Early the next morning, it was just dawn.

Liu Min, Bing Yuanzhen, and Zheng Wenxiu had already prepared all the Peerless Iron Horses and carriages, waiting for Li Zhiyun outside the Taoist Temple.

Li Zhiyun ordered the three of them to dress up as ordinary merchants and set off towards Yichuan County in the southwest.

Around noon, the four arrived in Yichuan.

Li Zhiyun and others walked on the main road of Yichuan County, observing the public sentiment and public opinion from time to time.

There were not too few people on the street, and pubs, cloth shops, etc. were also opened, and three or three people stopped to watch.

In the Luoyang battle with Wang Shichong, this Yichuan County was not greatly affected.

After shopping for most of the day, Li Zhiyun suddenly saw that there were many people around not far ahead, and his popularity was very hot.

The four quickened their pace and leaned in.

I saw that this store was somewhat different from other places, and it looked like a restaurant from the appearance.

On the left and right hangs a powerful calligraphy work.

On the left, it reads: "Literati and rioters, students of the four directions." On

the right: "Meet friends with poetry, flow for a thousand years." "

There is a plaque hanging on the top of the shop, and three big characters in the middle - "Bunshokan"!

At the entrance of the shop, three people resembling butlers sat there, holding a stamped piece of paper in their hands.

The whole outside of the store was full of people, and everyone chattered non-stop.

Liu Min stepped forward and asked a little

brother, "Little brother, what does this Wenxiao Pavilion do?" Why is it so popular?

The little brother glanced at the dressing of Liu Min, Li Zhiyun and the others, and did not feel any discomfort, but replied enthusiastically:

"Presumably you should have come from afar, not from Yichuan County?"

Liu Min nodded noncommittally: "We are from Naluoyang City.

"It's no wonder! Gongzi didn't know something, this Wenxiao Pavilion was originally a restaurant, but a few days ago it was bought by a person and dressed up to look like it is now, it is said that there are not only beautiful people who can play and sing, but also countless kinds of food and wine! The

little brother said, with a longing expression on his face.

"Oh? So in that case, why doesn't the little brother go in and find a beautiful woman to find out?

Liu Min suddenly asked suspiciously.

I saw that the little brother immediately frowned:

"There are conditions for entering here, you see!"

The little brother pointed to the three housekeepers at the door and continued:

"If you want to enter here, there are conditions, and you have to pay one or two silver as an entrance fee!"

"After entering, if you can write a good poem according to the requirements, not only will you be refunded the entrance fee, but you will also have good wine and food to drink, and beautiful women to play casually!"

"If your poetry is affirmed by the pavilion owner, you will also get a reward of ten taels of silver!"

After the little brother finished speaking, Li Zhiyun suddenly became interested.

Isn't this a cocktail fight and a poetry fight?

I didn't expect that this little Yichuan County would still have such gimmicks and avant-garde activities!

Liu Min continued to ask suspiciously:

"May I ask the little brother, what if they are not satisfied with the poems they write?"

The little brother's eyes darkened a little: "Then the entrance fee of these two silvers will not be refunded, and it will be treated as pen, ink and paper!" Hearing

this, Li Zhiyun smiled bitterly in his heart.

What "entrance fee", "pen, ink and paper fee"?

Actually engage in these ghost halls!

This pavilion owner has done a good business, and it is not his decision to be dissatisfied, and the initiative is in his hands.

This is like those advertising businesses in the previous life, there is always a line of small print under the monogram: "All interpretation rights belong to the organizer!" At

this moment, I saw three dejected people coming out of the tavern.

Everyone immediately surrounded the three and asked

, "Young Master Zhao, why did you come out so quickly?"

"Alas, it's a shame not to say it!"

Zhao Gongzi pushed away the crowd and turned away.

The crowd unwillingly surrounded the other and asked

, "Prince, what is the topic in there?"

Wang Gongzi said indignantly:

"We have placed a pot of bamboo in front of us and write a poem about bamboo!"

"So what did you write?"

Wang Gongzi suddenly raised his eyebrows, and his eyebrows danced: "

Ben Gongzi can compose poetry at the age of three, and at the age of ten, he won the first place in the poetry competition of Xiaohe Circle Village in Yichuan County!"

As soon as everyone heard this, they immediately became nervous, just such a high level, or was it rejected?

It's terrifying!

At this time, Wang Gongzi cleared his throat and said, "

You guys help me judge and see how I write!"

Everyone immediately stared at Wang Gongzi with bated breath and stared intently, expecting his masterpiece!

Bamboo trees on the hill behind.

One section is higher than one section.

When it comes to the spring of the following year.

A section of bamboo shoots and a sickle.

Everyone: Shock! Embarrassed! Uncanny! Complex!



everyone laughed.

Li Zhiyun couldn't help but quip: "Wang Gongzi is really a good culture, a god man!"

"Isn't it? What's wrong with these four lines of Ben Gongzi's poems? It was actually driven out by them, it was really eye-catching! "

When a fresh breeze blows, the rich aroma of vegetables and wine wafts through the store, and there is the sound of pipa playing and gentle singing, and everyone is staring at the store with longing eyes, presumably there are countless beautiful women dancing inside!

Although they were all eager to try, they were worried that stealing chickens would not lose the rice, so no one stepped forward.

"Gongzi, shall we try?"

Liu Min couldn't resist the curiosity in his heart and wanted to go in and find out!

It's also time to test whether what he has learned in his life is a waste of fame!

Li Zhiyun nodded quietly, and Liu Min immediately took out four taels of silver from his sleeve bag and handed it to the butler at the door.

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