Li Zhiyun bent down to "grab" a piece of crushed ice from Zheng Wenxiu's hand, turned around and picked up Malanshan on the table, and poured a glass of wine.

Then, in the stunned eyes of everyone, the crushed ice was put into the wine bottle!

Shaking the wine bottle, Li Zhiyun raised his head and drank it!

All of them:???

Lying groove, wine can still be drunk like this?

Li Zhiyun's intention is still unfinished, if only he could get some Sprite again, it would be perfect!

"Guys, saltpeter is a Chinese medicinal herb, and eating a small amount is not harmful to the body!"

Li Zhiyun shook the wine bottle and explained to everyone.

In a flash!

The crowd snatched up frantically again.

Unfortunately, the crushed ice was all tightly held in Zheng Wenxiu's arms!

Zheng Wenxiu poured all the crushed ice into a large altar of Malan Mountain.

Everyone stared at Zheng Wenxiu with envy, hating him in their hearts!

I saw Zheng Wenxiu put several wine bottles on the table, raised the jar and poured it.

Suddenly, the aroma of wine and the coolness of ice cubes filled everyone's taste buds.

In the eyes of everyone, Zheng Wenxiu took a glass of wine and said to everyone:

"Everyone, the wine has been poured for you, what are you doing stunned?"

All of them:???

Happiness comes... Too suddenly!

The intensity of Malan Mountain, the coolness of adding ice cubes, the subtle combination of the two, is simply soul-crushing!

Everyone nodded to Zheng Wenxiu, feeling that this product did not look so disliked.

"General Zheng, if you make drinking water into ice cubes and store it in the bottom warehouse, does this solve the problem of drinking water on the ship?"

Li Zhiyun asked.

Zheng Wenxiu immediately nodded his head into a rattle, and the title also changed:

"The emperor is right!!"

"Adding saltpeter to water can solidify into ice, why didn't I think of such a simple principle?"

When everyone heard this, they immediately burst out laughing, with a small arrogant expression on their faces:

"Haha, you understand now, our emperor is omniscient and omnipotent!"

"That's it! The emperor has many means to turn decay into magic!

"How about it, just ask you if Zheng Wenxiu is still not convinced!"

Zheng Wenxiu bowed his hand respectfully and said humbly:

"Emperor, the last general is really convinced, this great invention can not only completely improve the lives of the sailors and soldiers, but also provide drinking water security for the common people in this Central Plains region that is often subject to severe drought!"

Hearing this, everyone finally understood why Li Zhiyun was in a hurry to order everyone to dig pits and cellars!

If all this water is stored in the form of ice cubes, these ice cubes can save lives in the event of a great drought!

But Zheng Wenxiu is also worried about a problem, that is, saltpeter is far from enough!

"Emperor Qiyu, the method of saltpeter ice condensation is a major discovery, but the last general now has a problem..."

"Are you saying that saltpeter is not enough?" Li Zhiyun interrupted Zheng Wenxiu's words and said first.

Zheng Wenxiu nodded, and the others suddenly felt that this was indeed a problem.

If you use so much water to make ice cubes, you have to need a lot of saltpeter!

At present, this method of finding saltpeter is obviously inappropriate, and saltpeter is not enough and not pure enough.

The burning gazes of everyone instantly dimmed down.

It seems that this ice block is called "royal only", even if saltpeter condensation ice is invented, it is still "royal only"!

Ordinary people can only "look at the ice and sigh"!

Li Zhiyun silently turned around and walked out of the Taoist Hall, and everyone immediately followed.

I saw Li Zhiyun's pair of starry eyes looking southwest, and there was light in his eyes.

Everyone followed Li Zhiyun's gaze and looked to the southwest.

Could it be, this southwest... Saltpeter?

"How far is this from Laojunshan in Yichuan County?" Li Zhiyun suddenly asked.

Itagawa County?

Laojun Mountain?

Liu Min immediately took a step forward and said

, "Emperor, this place Xin Fang'er and I once visited, it was there that we defeated Dong Jingzhen and rescued Li Jing, and at the same time... I met General Zheng Wenxiu!

"Luoyang is only three hundred miles away from Yichuan County, and if you ride the Peerless Iron Horse, you can arrive in half a day!"

Zheng Wenxiu smiled awkwardly.

Itagawa County is a familiar old place.

And Laojun Mountain is the place where Taoist ancestor Li Er retreats and cultivates.

According to legend, Taishang Laojun Li Er once refined pills on this mountain, hence the name Laojun Mountain.

But what does this Laojunshan have to do with saltpeter?

Could it be that Li Zhiyun felt that this Taishang Laojun used saltpeter when refining pills here?

And from this it is deduced that there is a large amount of saltpeter on Laojun Mountain?

This... It's a bit!

"Emperor, does this old Jun Mountain really have saltpeter?" Zheng Wenxiu immediately raised his doubts.

"Yes, there are a large number of saltpeter mines around Laojun Mountain, and it is not a problem to dig tens of millions of burdens!"


Everyone gasped!

A pair of eyes sparkling!

What is the concept of tens of millions of burdens?

A hill!

"Emperor, tens of millions of burdens is not too much, according to the current ratio of saltpeter condensation, one million burdens of saltpeter is enough!"

Liu Min had already written down the proportion of saltpeter condensation according to Li Zhiyun's operation.

"Well, Condensing Ice really doesn't need so much saltpeter!"

Li Zhiyun nodded at Liu Min.

"Emperor, since it is not condensed ice, then do you want to use saltpeter... Alchemy? Bing Yuanzhen asked.

When following Wang Shichong, this Wang Shichong did not let Fang Shi refine pills, using these saltpeter, animal fat and other things.

Wang Shichong always eats one before every "dragon play group beads".

"Alchemy? I don't want to die so soon! Li Zhiyun said with disdain.

Li Zhiyun is very clear that throughout history, the more majestic the king, the more he likes to ask for immortal medicine and break the boundary between life and death.

It's like Qin Shihuang, Jiajing, and Yongzheng all pursued immortality, and hung up after taking pills.

Even Li Shimin is the same!

Hey, I still have time to remind some of this Li Er, so that he can pay more attention in his later years.

Everyone was very puzzled, this is neither for ice condensation, nor for alchemy, could it be that this saltpeter has other uses?

Li Zhiyun looked at the big guy's puzzled look and wanted to laugh.

Is it that in their eyes, saltpeter has no other use than medicine, ice condensation, and alchemy?

Have you forgotten "one sulfon, two nitro and three charcoal"?

Then I'll go one step further and let you see what powerful "black powder" is!

"Liu Min, Bing Yuanzhen, Zheng Wenxiu obey!"

"Go to Laojun Mountain in Yichuan County early tomorrow morning!"

As soon as the three heard this, they immediately knelt down to take orders.

This is also the first time that Zheng Wenxiu willingly kneels.

He already had a strong curiosity in his heart.

What awaits them in Laojun Mountain?

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