Li Zhiyun gently pressed the teacup, and a pair of starry eyes met Yuan Tiangang.

At this moment, Yuan Tiangang suddenly felt a little flustered!

What kind of eyes are these?

It turned out to be deeper than your own, unfathomable!

"Yes, I came mainly to explore that saltpeter mine this time!"

"I wonder if Yuan Daoist knows much about the structure of this Laojun Mountain?"

Li Zhiyun directly stated his purpose.

Yuan Tiangang closed his gaze, bowed his head slightly, and the corners of his mouth turned up.

That's the right question!

He did not use the method of "sulfur and sulfur" to refine the elixir!

And this method pays attention to the use of sulfur, saltpeter two or two powder into a stone pot, and then use carbon-containing soap horn three ignition to make sulfur and nitrogen fire and burn, after the fire is extinguished, and then stir with three catties of raw and cooked charcoal until the carbon is eliminated by one-third!

At this point, a dark gray powder will appear in the pot!

One point burns, Mars shines!

Thinking of this, Yuan Tiangang asked thoughtfully

, "Could it be that Gongzi is also a fellow practitioner, looking for this saltpeter alchemy?"

Li Zhiyun waved his hand:

"Why don't Yuan DaoChang take me to see the nitro cave on this mountain!"

Yuan Tiangang got up and walked out with Li Zhiyun and the others.

About a blaze of incense.

A group of people followed Yuan Tiangang's footsteps to the southwest of the Taoist Temple.

Along the way, Yuan Tiangang introduced the distribution of the surrounding nitrogen caves to Li Zhiyun, but he didn't understand what this Li Zhiyun was going to use saltpeter for.

Through a narrow path and with the help of thick vines, the group finally reached a cave.

In an instant, I saw that the entire cave was full of stones and soil with high nitrogen content!

The number is huge and spectacular!

The most valuable thing is that there is a spring water in this nitro cave!

Using this spring water to make a nitro pool tank is perfect!

Poppy, who had been following Li Zhiyun, finally let go of Li Zhiyun's arm for the first time, and her eyes were burning to explore these wonderful caves.

I have to say that these are really ingenious and eye-catching! Want to find out!

Poppy admires the spectacular cave in front of her with interest.

The whole person's beautiful eyes are shining, looking everywhere, feeling where these structures have been seen.

It's so beautiful!

Nature has endless mysteries!

Zheng Wenxiu, Liu Min, and Bing Yuanzhen behind Poppy were overjoyed, and their old hands stroked these saltpeters up and down, and they couldn't put it down!

Visually inspecting, these saltpeters in front of you are no less than tens of millions of burdens!

And even more!

What's more, this is just a situation of a nitro cave, and there are countless similar nitro caves on Laojun Mountain!

Saltpeter is extremely widely distributed here, and if all of this saltpeter is mined to make ice, it will be more than enough!

As a result, they sighed in their hearts.

This Taishang Laojun is worthy of being the ancestor of alchemy, and he is quite discerning!

The saltpeter here is inexhaustible!

Everyone's eyes were shining.

Only Changsun Wuji was in a daze there.

He looked at Li Zhiyun and the others, sometimes hitting saltpeter with a shovel, sometimes grabbing the rock and soil to examine carefully, and did not know what medicine was sold in Li Zhiyun's gourd.

Today, Li Zhiyun brought him too much shock, if Li Zhiyun had not exposed the tricks of those fake Taoists, the consequences would have been unimaginable!

Her sister was already weak and sick, and if she repeatedly took these so-called "elixirs", she was estimated to die faster!

Therefore, he simply stayed first and had the opportunity to consult Li Zhiyun and Yuan Tiangang about his sister's condition.

Maybe something will be gained!

And Yuan Tiangang was not idle.

He has been watching Li Zhiyun with interest and quietly meeting Li Zhiyun.

But after several confrontations, Yuan Tiangang was stared at by Li Zhiyun's pair of starry eyes!

This person, he can't even see through!

Could it be that even Tianji avoided Li Zhiyun?

Yuan Tiangang also immediately let go of this obsession, only waiting for the opportunity to spy on one or two more!

Not long after, Li Zhiyun and the others walked out carrying a load of refined saltpeter.

According to Li Zhiyun's preliminary calculations, one load of soil can extract 8 taels to 12 taels of nitrogen!

A hundred quintals of soil can be refined for about 120 catties!

Li Zhiyun was a little excited, and the nitrogen content here obviously exceeded his expectations!

"All the soldiers obey the order!"

Li Zhiyun immediately turned to everyone.

In an instant, Liu Min, Bing Yuanzhen, and Zheng Wenxiu knelt down.

Changsun Wuji hesitated, but still knelt down.

Forget it, although Li Zhiyun has been driven out of Chang'an by Li Yuan, according to the current situation.

Li Yuan's attitude towards this son is reverie!

Yuan Tiangang and a group of other Daoist priests seemed to have deduced something, and they also figured out Li Zhiyun's identity.

Although they did not kneel, they bowed their hands respectfully there.

"Liu Min! After descending the mountain, he immediately ordered Ma Zhou to collect 20,000 people, adopt the method of cash-for-work to refine saltpeter, and do a good job in the design of nitro pools, stoves, and sinks, and logistics must keep up!

"Bing Yuanzhen, immediately build a thousand ground row cars and transport the refined saltpeter to the Luoyang area!"


Liu Min and Bing Yuanzhen took orders.

Zheng Wenxiu did not hear his task and was a little lost.

Could it be that Li Zhiyun has not recognized himself?

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