Li Zhiyun opened the flying pigeon book, and then threw it to Liu Min and Bing Yuanzhen with a tight expression.

When the two of them read the content of the book, they also chuckled in their hearts!

An army of 300,000 intends to conquer Luoyang?

What is this situation?

"Emperor, the two of us should also go back to prepare for battle!"

Liu Min and Bing Yuanzhen immediately asked for orders.

"No! You two still have a task ahead, and the immediate needs should be saltpeter and nitroglycerin!

"After making the finished product overnight, it will be sent to Luoyang quickly!"

After Li Zhiyun finished explaining, he and Zheng Wenxiu, Yuan Tiangang and others accelerated forward.

When the group arrived at Luoyang City, it was already early in the morning.

At this time, the marching tent outside Luoyang City was brightly lit.

Cheng Yanjin and Luo Shixin are urgently deploying troops to build a long defensive line outside Luoyang City!

At present, there are only 100,000 defenders in this Luoyang City, not to mention that many of them are the troops of Wang Shichong's old army and other nearby small forces, and their combat effectiveness is very poor.

Therefore, the two are quite worried.

Seeing Li Zhiyun arrive, everyone immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"Two generals, what is the current situation?"

Li Zhiyun picked up a jar in the military tent and drank it all at Malan Mountain.

Cheng Yanjin frowned slightly:

"Emperor Qiyu, yesterday I received intelligence from General Su Dingfang of Hebei Province, saying that Liu Heiba had gathered Dou Jiande's old army of 200,000 and Luo Yi's 100,000-strong army in conjunction with Luo Yi, the governor of Youzhou, intending to capture my Luoyang City!"

Luo Shixin was extremely excited:

"The thief army is currently in the area of Shimen County, and it is expected that it will form a fierce attack on our Luoyang in less than ten days!"

Li Zhiyun's face was displeased.

"Liu Heiyuan?"

"Didn't I ask Wei Chi Jingde to tell that Su Dingfang long ago to find a reason to kill Liu Heiyuan?"

"Besides, why did this Youzhou Luo Yi get mixed up with this house?"

"Then where did Li Shimin and Li Jing go, a small Hebei town can't live?"

Li Zhiyun's series of rhetorical questions made the atmosphere at the scene a little tense, and everyone lowered their heads, like children who had done something wrong.

At present, the western part of Hebei is owned by Li Shimin and the eastern part is owned by Li Zhiyun, but it is obvious that both the east and the west have been lost.

"Emperor, Li Shimin has returned to Chang'an, General Li Jing and General Su Dingfang joined forces, led 50,000 generals to fight Liu Heiyuan, and are currently blocking the thief army in the area of Shimen County, Hebei, but the situation is urgent, and the last general is estimated to be able to support only two days!" Two days later, he went south, and he could reach Luoyang in less than ten days!

Luo Shixin's eyes flashed with anger and worry.

"Emperor, how should we deal with it now?"

Cheng Yanjin asked anxiously.

Li Zhiyun suddenly walked out of the tent, looked around, and instead asked other questions:

"What happened to the repair work of Luoyang City, the reclamation and planting of the surrounding land, and the excavation of water storage holes and cellars?"

All of them:???

When was this, why did the emperor still think about these things?

Isn't it time to focus on defeating Liu Heiyuan and Luo Yi?

But Li Zhiyun didn't think about that.

Luoyang City is in ruins, and the people are still hungry!

In another month, there will be another great drought, which is related to the life and death of the people!

There is still a month to announce to the world the establishment of the Shenzhou Empire, but Luoyang City is in tatters, how can it be able to live in the four seas and receive barbarians?

"Emperor Qiyu, Lao Cheng asked the soldiers to stop what they were doing and train with all their strength to prepare for the thief army!"

Cheng Yanjin looked at the soldiers who were strengthening the city defense day and night not far away, and said with a proud face.

Who knows the next moment.

"Let the soldiers rest immediately, and fully cooperate with Zheng Wenxiu to dig the lake tomorrow, in addition, other work will continue to be in full swing, and it cannot be stopped!"

The soldiers were directly stunned.

Everyone went to work, who will fight and who will meet the enemy?

Could it be that Liu Heiban and Luo Yi themselves will retire?

Li Zhiyun's decision was not clear even to Yuan Tiangang on the side.

He just calculated that this battle was menacing, and neither Liu Heiyuan nor Luo Yi were killed in this battle!

What does this mean?

Means Lee Ji-yun... Defeated!

"Emperor, the thief army can attack my Luoyang in ten days..." Cheng

Yanjingang wanted to continue, but Li Zhiyun interrupted him:

"Ten days? Ten days is too slow! "

Everyone: ???

What does that mean?

Could it be that you still hope that the thief army will attack as soon as possible?


Everyone fell to their knees in an instant.

"Cheng Yanjin, Luo Shixin, and Yuan Tiangang will rest for a while, and after three hours, they will follow me on the expedition, and tomorrow evening, they will launch a fierce attack on Liu Heiban and Luo Yi!"

Li Zhiyun waved his big hand and walked towards his Daoist Breaking Temple, leaving a group of confused people looking at each other.

Just take three people to fight an army of 300,000?

Will the emperor be brains ... Sick?

On the other side, at the Bauhinia Pass in Baoding, Hebei.

The 100,000-strong army led by Li Yuan and Li Shimin was stationed here!

This is the rear of Shimen County and the barrier in the northwest of the Tang Dynasty, and the Bauhinia Pass is an important pass in Baoding.

Stationed here, you can stop the enemy from penetrating!

The reason why Li Yuan personally led the troops to fight was precisely because a lot of changes had taken place in his heart during this time.

Concerning... Li Zhiyun.

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