Li Zhiyun glanced at Zheng Wenxiu and asked quietly

, "General Zheng, I wonder if these saltpeters can solve the drinking water problem of the water army?"

Zheng Wenxiu immediately knelt on the ground again: "Emperor Qiyu, the saltpeter here can not only meet the problem of water storage by the navy, but even meet the needs of ordinary people all over the country!"

Liu Min, who was observing his words, immediately turned to Zheng Wenxiu and asked

, "How about General Zheng, do you still have questions about the emperor now?"

Zheng Wenxiu immediately understood what Liu Min meant, the reason why Li Zhiyun did not assign him a task turned out to be because he had not yet expressed loyalty!

"Emperor Qiyu, the last general is willing to be loyal to you!"

Li Zhiyun pulled Zheng Wenxiu up:

"Well, from today onwards, you will be the senior admiral of my Shenzhou Imperial Navy, responsible for digging lakes and training sailors!"

"The last general will do his best, at all costs!"

This scene of single-mindedness of the monarch made Changsun Wuji a little moved.

Finally understood why Li Zhiyun was able to destroy Da Liang, slaughter Western Qin, and collect the Turks!

And now, Li Zhiyun occupies all of Henan and most of Hebei, which can be described as the sky!

"Emperor Qiyu, Poor Dao is a little confused, what is the use of collecting these saltpeters?"

"Besides, what does this saltpeter have to do with water?"

Yuan Tiangang asked quietly.

Regarding Li Zhiyun's great name, he had already heard of it, and now when he saw it, his heart was indeed a little shocked.

And more often than not, there are doubts.

As a face master, he couldn't even see the slightest abnormality from Li Zhiyun's face!

"Chief Yuan Dao, this saltpeter is actually of many uses!"

Li Zhiyun said, and directly asked Yuan Tiangang for some sulfur, charcoal and stone pots.

These materials are hard to find elsewhere, but they are not lacking here.

Usually, Yuan Tiangang did not use them to refine pills.

It can be said that everything is ready-made!

When everything is ready.

I saw Li Zhiyun research sulfur and saltpeter into powder and put them into a stone pot.

Then use three ignitions with carbon-containing soap horns to make sulfur and nitrogen ignite.

After a while, the fire was extinguished.

Li Zhiyun used three catties of raw and cooked charcoal to stir until the carbon was eliminated by one-third!

At this time, a dark gray powder appears in the pot!

Everyone was watching Li Zhiyun's skillful operation intently, and their eyes were full of magic and admiration.

How can your own emperor know everything?

It's really good!

Why is his own emperor so focused on doing things?

It's really handsome!

But Yuan Tiangang's group of Taoist priests looked at Li Zhiyun's "clumsy" operation with some disdain on their faces.

Isn't this the "sulfur method"?

In the end, it's for alchemy!

What's so strange!

You can do it yourself every day!

It's no problem to do it ten times a day!

And the next moment, Li Zhiyun's tumultuous operation directly stunned everyone!

Even this self-proclaimed unfathomable Master Yuan Tiangang Yuan found that he underestimated Li Zhiyun's ability!

I saw Li Zhiyun spreading the gray powder in the stone pot to dry.


Li Zhiyun took out a piece of paper directly from his arms and rolled it into an empty cylinder.

Under everyone's gaze, Li Zhiyun put the gray powder he had just refined into the paper tube, and also filled some fine soil.

Li Zhiyun used an iron rod to build the tube tightly, and drilled a small hole in the tube.

Later, Li Zhiyun took out another piece of paper, cut it into long strips, fixed one end of the long strip, unfolded the paper, and used an iron rod to stain gray powder.

I saw Li Zhiyun's hand shake, and the powder on the iron rod fell on the paper, forming a long strip.

Li Zhiyun rubbed his hands numbly, and a lead came out!

"This is called a lead, and it can be ignited quickly!"

Li Zhiyun looked at the stunned people and explained.

Everyone still didn't understand, what was this lead for?

Li Zhiyun skewered the lead hole into the lead and tied the tube at the end of the lead tight!

Subsequently, Li Zhiyun asked everyone to personally get started, and made it according to the gourd painting scoop.

Changsun Wuji, who had itchy hands, also participated.

Li Zhiyun put everyone's finished products together, knotted them with cotton thread, and put them in front of everyone.

Looking at the "work" that looks like a long whip, everyone looks at each other.

"Emperor, what is this?"

"It's called 'firecrackers'!"

Later, Li Zhiyun asked Yuan Tiangang for a torch and handed it to Zheng Wenxiu:

"General Zheng, welcome to join the Shenzhou Empire, this is my gift to you, go and light that lead!"

Zheng Wenxiu carefully walked over with a torch.

The next moment.

A crackling sound suddenly sounded!

Poppy suddenly got into Li Zhiyun's arms in fright, looking at this scene in horror.

Everyone was even more frightened by this sudden sound, and jumped up reflexively!

When the sound disappears, everyone's faces are full of novelty, this "firecracker" is much stronger than "firecracker"!

In the past, during the New Year, you could only throw bamboo into the dormitory to make a sound, but now with firecrackers, what kind of scene will it be?

Just when everyone was elated, Yuan Tiangang stepped forward and asked with some disdain

: "Emperor, you collected so much saltpeter, wouldn't it be just to make firecrackers?"

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