I saw Sun Wei suddenly close the folding fan in his hand and pointed at Yu

Shinan: "You are Yu Shinan, the yellow gate attendant of Dou Jiande, the emperor of the Xia Kingdom?"


Everyone immediately looked at Sun Wei in surprise, and pinched a handful of sweat for Yu Shinan.

This is the name of the country and the emperor that no longer exists, and is mentioned?

Presumably, this Sun Weiding is a bad comer, and wants to add to the sin of Yu Shinan!

Instead, Yu Shinan said very calmly:

"Young Master Sun, the Xia Kingdom has gone, and now this land belongs to the Shenzhou Empire, so I am no longer Dou Jiande's Yellow Gate attendant, but an old man who does not ask about the world."

Li Zhiyun smiled strangely, really?

If this is the case, then there will be no one of the "Twenty-Four Heroes of Lingyan Pavilion" in the future!

Sun Wei stared at Yu Shinan with playful eyes and

said, "You said that if you don't ask about the world, you won't ask about the world?"

"Ben Gongzi now suspects that you are the remnant of that Dou Jiande, and you have ulterior motives hidden in Yichuan County!"

The crowd shouted that it was not good.

This Sun Wei put a big hat on Yu Shinan!

"Young Master Sun, my father is honest and innocent, not as you say!"

The young pavilion owner's face was sallow, and tears swirled in a pair of bright eyes.

"Young Pavilion Master doesn't need to be nervous, even if this is the case, Ben Gongzi can intercede with my father to help you!"

"But please Lord Yu bring your daughter out so that Ben Gongzi can see her face!"


This Sun Wei's wishful thinking is good!

Engaged in so many reasons, it turned out to be for that delicate poppy!

"I have two sleeves in my life, and I have a clear conscience, so why am I afraid of the threat of my son?"

"Besides, the little girl is still young and has not considered marriage for the time being!"

After Yu Shinan finished speaking, he suddenly flicked his sleeves and looked at Sun Wei squarely.

The corners of Li Zhiyun's mouth turned up slightly, casting a little appreciation to Yu Shinan, touching his chin and secretly saying, it's really good to go out this time, I picked up a Ma Zhou, and now there is another Yu Shinan!

In the trajectory of historical development, these two people were all attached to Li Shimin after Dou Jiande's defeat.

And now, he is going to take these two under his command!

When Sun Wei saw that Yu Shinan had rejected his "good intentions", he immediately became angry and shouted at the dogleg beside him: "

Since this Lord Yu toasts and does not eat the punishment wine, then arrest this prince and thoroughly investigate!"

Sun Wei immediately pointed at Bing Yuanzhen and said

, "And you, don't be fucking nosy, otherwise this prince is really unkind!"

In an instant, the doglegs rushed towards Yu Shinan!

The young pavilion owner immediately ran forward to block in front of his father, but was pushed away by the dog's legs!

The young pavilion owner suddenly fell heavily towards the rear.

Directly below, however, is a sharp inkstone that has been shattered!

Seeing that the back of his head was about to hit the inkstone, everyone was terrified.

"Ah, be careful!"

At this moment, Li Zhiyun suddenly disappeared from the spot!


A figure came behind him at an extremely fast speed and took him into his arms!

The young pavilion owner's closed eyes opened again, looking at Li Zhiyun in panic, and a trace of shyness suddenly appeared on his face.

And the hat on his head fell to the ground because of this wonderful posture!

In an instant, a charming fragrance filled the entire hall!

Bright black hair that sways gently in the breeze!

The bright eyes, the sexy lips, the reddish cheeks, and the shyness to refuse to welcome back.

Brilliant colors, a city of love, sinking fish and geese, and all kinds of style!

"Ah, it turns out... It turns out that he is Poppy!

"It turned out to be a woman pretending to be a man, we didn't recognize it!"

And Li Zhiyun was not too surprised, from the beginning he knew that this so-called young pavilion owner was a daughter.

"This girl, are you all right?"

Li Zhiyun gently hugged Poppy's waist and whispered in his ear.

A man's unique heat wave hit Poppy's fair face, and at this moment, her heart was beating violently, a pair of bright eyes, looking away shyly, and whispering softly:

"I... It's okay..." Li

Zhiyun gently lowered his hand from his butt and nodded to Poppy.

Yu Shinan also cast a grateful gaze towards Li Zhiyun.

This kid not only looks talented, but also has the talent to read poetry books!

If his daughter likes him, he doesn't object.

Thinking of this, Yu Shinan nodded in satisfaction.

Sun Wei: ???

All of them:???

Fuck, this hugs it, just privately for life?

"You stay away from my mother!"

Sun Wei said, and slapped Li Zhiyun!

Li Zhiyun immediately took Poppy into his arms again, and his body suddenly sideways and dodged this slap.

"Gongzi be careful!"

The next moment, Bing Yuanzhen, who had already itched his hands, punched out!

Only a loud "bang" was heard, and a figure was blasted out.

Naturally, it was that Sun Wei!

Sun Wei, who had his nose broken and his teeth knocked out, touched the blood on his face and actually cried:

"You fucking dare to hit Ben Gongzi, do you know who Ben Gongzi's father is?"

"I'll go and tell my father now, your time to die will come soon!"

Yu Shinan on the side looked at Li Zhiyun and Bing Yuanzhen worriedly.

These people are righteous to help themselves, but they can't hurt others, if things get big, then grandson Tongsun Taishou is not easy to deal with!

"Sun Gongzi, please exalt yourself..." "

Okay, then what are you still stunned for, don't you go home and call your father soon!"

Before Yu Shinan could say the word "hand", Li Zhiyun suddenly interrupted him.

Everyone gloated, did this kid think he didn't die fast enough!

When I really don't know this territory, who has the final say?

Sun Wei was helped out by the dog's legs, apparently calling someone to go.

"Gongzi, it's me who has dragged you down, you better go quickly!"

Poppy gently slapped Li Zhiyun's hand away and said shyly and worriedly.

Li Zhiyun immediately put down the huge and elastic "papaya" in his hand, and said embarrassedly: "

I'm sorry, I was in a hurry just now, and I held the mountain peak that I shouldn't hold!"

Poppy's face turned even redder.

"This son, the old man is all to blame for today's affairs, I thought that I came here to be a literati who did not ask about the world, but I never thought that this land is not very peaceful!"

Li Zhiyun waved his hand, and said in an extremely firm tone: "

Lord Yu wait a little, this land will be peaceful immediately!"

None of the others left, they were all waiting to see the excitement.

Sure enough, in less than a blaze of incense, the sound of "clicking" horses' hooves sounded outside.

Listening to this voice, there should be a lot of people coming!

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