"Gongzi, you stay here and don't move, I'll deal with it!"

After Yu Shinan finished speaking, he immediately turned around and walked out.

Although he is a man of letters, he must be righteous and responsible!

What's more, these people are in such a deep situation, completely for their father and daughter!

Besides, when he was a yellow door attendant under Dou Jiande, what world had he not seen?

The rest of the pavilion followed suit.

When the two martial generals Bing Yuanzhen and Zheng Wenxiu were about to go out, Li Zhiyun said quietly:

"Liu Min, you take your little brother Ma Zhou to deal with it outside!"

Bing Yuanzhen and Zheng Wenxiu were suddenly stunned, the matter of fighting, when was it the turn of these two weak Wen Chen?

But Liu Min understood.

This is the emperor's intention to test Ma Zhou.

Immediately, Liu Min walked out with Ma Zhou, and Li Zhiyun and Yu Meiren followed behind.

Only Bing Yuanzhen and Zheng Wenxiu were left in the entire hall.

The two pondered for a while, and stopped directly at the secret path, where everything outside could be heard clearly.

Outside, it is full of ordinary people who come to see the excitement around.

In front of the museum, there were black-pressed cavalry and infantry, and in the rear there were many carriages filled with wild boars, wild deer and rabbits.

Obviously, this Taishou grandson of Yichuan County must have just returned from hunting.

Liu Min saw that Li Zhiyun also came out, and immediately moved two stools on the side, signaling Li Zhiyun and Poppy to sit here.

Li Zhiyun looked at the two stools, looked at the poppy on the side, and glanced at Liu Min.

I'm afraid this product is dedicated to learning, don't you know what the fun of "a stool" is?

Sure enough, the coquettish boy!

The young Ma Zhou immediately moved a stool to Liu Min and said

, "Brother, you can sit too!"

Liu Min's face immediately turned displeased:

"This is for Gongzi and Yuyu girl, how can I sit!"

Liu Min Yuguang glanced at Li Zhiyun, and displeasure appeared on Li Zhiyun's face!

Ma Zhou pressed Liu Min down: "You should sit!"

Liu Min sat down and glanced at Li Zhiyun cautiously.

Unexpectedly, a mysterious smile suddenly appeared on Li Zhiyun's face!

And the next scene made Liu Min feel that he didn't know Li Zhiyun better than Ma Zhou, who he just met!

I saw Li Zhiyun slowly sitting on the stool, facing Yu Meiren, who had slightly red cheeks on the side:

"Girl Yu, you can sit too!"

Li Zhiyun suddenly pulled Poppy over, and Poppy fell into Li Zhiyun's arms and sat on Li Zhiyun's lap!

Instantly, Li Zhiyun's second brother seemed to feel some kind of soft stimulation, and suddenly raised his head excitedly.

Poppy's right hand subconsciously hugged Li Zhiyun's neck, afraid that she would fall.

For Li Zhiyun's commotion operation, all the melon-eating masses at the scene were stunned!

What stunned them was not the picture of hugging and hugging in front of them, the people in this period were still very open-minded!

Men love women, it's not strange!

They were stunned that this poppy, who was stunning and incomparably cold, actually had slightly red cheeks and no resistance?

And still quite enjoyable?

This young man sitting on a stool looks like a small businessman!

This huge gap makes them puzzled!

Sun Wei, who was hiding behind Sun Zitong, was even more angry by Li Zhiyun's actions!

What the is she, openly showing affection, wants to die quickly?

Lao Tzu will complete you!

"Dad, they hit me for no reason! Knocked out the baby's teeth.

Sun Zitong, who stood on top of the tall horse, stared at Yu Shinan and Li Zhiyun, and said angrily:

"Come on, arrest all these people for me!"

The soldier behind Sun Tzu drew his horizontal knife and heard the order!

Yu Shinan immediately blocked in front of Li Zhiyun and his daughter:

"Bold grandson Tong, why do you arrest people for no reason, do you still have the king's law in your eyes?"

But these soldiers ignored what a little old man said, raised their knives and walked towards Yu Shinan.

"Wait a minute!"

A sonorous and powerful voice came, and Ma Zhou walked forward, glaring at Sun Zitong angrily without humility:

"It is clear that your son took a fancy to Poppy, and when he saw that others did not agree, he wanted to take it by force!"

The crowd of onlookers suddenly realized.

A pair of eyes collectively looked at Li Zhiyun and Poppy.

Obviously, these two are a couple of concubines!

Seeing that his mind was being debunked, Sun Wei immediately slyly argued:

"Dad, Hugh wants to listen to his nonsense, the child suspects that this is the contact point for the remnants of Dou Jiande, so he has to take them down!"

Sun Wei said seriously, which actually made Sun Zitong believe his words a little.

"Yes, Yu Shinan was originally Dou Jiande's old minister, so why don't you stay in Hebei and come here?"

"Okay, then I want to ask, do you have proof?" Ma Zhou questioned.

Sun Zitong pointed at Yu Shinan and said angrily to Ma Zhou:

"Evidence? Isn't this the best evidence that he is Dou Jiande's old minister?

Suddenly, Ma Zhou laughed, and a pair of playful eyes stared at Sun Zitong a little weakly.

"Then if you say so, your grandson Tong was not originally this Yichuan's taishou!"

"You originally followed Xiao Mill! Does that mean you also have ulterior motives? Sun

Zitong's face immediately appeared embarrassed, and he was speechless for a while!

Ma Zhou's logical and clear eloquence made everyone at the scene excited!

Sun Wei knew that he would definitely not be able to beat this Ma Zhou in front of him in a verbal battle, so it was better to come directly!

"Dad, what to say to them, is it the remnant of that Dou Jiande, just arrest and interrogate!"

Sun Tzu looked at the two young men in front of him who did not know whether they were dead or alive, and then swept the afterglow towards the poppy on the side.

Suddenly, a wave of restlessness filled the entire body!

He finally understood why this dog forced his son to attack Poppy!

This is a wonderful anti-aircraft gun!

Set up and shoot cannons, who fights who knows!

"Come on, arrest all these people for me!"

Sun Zitong suddenly raised the whip in his hand and pointed at Li Zhiyun!

Suddenly, hundreds of cavalry immediately dismounted, looking at Li Zhiyun like looking at a lamb being slaughtered, and his eyes were full of banter.

Bing Yuanzhen and Zheng Wenxiu, who were hiding behind, immediately walked forward with a nervous look.

But at this time, Ma Zhou once again told them what is the power of language!

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