The actions of Li Zhiyun and the other four surprised everyone.

Suddenly, countless pairs of eyes looked at them.

Because from their appearance, these four people are from merchants!

Don't "underestimate" the words Shangjia!

In ancient times, ordinary people were divided into four people: "scholars, farmers, industry and commerce".

Most of the "scholars" are large families that have been officials for generations, and their status is at the top; Merchants are merchants, from small hawkers to wealthy merchants, all belong to this category.

That is to say, I don't care if you have money or not, you are the lowest!

So, Li Zhiyun, they shouldn't appear here!

"Hey, I said that you four are quite interesting, this is the stage of the literati, understand?"

"What are you little doing here?"

"Don't you know how to write the word shame? Do you want Ben Gongzi to teach you?

Li Zhiyun's face immediately looked displeased, it seems that the status of businessmen in this era should be mentioned!

If a country does not develop commerce through agriculture alone, it will be dead!

Before Li Zhiyun could reply, the little brother on the side preemptively said:

"You poor and sour rioters, if there are no businessmen, where does the soy sauce you usually eat for salt come from?"

"If you have the ability, don't go to the merchant's shop to buy pen, ink and paper, don't you have to bite your finger to write and draw?"

"You people, I tell you that in this society, commerce is much more important than agriculture!"

"If His Royal Highness Li Zhiyun, who rules Luoyang City, still blindly develops agriculture and does not attach importance to commerce, then Luoyang City is also a dead end!"


Everyone immediately looked at this little brother in surprise.

This person is young, but eighteen or nine years old, but he speaks wildly!

Dare to talk about the brave and invincible His Royal Highness Li Zhiyun in public?

This is looking for death!

What's more, in this era of heavy peasants and not heavy business, this remark simply subverted their world view!

But Li Zhiyun's pair of starry eyes gradually cleared.

I never thought that in this era, there would be such forward-looking ideas!

Li Zhiyun couldn't help but step forward and ask,

"This little brother, what's your name?"

The little brother immediately handed over his hand:

"Gongzi, I came from Qinghe County, Qiping County, and traveled from Chang'an, just call me Ma Zhou!"

Li Zhiyun nodded slightly, but his face changed greatly!

Ma Zhou?

Could it be that this person in front of him is the famous face of the generation of "Luanfeng Lingyun, who will have wings, send his shares and brachials, and be sincere in Zhongliang"?

Li Zhiyun suddenly took Ma Zhou's hand and said in surprise:

"You are Ma Zhou!?"

Ma Zhou was a little confused, is this person insane?

Li Zhiyun knew that he had picked up the treasure, and his attitude became extremely enthusiastic.

At present, with the continuous expansion of the territory, it is the time to hire people.

And this horse week has great talent!

Throughout his life, he repeatedly changed his bad government, abolished hereditary inheritance, strictly rewarded and punished, advocated thrift, and rested with the people!

He can be called an outstanding thinker and politician in the history of the Tang Dynasty!

"Little brother, since you and I are so involved, can you come with me to this Wenxiao Hall to find out?"

Ma Zhou did not let go: "This is the intention in the next place!"

Liu Min handed another silver or two to the butler at the door, and the five turned around and went to the museum.

As soon as they left, the door instantly exploded.

Fuck, these five people are not ghosts and ghosts are all in, if we don't go in again, what kind of man are we?

Everyone dropped a silver or two and followed in.

Through a narrow winding path, the front suddenly became wide.

It is a large hall of about 2,000 square meters.

On the walls around the main hall, there are many poetry works of everyone.

Li Zhiyun looked at it, and there was a touch in his heart.

It was not the poems themselves that touched him, but the every word!

I saw these brush words, soft on the outside and rigid on the inside, and the pen is round and harmonious and beautiful.

It seems that this should be the work of one person.

On the left side of the hall, there were more than 100 stools and tables, which were about half seated at this time.

On the right side of the hall, there sat a young man with a very handsome face and clear eyes, and beside the young man, there was an old man with gray hair.

Obviously, this teenager is most likely the so-called pavilion owner.

Directly in front of the main hall, a variety of delicious food and wine are on display.

There are also ten brightly dressed girls, gently supporting the pipa, twisting their waists, and dancing feminine dances.

A fresh breeze blew.

The aroma of vegetables, wine, and women mixed together, straight to everyone's mouth and nose.

Who can not be confused by this picture?

Take this test cadre, who can withstand the test?

Everyone stared at the young girl with burning eyes, and couldn't help swallowing their saliva.

Even this Liu Min, who has always been straightforward and rigid, couldn't help but take a few more looks.

The people who were originally seated, after seeing Li Zhiyun, who was dressed as a businessman, came in, their faces were complicated and they were quite disgusted.

Li Zhiyun ignored everyone's strange eyes, found a stool in the middle row and prepared to take a seat.

And just as he was about to sit down, the stool was suddenly pulled away!

Li Zhiyun almost sat empty.

"Who let you in? You sluts deserve to come in too?

A sharp voice sounded, and I saw a brother Gongzi wearing gorgeous silk and fanning a paper fan, throwing Li Zhiyun's stool aside.

Haha -

the others on the side also laughed, looked at Li Zhiyun and the others with disdain, and

chirped: "Do you know who this is? This is Sun Gongzi, the only son of Sun Taishou of Yichuan County! "

Those who know each other, don't hurry up and get out, don't dirty Sun Gongzi's eyes!"

"Yes, just you lowly businessmen have the guts to come here?"

Listening to everyone's discussion and accusations, Bing Yuanzhen immediately wanted to rush over and beat this dead cargo violently!

But at this moment, it was stopped by a voice.


The author has something to say:

For the big guy stars like a dream burst more! Thank you for the big guy for the "popping more flowers" gift!

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