also countless old subordinates and some ordinary people who were watching the lively Yuan Wang Shichong.

Li Zhiyun did not drive them away.

Finding saltpeter does require a lot of manpower, so just let them follow.

A group of people followed Li Zhiyun to the surrounding fields.

These fields have long been abandoned because of the baptism of war, and now they are in autumn, which happens to be conducive to Li Zhiyun's search.

After a while, Li Zhiyun bent over and squatted down in the ravines in the field:

"Look, this is what saltpeter looked like in the beginning!"

said Li Zhiyun, pointing to a layer of white frost on the ground.

Everyone immediately gathered around, watching, touching, and licking excitedly.

Zheng Wenxiu: Cut

, really have no insight at all, just a few pieces of saltpeter white frost in this area as for being so excited?

He was still in the hands of some merchants before, and he saw pieces of saltpeter mines with his own eyes!

"Guys, there are not many saltpeter raw materials here, let's go to the old houses and kitchens in Luoyang City to find them!"

Li Zhiyun smiled strangely, how could he not know this

? The system told him everything, okay?

It's just that he just wanted to deliberately come here to do it in order to arouse Zheng Wenxiu's enthusiasm for taking the initiative to participate.

It seems that this method has worked, and Zheng Wenxiu has slowly melted in and become less unique.

A group of people followed Li Zhiyun and Zheng Wenxiu to the city, specifically looking for the corner of the old house and digging it.

Then I went to the kitchen and found some mud bricks with white frost.

Everyone was busy, although they didn't know what Li Zhiyun wanted these saltpeters for.

In the evening, a group of people finally collected two sacks of saltpeter, which can be described as a lot of people and great strength.

But Li Zhiyun did not have many surprises, because he used a lot of manpower and material resources to find these in an afternoon, which obviously did not match his grand plan.

Find a way to get hundreds of tons of saltpeter raw ore!

Cheng Yanjin, Luo Shixin, Liu Min, Bing Yuanzhen and others, who had been busy all afternoon, also returned here.

"Emperor, Lao Cheng organized everyone to make cement this afternoon, don't say it, this cement is a cow!"

said Cheng Yanjin excitedly.

"Emperor, Weichen has already created ten models of Quyuan ploughs this afternoon, and has ordered them to make them in large quantities!"

Liu Min also said excitedly.

Li Zhiyun listened to everyone's "report" and was quite satisfied, only Luo Shixin swallowed there, with a puzzled face: "

Emperor, the last general and everyone dug a big pit for an afternoon, but the progress is slow, and it is difficult to just pull this dirt to the ground!"

Li Zhiyun pondered for a while, directly took a piece of paper, wrote and drew on it.

In a short time, a drawing came out.

Everyone instantly gathered around.

"This is a roller skating device, you see here, an iron wheel in the middle, a thick rope on it, the end of the thick rope is placed with an iron plate, the excavated soil is placed on this iron plate, and the person standing on it can pull up the rope!" After

Li Zhiyun briefly explained, everyone immediately gasped!


Shixin looked at this drawing and his eyes were full of essence

! If this design is made, it is simply not too simple to transport the soil!

Zheng Wenxiu on the side was originally squatting on the ground, and when he saw this scene, he couldn't help but step forward and glance at the drawing.

Zheng Wenxiu's whole person was shocked! This roller skating device is really ingenious

! If it is designed on a ship, it will be very convenient to move things out of the bottom compartment!

Who is Li Zhiyun divine and what is his brain made of?

After this incident just now, subtle changes began to occur in Zheng Wenxiu's

heart, and his eyes were fixed on the two bags of saltpeter raw materials placed on the side.

Perhaps, with Li Zhiyun's strength, he can really use these saltpeters to solve the problem of water storage!"

"Your Highness, these saltpeters... How are you going to deal with it?"

reminded Zheng Wenxiu, pointing to two bags of saltpeter on the ground.


everyone immediately looked at the ground curiously, what are they doing with these saltpeters? In

everyone's puzzled eyes, Li Zhiyun ordered people to move more than a dozen large barrels.

Place the saltpeter evenly in the barrel and start soaking with water.

About an hour later.

The saltpeter white frost in the barrel has merged with the water, appearing extremely turbid.

Li Zhiyun ordered someone to find a few pieces of fine silk-like cloth, put them on the mouth of the barrel, and began to filter.

After filtering more than a dozen channels in this way, the water became much purer.

The next moment, Li Zhiyun ordered people to set up a few large pots, poured the filtered water into it, and began to heat it

! "Oh, Emperor, Old Cheng understands, what are you doing pure water!

Cheng Yanjin looked like he suddenly realized.

Zheng Wenxiu on the side showed disappointment.

Li Zhiyun chuckled, and ignored Cheng Yanjin, just quietly looking into the pot.

As time passed, the water in the pot slowly decreased, and the smoke filled up.

"Oh, Emperor, Old Cheng understands again!"

Cheng Yanjin raised his head and inhaled the water vapor wildly, and continued with a shining eye:

"Emperor, do you heat these filtered waters, do you immerse everyone in this smoke, in order to treat the swollen and poisonous eyes of all the soldiers, and reduce the swelling and abdominal pain!"


Zhiyun smiled noncommittally, if analyzed in this way, there is some truth

! And at this moment, everyone immediately shouted excitedly:

"Look, look! What are these

translucent in the pot?" I saw that all the water in the pot had evaporated, leaving pieces of transparent or translucent crystals at the bottom of the pot!

Li Zhiyun immediately ordered people to stop heating, and carefully picked up these crystals and put them on the ground to cool.

"Emperor, this is... High-purity saltpeter?" the

well-informed Liu Min finally recognized it.

Li Zhiyun nodded: "Yes, this is the saltpeter I want!" Although

everyone present knew saltpeter, they had never seen how to refine it, and they all squatted on the ground excitedly and stared.

Zheng Wenxiu on the side was not only not excited, but even more disappointed.


is what is related to the life of the admiral and the solution of water storage on the ship?

It is okay to deceive these ordinary people, just deceive yourself!

Zheng Wenxiu raised his head and prepared to leave.

"Bring a few wooden basins and fill them with water!" said

Li Zhiyun.

Zheng Wenxiu: What else is

behind the ???? Zheng Wenxiu

stopped, intending to see when this Li Zhiyun was going to be installed!

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