In an instant, the entire "fairy cave" went quiet!

Everyone looked at the already stiff pheasant, and their hearts were complicated and uneasy.

The young man who was competing to eat the elixir just now was full of horror and fear in his eyes!

Could it be that there is really something wrong with this so-called elixir?

Because the volume and weight of a person, after all, are much larger than chickens, so it will not be right away... Die?

Everyone immediately looked angrily at the fat old Taoist.

"You stinky Taoist priest, you actually put people's lives at risk!"

"I suspect that you are not real Taoist priests at all, but black workshops!"

Especially the young man who had swallowed the elixir just now, he stepped forward, grabbed the fat Taoist's robe desperately, and roared angrily:

"Quickly say, do you have an antidote here?" If you don't give me the antidote today, Lao Tzu will die with you!" "


At this moment, the half-closed door was kicked open, and dozens of fierce and vicious "Taoist priests" rushed in!

Everyone had a dangling knife in their hands.

At the head is the thin old road who just slipped out.

Suddenly, the fat old man came to the bottom line, and he threw away the young man, and his eyes were full of Xiao Killing:

"None of you want to walk out alive today, and bring everything that happened today to the Yin Cao Di Mansion, hahahaha!"

A seeping sneer appeared on the faces of all the Daoist priests, and the long knife in their hands slashed at everyone!

"Ah, I don't want to die yet, I'm still young!"

"Everyone, run, this group of people is not some Taoist priest, but bandits!"

Everyone shouted in panic, and there were timid people, already frightened and paralyzed to the ground, pale!

At the moment of the attack, Li Zhiyun put his arm around Poppy and Changsun Wuji and made a look at Bing Yuanzhen.

In an instant, Bing Yuanzhen and Zheng Wenxiu burst out like loaded guns!

How can these dozens of so-called Taoist priests be the opponents of two fierce generals who have been fighting on the battlefield for many years?

In an instant, more than fifty "Taoist priests" were all put to the ground.

The screams rose one after another, but everyone clapped their hands!

Li Zhiyun walked unhurriedly in front of the fat Taoist priest and stepped on his hand with his foot.

In an instant, a howl like killing a pig resounded throughout the fairy cave.

Li Zhiyun did not reduce any strength because of the old Taoist's plea for mercy, but stepped harder!

"Say, where is the original Dao Elder of this Laojun Mountain?"

When everyone heard this, they suddenly realized, and then remembered the signs of this Taoist temple and the faces of these people.

Obviously, this place has been occupied by doves and is unrecognizable.

Fat Laodao was in pain for a while, pointed in the direction of the backyard in a panic, and yelled:

"That, that, it's all there!"

Immediately, the group followed Li Zhiyun towards the backyard, and Bing Yuanzhen and Zheng Wenxiu, who remained behind, looked at each other and smiled, driving all these disgusting impostor Taoists to a cliff cliff.

"Gentlemen, don't kill me... I have gold! Fat

Laodao knelt on the ground, his face was full of tears, and the sleeve robe below was also wet.

"Those who insult me Taoist deserve to die!"

A touch of anger flashed in the eyes of Bing Yuanzhen and Zheng Wenxiu, and the two of them instantly got up and down!

These dozens of Daoist priests were all killed on the spot.

Li Zhiyun and Liu Min found a cellar entrance blocked by stone slabs in the corner of the backyard.

Everyone immediately gathered around and lifted the stone slab, and a weak voice came from inside.

"If you want to kill and kill, why do you imprison the poor people here?"

A few young lads went down and pulled them up.

I saw a few haggard-looking Taoist priests, looking at Li Zhiyun and the others angrily.

Li Zhiyun ordered people to get some white porridge and meatloaf for them to eat.

After figuring out all the ins and outs, one of the youngest Taoist priests led by him came to Li Zhiyun and said respectfully:

"Thank you for saving your life!" Those bandits under the mountain imprisoned me and others here and killed all a dozen of my disciples, this group of people is really damned! "

Well, they have already gone down to plead with your disciples, don't worry, Dao Leader!"

Liu Min on the side looked at the little Taoist priest suspiciously, and then looked at the white-bearded old Daoist behind him, and couldn't help but ask:

"Dare to ask the Taoist leader who is in charge here?"

"Poor Dao Yuan Tiangang is the master here."


Li Zhiyun was suddenly stunned, and carefully looked up and down at the young Taoist priest in front of him.

I really can't believe that this product is Yuan Tiangang, who cultivates the art of immortality and is proficient in phase art!

However, when did this Yuan Tiangang come to Laojun Mountain?

According to historical records, Yuan Tiangang's birth time is unknown, but Li Zhiyun judged according to the current judgment, this product can now stand in front of a group of old Taoist priests and claim to be their "head", that real age should not be young!

Subsequently, everyone helped Yuan Tiangang clean up the Taoist temple.

After a while, the Taoist Temple had returned to its original appearance, and the other Taoist friends had dispersed.

Yuan Tiangang, who naturally disdained dealing with "mortals", treated Li Zhiyun as a guest and let him sit on the main throne in the fairy cave.

"I was carelessly tricked by that thief, but thanks to Li Gongzi's rescue!"

"Dare to ask Li Gongzi when he comes here, is there a place where he needs help from the poor road?"

Yuan Tiangang handed a cup of tea to Li Zhiyun, and a pair of eyes as deep as a pool were secretly looking at him.

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