"Our museum is a member of the museum, since you want to compete, why not see the truth with poetry!"

A faint but distant voice sounded.

This sound is extremely comfortable and calm.

I saw the young scholar sitting on the right side of the hall standing up, holding a pot of bamboo in his hand, pacing gently, and staring at Sun Wei with bright eyes

, "The theme of today's poetry is still bamboo, I wonder if Sun Wei and Sun Gongzi have masterpieces?"

Suddenly, everyone shifted their attention to Sun Wei.

A few doglegs on the side even shouted:

"Sun Gongzi is a man who learns rich and becomes a poet!"

"Yes, who doesn't know that this Yichuan County is the most literary person, it is Sun Gongzi!"

"Why don't I like to hear you, what is Yichuan County? Is it the entire Central Plains region?

"Yes, I am afraid that it is difficult for anyone in the entire Central Plains region to be able to come out of the right of Sun Gongzi!"

Sun Wei stood up in a haughty manner amid thousands of calls, and said angrily to the doglegs beside him:

"Shut up Lao Tzu the fuck, you affect my thinking!"

Suddenly, several licking dogs immediately closed their mouths.

Sun Wei walked forward slowly, step by step, little by little, step by step to shake the fan, sometimes tilting his head in reverie, sometimes his eyes silently in a daze.

In a moment, Sun Wei suddenly folded the paper fan and laughed:

"Haha, there you have it!" Ben Gongzi seven steps into poetry!

"Quick, pen, ink and paper!"

The doglegs on the side immediately farted to grind, prepare paper, and hand over brushes!

Sun Wei pinched his waist with one hand, stabbed his horse, and began to write hard, chanting while writing:

"Bamboo has thousands of knots, but the heart of bamboo is connected, I am affectionate, willing to hold a hundred years together."


Thunderous applause came, and everyone cast admiring glances:

"Sun Gongzi is really talented, this poem is so affectionate!"

"Although I'm a man, I can't help but want to agree with me when I hear it!"

"Only blame myself for being shallow in learning, I can't write such artistic poems in my life!"

Sun Wei paced towards the young man with a proud face, and said

, "Young pavilion master, dare to ask how this poem is, can you copy it yourself?"

I saw that the young man frowned slightly, obviously not wanting to offend him, so he nodded.

"In that case, can you see your sister's face next?"

Young Curator?


Li Zhiyun turned to Ma Zhou and asked, "Little brother, what is the situation?"

Ma Zhou lowered his voice:

"Gongzi doesn't know something, do you think these second-generation officials really come here to compose poetry?"

"It is said that this pavilion owner has a son and a daughter, and the son is the young man in front of him, that is, the young pavilion owner!"

"The daughter of the pavilion owner is said to be the object of pursuit by the second generation of these officials!"

Seeing that the young pavilion owner did not speak, Sun Wei immediately stepped forward and grabbed the young man's hand, and said dissatisfied: "Ben Gongzi speaks to you, tell your sister to come out!"

"What are you doing?"

The young man immediately wanted to break free from Sun Wei's hand, but he didn't have enough strength.

"Sun Gongzi, your poetry is mediocre, and you dare to call it poetry?"

A voice came.

At the same time, a powerful hand pressed on Sun Wei's hand, forcibly separating him from the teenager.

Moreover, Li Zhiyun's pair of starry eyes quickly swept over the young man's white hand and smiled strangely at the young man.

The young man's cheeks were slightly red, and he did not dare to look directly into Li Zhiyun's eyes.

The dogleg on the side immediately looked at Li Zhiyun with annoyance and roared: "Where is the pifu, dare to spoil this son's good deeds!" "

Bing Yuanzhen immediately stepped forward and kicked the dog's leg directly into the air!

Although Sun Wei is the second generation of officials, he is used to bullying the soft and afraid of being hard, and when he sees the savage-looking Bing Yuanzhen, he does not dare to step forward, so he has to point at Li Zhiyun and sneer

: "Ben Gongzi's poems are not bad, then you can have one!"

Seeing this, Liu Min hurriedly stepped forward, but was pulled back by Li Zhiyun.

Suddenly, everyone looked at Li Zhiyun.

Liu Min also showed a suspicious look.

The emperor marched and fought wars, but now it is a poetry showdown!

Is this okay too?

If you say some oil poems, won't you be laughed off your big teeth!

But Li Zhiyun doesn't think so!

In his previous life, he was also a scholar, and three hundred Tang poems are not a problem!

As for the theme this time, it is even more pediatrics!

The next moment.

Li Zhiyun's starry eyes flickered, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, and he opened his mouth:

"Firmly believe that Qingshan does not relax, and the roots are originally in the broken rock." It is still strong after thousands of hardships, and the wind blows from east to west, south and north. "


Everyone at the scene immediately gasped!

Not all of them are ignorant of poetry!

It's just that Sun Wei is his father is the Taishou of Yichuan County, and everyone grovels.

To be honest, is Sun Wei's poem really poetry?

It's just... A lump of shit!

But this person in front of him actually exported into poetry, with endless charm!

Liu Min shouted from the bottom of his heart: "Wonderful! Wonderful! "

The emperor's poem, the word "bite" at the beginning, a thousand words, extremely powerful, the image expresses the fortitude of Jinzhu!

Then make up for the word "bite" with "not relaxing", and Jinzhu's personality characteristics are fully revealed!

The "broken rock" in the second sentence sets off the tenacity of the vitality of Jinzhu!

The last two sentences go one layer further to write about the harsh environment and the tempering and testing of Jinbamboo.

No matter the wind and rain, let the frost and snow freeze, the green bamboo is still "strong" and stands proudly.

This poem borrows objects as metaphors for people, implicitly expressing the sentiment of never following the trend!

In other words, isn't this referring to the qualities of men?

Firm, thick, powerful!

Even the young man sitting on the stool stood up and looked at Li Zhiyun with burning eyes.

This person is an extraordinary person!

"Hehe, maybe where did you copy it, what is there to be proud of!"

"Come back if you have the ability!"

Sun Wei saw that his limelight was stolen by that Li Zhiyun, and said indignantly.

Suddenly, everyone looked at Li Zhiyun expectantly.


The author has something to say:

for the big guy "stars like dreams" burst more !! Thank you for your support and encouragement!

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