Seeing that Li Jing understood it so well, Li Shimin's tears suddenly stopped, and he was pleased to pull him up.

Who knows, Li Jing's words changed:

"It's just that His Highness needs to know why His Highness Li Zhiyun besieged Luoyang City in the first place?"

"Why did you adopt a series of schemes to defeat Wang Shichong from the inside?"

"And why should I take you all the way to experience this?"

Li Shimin was suddenly stunned, and the danger of Weiyang County and Luoyang appeared in his mind!

It also emerged that Li Zhiyun relied on a scheme to rescue Qin Qiong, Cheng Yanjin and Luo Shixin's family!

Relying on stratagem to force that Pei Renji and Yang Gongqing to fight infight!

It was again relying on stratagem to force that Wang Xuanying and Wang Xuan to forgive the prince to fight!

All this seems to be Li Zhiyun deliberately teaching himself something!

Li Shimin's eyes darkened, while Li Jing still said forcefully:

"His Royal Highness Li Zhiyun did this just so that His Highness could learn the essence of the Taigong Art of War and achieve a great hegemony!"

"If this were not the case, then the land of Henan and Hebei would have fallen into the hands of His Highness Li Zhiyun long ago, so why is the current predicament?"

Li Shimin had already sensed Li Jing's dissatisfaction from Li Jing's words, but he did not stop Li Jing from continuing.

Because, he understood Li Jing's pain at the moment!

Facing his subordinates and comrades-in-arms, but unable to save each other, how could he not experience this kind of pain?

He needs to vent!

"The end thought that His Highness would learn the essence of strategy from it, but now it seems that His Highness has not learned a few of them!"

Li Jing finally stopped, and the next moment.

Bang bang!

Li Jing suddenly kowtowed three times:

"Thank you for Your Highness's care and care all the time, Li Jing... Leave!

After that, Li Jing was about to leave on his horse, and Li Shimin pulled him again:

"Medicine master! It's a mess at this moment! Your Majesty is angry and will definitely punish you for a felony!

"But don't worry, King Ben can keep you safe and sound!"

"This city, you don't go out again, you can only die when you go out!"

Li Shimin was obviously a little annoyed by Li Jing's blatant confrontation and decisive farewell just now, and threw out a sentence with his back to Li Jing.


The sound of horses' hooves sounded, Li Shimin suddenly turned around, but found that Li Jing had gone away!

On the ground, there was a half-sleeved robe lying there quietly, as if announcing the end of this relationship between monarchs and subjects!

"Li Jing, Li Jing, you give King Ben back!"

Li Shimin's eyes were torn, and blood came out of the corner of his mouth, but no matter how he roared, Li Jing never looked back.

"Shimin, don't get tangled up anymore, you're doing the right thing! If you want to blame, you can only blame Li Jing for disobeying Xuan's will, I don't know the severity!

"Even if he doesn't leave, stay here, and Xu will cure him of great sin!"

I don't know when, Li Yuan has already appeared next to Shimin.

The father and son climbed the city gate, looking at Li Jing's figure slowly walking away and the black pressure in the distance pressing a thief army, Li Yuan immediately shouted:

"All the soldiers listen to the order!"

"Put away the drawbridge and close the city gates! The walls are all poured with black oil! "

Qin Qiong led the Wolong Fort and the archers to their respective positions, and Xue Wanjun led the Mo Dao Battalion to go down to the city to wait for it!"



As soon as Li Yuan gave the order, everyone immediately started moving.

Li Shimin looked at the Wolong Forts and was silently in a daze.

Think about the successful development of these Wolong Forts, most of them are the credit of Li Jing!

It was he who cheekily grinded around Li Zhiyun to perfect the drawings and create this extremely powerful killing machine!

This has improved the overall combat strength of the Great Tang!

And this Mo Dao Camp was also developed by Xu Shiwei and Li Jing.

From these points of view, Li Shimin cannot deny that Li Zhiyun has natural wisdom and kingly coercion.

Although the last world may still be surnamed Li, Li Shimin is unwilling!

Forget it, if Li Jing goes, his heart may already belong to that Li Zhiyun!

At this moment, Su Dingfang was fighting with Liu Shishan, and several powerful silver spears roared towards Su Dingfang, and the situation was extremely critical!

At the moment of the attack, with a "bang", a powerful horse hammer opened the silver spear of Liu Shishan and others!

Su Dingfang suddenly froze, and his eyes shone brightly:

"General Li Jing and General Li are back!"

"Soldiers, we are saved! Kill... Kill!

Suddenly, Li Jing tightly held Su Dingfang's raised hand, and there were many tragic colors in his eyes.

Su Dingfang immediately looked up at Li Jing's rear and wondered,

"General Li, why are you the only one?"

"Where is that Qin King Li Shimin, that great general Qin Qiong, and that Great Tang 100,000 soldiers and horses?"

Li Jing looked at the soldiers covered in blood, and his eyes were bursting with raging fire:

"Soldiers, here and now is the place where you and I are buried!"

All of them:???

"I, Li Jing, am willing to fight and die with you and never surrender!"

"I, I, would rather die standing than live on my knees!"



All the soldiers have been understood in this situation.

There is no way out, no reinforcements behind!

Only by dying in battle is here to make a clear will!

Su Dingfang had tears in his eyes, he could guess what happened.

Li Shimin must have refused Li Jing's request, and Li Jing could have entered the city without fear of his life.

And he, without hesitation, came back!

Su Dingfang suddenly held Li Jing's hand:

"I, Su Dingfang, can fight and die with the medicine master on the last journey of my life, and die without regrets!"

"Hehe, it seems that this death is not so terrible!"

The two had tearful eyes, suddenly looked at each other and smiled, and looked firmly into the distance.

Above the Bauhinia Gate, Li Yuan, Li Shimin and others clearly looked at the scene in front of them.

They could even hear the roar of Li Jing and Su Dingfang, and see Liu Heiyuan and Luo Yi lying lazily on the footsteps in the rear of the army!

It was already close to evening, and Li Jing and Su Dingfang were already preparing for a decisive battle.

However, Liu Heiban ordered everyone to stop the attack, but slowly forced it to Bauhinia Pass with the momentum of encirclement.

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