"Second, your sister has given birth to many children in her life, and she has accumulated labor and illness, the eldest son Li Chenggan, the youngest son Li Zhi, Changle Li Liqian..."

"It is now the year 618 of Wude, and there is only one son Li Chenggan, go back and tell that Li Shimin to control yourself, not just for a moment, regardless of women's feelings!"

"Sometimes it's okay to use fish intestines and sheep intestines!"

Li Zhiyun said, and actually took out three sheep intestines from his arms!

This was given to him by Ashina Alan of the Turkic County, and he never had the opportunity to use it!

Changsun Wuji took it tremblingly, and his gratitude to Li Zhiyun went further.

Everyone was already stunned, especially the poppy who looked at the sheep intestines silently.

But she was happy that Li Zhiyun would give these things out, after all, in this era, women really need to be cared for!

She was deeply touched by this!

I am talented, but I can't even participate in the imperial examination, it's all this era!

Yuan Tiangang on the side was quickly counting Changsun Wuqian's children, only to see him ask in bewilderment:

"Emperor, the poor road also calculated, Changsun Wuxian does seem to have seven children, and they are quite precious, especially that Changle Li Liqian!"

Li Zhiyun suddenly flicked his sleeves and immediately interrupted Yuan Tiangang's words:

"Don't give birth to Li Liqian!"


Everyone looked at Li Zhiyun suspiciously, and Changsun Wuji asked bluntly:

"Dare to ask the emperor, why can't you give birth to this girl?"

Li Zhiyun's expression tightened:

"Once this girl is born, she will be married to hundreds of different people!"

All of them:???

I rub!

That said, this girl is indeed miserable enough!

"Dare to ask the emperor, who let this girl marry hundreds of people, could it be Li Shimin?"

Changsun Wuji thought of a lot of bad things, if it was really Li Shimin, then this father was also enough of a beast!

"Not Li Shimin, but on the tomato... Dog author!


What is this thing again?

Seeing everyone's confused looks, Li Zhiyun waved his hand and didn't bother to explain:

"In short, it is to let the eldest grandson have fewer children, giving birth is a good thing for women, but giving birth to more is a bad thing, and it is not good for the body!"

Although Changsun Wuji was confused, he could feel that Li Zhiyun really cared about his sister.

Especially Li Zhiyun's amazing prophetic ability admires the five bodies to the ground, even what children his sister will have in the future and what their names are!

Li Zhiyun continued:

"You can bring your sister to Luoyang in a month, and then I will let Sun Simiao give your sister a comprehensive conditioning, and it is estimated that it will not be a problem to live for twenty more years!"


Sun Simiao, the medicine king he has been searching for, is actually under Li Zhiyun?

Changsun Wuji suddenly knelt down and bowed!

It seemed that he remembered something again:

"Thank you for the great kindness of the emperor!" May I ask the emperor, what can my eldest grandson Wuji do for you?

"If you want, come to my tent for three years, and after three years you can leave on your own!"

Li Zhiyun didn't want to miss the top seed player in Lingyan Pavilion and said it bluntly.

"Wei Chen will go back and say goodbye to that King Qin, and Wei Chen will rush to Luoyang a month later!"

Changsun Wuji took nitroglycerin and left in a hurry, he wanted to rush to Chang'an as soon as possible, tell Li Shimin everything here, and convince his sister that he would definitely follow him to Luoyang City in a month!

It was already late afternoon.

Li Zhiyun left Liu Min and Bing Yuanzhen behind, and asked them to immediately cooperate with Ma Zhouzheng to recruit minfu to comprehensively refine saltpeter, make artillery and nitroglycerin.

Moreover, Li Zhiyun proposed 10,000 tigers and iron horses from the system, always on standby in the area of Laojun Mountain, and transported the finished products to Luoyang as soon as possible!

And he and Zheng Wenxiu rushed back to Luoyang overnight to arrange other matters.

Yuan Tiangang saw that Li Zhiyun was leaving, and his face suddenly turned grim.

The next moment.


The sound of kneeling rises and falls!

Yuan Tiangang knelt down with all the Daoist priests:

"Emperor, this is the distribution map of the nitro caves of Laojun Mountain, and the two generals can find all the nitro caves according to the map shown!"

"I, Yuan Tiangang, am willing to lead all the disciples down the mountain to assist the emperor to end this chaotic era as soon as possible, unify China, and establish a prosperous and prosperous era!"

At this moment, Yuan Tiangang had already made up his mind.

It seems that in the depths, there is a voice telling him that this person in front of him will become the co-master of the world!

Only under his leadership can we end the strife as soon as possible and restore peace and prosperity to the common people of the world!

And in the chaotic times, don't Taoist priests have to bravely assume their duties?

Li Zhiyun bowed his head slightly and accepted Yuan Tiangang's submission.

A group of people marched towards Luoyang City.

At this stage, Luoyang City has become the focus of the entire Chinese summer, and the eyes of countless princes and foreign powers are focusing on it.

Some princes have already understood the general trend of the world and have the heart to return to Li Zhiyun.

Some forces, on the other hand, are trying to fight a subversive battle against Li Zhiyun, who has not yet stabilized his footing.

It's like Liu Heivalve in Hebei and Xiao Mill in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River!

It's like Tubo in the southwest and Goguryeo in the northeast!

These are also what Li Zhiyun is worried about!

Sure enough.

Before Li Zhiyun set off, he received Cheng Yanjin's flying pigeon handbook!

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