The more Li Jing killed, the more confused he became, and this place was only fifty miles away from the Bauhinia Pass where Li Yuan and Li Shimin were stationed!

Why not see a single reinforcement?

"Soldiers, fifty miles ahead is the Bauhinia Pass, everyone rush quickly, everyone is safe when they get there!"

Su Dingfang shouted loudly to boost morale.

There are less than 20,000 soldiers left, and they rush forward desperately!

"Big brother, in front of Baoding Bauhinia Pass, there is Li Yuan's 100,000-strong army there, is there a trap?"

Liu Shishan was controlling his speed all the way and did not dare to approach the Bauhinia Pass.

Liu Heiyuan, an invincible gambler, grass curse, and rogue, got carried away at the corners of his mouth:

"Just because of that Li Yuan? Who gave him the audacity to go out of the city to fight?

"Has he ever led soldiers to war for so many years?"

"According to King Ben, it is better to capture this Li Yuan and Li Shimin first, and then go to Luoyang to force that Li Zhiyun to surrender!"

Liu Shishan immediately understood, and his face was full of smiles.

Liu Heiban looked at Li Jing and Su Dingfang, who were caught in a scuffle not far away, and watched with interest.

Well... He loves the feeling of being desperate and isolated!

When King Ben has played enough, using you to lure that Li Yuan out of the city to meet the enemy will be your time of death!"

Luo Yi in the rear was moving forward cautiously all the way, and only now did he relax his vigilance.

It seems that the opponent does not have any reinforcements!

Then Li Yuan's second elder must also be holding on to the Bauhinia Pass and refusing to go out of the city to face the battle!

Thinking of this, Luo Yi's army marched a lot faster.

"General Li, go and inform the King of Qin Li Shimin, they don't seem to have discovered us!"

"Why haven't you gone out of the city to rescue you so far?"

Su Dingfang said to Li Jing while resisting the enemy's attack.

Li Jing suddenly nodded solemnly:

"Good! You are waiting for me here, I will immediately ask His Royal Highness King Qin to send troops to support!" "

Su Dingfang led everyone to bravely kill the enemy and open a bloody road for Li Jing!

Li Jing urged the horse to whip towards the Bauhinia Pass!

"Big brother, look quickly, then Li Jing is heading towards the Bauhinia Pass, are we sniping?"

Liu Shishan immediately asked nervously.

Liu Heiyuan, who was lying on the footstep, shook the two large peaks in his hand, opened his mouth, and a crisp date fell into his mouth:

"Xiaofeng, King Ben asked you, if King Ben takes a fancy to your girlfriend, but your girlfriend is far away, what should you do?"

Xiao Feng in Liu Heiyuan's arms immediately shyly beat Liu Heiyuan:

"Wang Shang is good or bad, how many seams do you want?"

Liu Heiyuan said with a bad smile: "

King Ben wants to survive in the cracks, only in this way can he be tough!"

"Okay then, the slave will run over and pull them over first~

" Liu Heiban said to Liu Shishan: "You understand, right? Just let that Li Jing go and call people, this king is not afraid!

Liu Shishan bowed his head slightly, a pair of eyes squinted and squinted at Xiao Feng, and secretly said in his heart:

"Hmph, I have also survived in this gap, but I have only survived for three breaths."

On the other side, Li Jing galloped his horse and soon approached the city of Bauhinia Pass.

Li Jing in the galloping saw Li Shimin, and Li Shimin was equally happy to see Li Jing!

The two monarchs have a spirit in their hearts and look at each other!

Li Shimin was even more excited beyond words, and his clenched fists instantly relaxed:

"Quick!" Fast! Fast! Open the city gate and let Li Jing enter the city! "

In an instant, the drawbridge was lowered and the city gate was wide open!

Li Shimin even rushed down from the city and came to the city gate in a moment.

Li Jing hurriedly dismounted and knelt down in front of Li Shimin:

"King Qin! King Qin!

"Not fifty miles ahead, our army is fighting with the thief army, please quickly send troops to support!"

Looking at Li Jing, who was covered in blood, Li Shimin clenched his fists again, and stopped talking several times, and his eyes were full of tears.

Seeing that Li Shimin did not respond, Li Jing plucked up the courage to look up at Li Shimin.


He chuckled inwardly!

A bad premonition wells up in my mind!

Just as he felt before, how could Li Shimin not know what was happening fifty miles ahead?

"Your Highness, the Last Admiral... The last general requested..."

Li Jing began to choke, and large tears slipped down his cheeks.

Li Shimin saw Li Jing crying for the first time, and the tears in his eyes couldn't help but slide down.

"The last general asks His Highness to send troops immediately, otherwise Su Dingfang and all the soldiers will die in battle!"

Li Shimin pulled Li Jing up and patted his shoulder with both hands:

"Medicine Master, it's not that King Ben refuses to send troops, but His Majesty's holy will has been decided!"

"This army of thieves is menacing, 300,000 people! If troops are sent at this moment, not only will they not be able to save the soldiers, but they will also bury the 100,000 soldiers of the Great Tang Dynasty!

Li Jing suddenly knelt down again:

"What His Highness said is extremely true, it is the last general who is abrupt!"

"If Kaicheng is opened, it will definitely fall for the treacherous scheme of that Liu Heiyuan and Luo Yi, and push my Great Tang to a land of irreparable disaster!"

Why didn't Li Jing understand why Liu Heiyuan's 300,000 army on this road would kill his own soldiers who were less than 20,000, and you chased me or did not kill them all?

It is nothing more than to lure this Li Yuan and Li Shimin out of the city!

But other than that, don't you have any other strategy, Li Yuan, the king of a country?

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