Looking at the several basins of water

on the ground, Cheng Yanjin immediately handed Li Zhiyun a rag, and said with a smile: "Emperor, you have worked hard all day, quickly wash your face!" Li

Zhiyun took the rag and threw it to the ground, pretending to be angry: "Roll the calf!" Cheng

Yanjin immediately lay on the ground, rolling, and his mouth was still vibrant:

"Emperor, is it rolling like this?"

Hahaha -

a group of people looked at the funny Cheng Yanjin and laughed loudly.

Zheng Wenxiu still stopped at the door of the Taoist Temple, glancing at this side from time to time, obviously not much interest in getting involved.

And the next moment.

Li Zhiyun asked people to take a scale and began to weigh the weight of the wooden basin and the weight of water repeatedly.

Later, he knocked the few pieces of saltpeter that had just condensed into small pieces and weighed them in the same way.

Looking at his appearance, it should be to calculate the proportion of this water and the proportion of saltpeter more accurately.

"Emperor, this is ten taels of gold, call two taels of saltpeter to the last general!" Luo

Shixin stepped forward, took out ten taels of gold and handed it over with a grin.

Li Zhiyun, who was working seriously, gently patted Luo Shixin's hand, and said with a smile

: "You people are really not big or small, is your skin itching!?"

"Yes, Weichen is so itchy, it itches everywhere!" Luo

Shixin immediately grabbed it all over his body, and shouted in his mouth

: "Ah, Weichen is so itchy..." Li

Zhiyun kicked Luo Shixin: " Roll the calf, if you are itchy, find your lady to solve it!"

Hahaha -

everyone laughed again, and the whole shabby Taoist temple was full of laughter.

Even Zheng Wenxiu at the door couldn't help but laugh a few times.

Although he was quite disappointed with Li Zhiyun, he was slowly infected by this harmonious relationship between monarchs and subjects.

Above the court, the relationship between the monarch and the courtier is quite serious, but in daily life it is the same as that of friends.


can also be seen that everyone likes Li Zhiyun from the bottom of their hearts.

This also gently touched Zheng Wenxiu's heart.

Perhaps, following Li Zhiyun is not so unbearable.

You can see his serious and focused appearance, indeed like a wise and upward emperor.

I saw Li Zhiyun slowly put the saltpeter into the water.

Everyone immediately looked at the wooden basin with bated breath.

After about a quarter of an hour, everyone's eyes were sour, but they still didn't see why.

Li Zhiyun also held his shoulders and stared at the wooden basin suspiciously.

At this time, the water in the basin should have solidified into ice a long time ago!

Could it be that the system deceived itself

? Or did he say that his proportion was wrong?


Your Highness, when you poured saltpeter just now, it seems that a large one was scattered into the basin on the side.

Suddenly, everyone looked at Zheng Wenxiu standing at the door.


hearing this, Li Zhiyun hurriedly looked at the empty basin on the side.

Sure enough, a larger saltpeter lay in the basin, and

it was because saltpeter looked basically transparent that it didn't notice.

Li Zhiyun immediately put the saltpeter into the water and nodded his thanks to Zheng Wenxiu.

Everyone stared at the wooden basin with bated breath again.

Not often.

Everyone's eyes became scorching

! I saw that after this piece of saltpeter melted

, the water in the wooden basin began to change! The water began to slowly solidify at a speed visible to the naked eye

! With a blaze of incense, a whole basin of water has completely condensed into a solid state

! Li Zhiyun's hanging heart finally let go, the system sincerely did not deceive me, and almost pretended to fail!

What a risk!

Li Zhiyun immediately buckled the wooden basin over, knocked the basin hard, and the "water" in the basin suddenly smashed to the ground.

"Wow, is it... "

Look, this is really ice lumps!" "Add

saltpeter to condense water into ice?" "

The emperor is really omniscient and omnipotent!"

Every winter, when the lake is completely frozen, the "Ling people" will organize the villagers to start preparing ice storage, first choose a piece of land to dig out the cellar, spread straw felt under the cellar, take advantage of the three or nine days, when the ice is the thickest, go to the lake to cut the ice, and then stack it from the bottom up one by one, until it reaches the top of the cellar, to ensure sacrifices and the needs of the royal palace, the royal family, high-ranking officials and dignitaries to cool off in summer.


it is this so-called royal exclusive, this ice cube that takes a lot of effort to obtain and preserve, but in Li Zhiyun's hands, adding simple saltpeter can be easily made!

Everyone looked at Li Zhiyun with golden eyes, admiring in their hearts and having many more questions.

Could it be true that as the rumors say, the emperor is the god sent by heaven to save the sky?

Cheng bit the golden eye quickly, and immediately put a piece of crushed ice knocked down by Zheng Wenxiu into his mouth.

Although it was already autumn at this time, the autumn tiger Yuwei was still there, and there were many people in this small Taoist temple, so everyone looked a little hot.

But when this piece of ice entered Cheng Yanjin's stomach, Cheng Yanjin suddenly shivered, and a coolness was injected into his heart:

"Shuang!" "Shuang!" "Shuang!"

"Shuang is dead!" Zheng

Wenxiu glared at Cheng Yanjin angrily, and immediately knocked again, but was preempted by Luo Shixin!

Seeing the intoxicated expressions on Cheng Yanjin and Luo Shixin's faces, everyone immediately rushed up and put the crushed ice cubes into their mouths.

"Wow, tender, slippery, delicious, delicious!"

"A mouthful of ice, crunchy, full of water, so intoxicated

!" Zheng Wenxiu, who couldn't grab everyone, suddenly roared:

"This is saltpeter, and you are not afraid of being poisoned?!" Well


everyone immediately stopped the movement in their hands, and no longer grabbed the few pieces of crushed ice left on the ground, but looked at Li Zhiyun quite worriedly.

I hope he will answer whether these ice cubes can be eaten?


The author has something to say:

Thank you for the big gift of scattering flowers and explosions sent by Xingxing Dream! The author adds two more chapters! At the same time, I wish everyone a happy May Day! I hope you can give the author a free "power generation with love", thank you!

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