Li Jing and Su Dingfang suddenly formed a defensive circle with all the soldiers behind them, back to back, and looked at the thief army vigilantly.

Although not far behind him was Li Yuan's base camp, no one looked there.

Because, the way ahead is the way back!

I saw Liu Heifu lazily sitting up from the step grab, still trying to survive in the cracks in his hands.

He already understood that no matter how Li Jing asked for help, then Li Yuan's old dog would definitely not be fooled.

So, woo the two!

Liu Heiyuan played with taste:

"Li Jing, Su Dingfang!" The two of you fought with King Ben for three days and three nights, if it weren't for King Ben's mercy, do you think you would have lived to this day?

"This king is nothing more than cherishing talents, but you must not give face!"

"Now at the moment of life and death, under the order of this king, you all have to die!"

"Aren't you ready to kneel at the feet of King Ben and submit to King Ben?"

Seeing that Liu Heiyuan intended to win over Li Jing and Su Dingfang, Luo Yi behind him was not calm.

He still admires these two from the bottom of his heart!

"It's really good, if you two turn to me Luo Yi, you will definitely have a bright future!"

Liu Heiyuan was a little displeased, but he didn't say anything.

"Go to your Spring and Autumn dreams, we will never surrender!"

Li Jing and Su Dingfang said in unison.

"Oh, you guys are really pitiful, what are you fighting to the death for?"

"Then Li Yuan's 100,000-strong army is less than two miles ahead, but have you ever seen them send out a soldier and a pawn?"

"Is it worth it to fight for such people?"

Li Jing suddenly showed a playful smile at Liu Heiyuan:

"You think too much, we are not fighting for that Li Yuan, but for the invincible His Royal Highness Li Zhiyun!"

"Don't you know yet, your time of death will come soon, and His Royal Highness Li Zhiyun will definitely cut off all the heads of Er and others' dogs!"


Lee Ji-yun?

When Liu Heiban heard this name, he was immediately furious!

It was this despicable and shameless villain who beheaded his benefactor and good brother Dou Jiande!

How could he not repay this hatred?

Think about the past, when he was young, he was poor because of his addiction to alcohol and gambling, resulting in poverty and lack of food and clothing, but Dou Jiande did not dislike himself, but often gave funding!

Later, he once defected to Li Mi, but only became a small partial general.

He also defected to Wang Shichong, but he was still just a horseman, guarding a small county town Xinxiang!

It was not until the end that he defected to Dou Jiande that he was finally entrusted with a heavy task and became a "divine brave general"!

And all this was ruined by this Li Zhiyun!

"Li Jing, then Li Zhiyun may be in Luoyang City at this moment, waiting for King Ben in a hurry!"

"Save you and kill me? Are you delusional?

Liu Heiyuan broke free from the fingers that survived in the cracks, closed Xiao Feng's two small doors

, and said, "You know, this door is really closed, if you want to come in again, it is impossible!"

Li Jing already had a judgment in his heart, Luoyang was more than thirteen hundred miles away from Baoding, and even if Li Zhiyun wanted to lead the army to the rescue, it would be a few days later!

But he still has some expectations, because the promises made by Li Zhiyun will be fulfilled!

And this time, what will happen?

A glimmer of hope flashed in Su Dingfang's eyes, and then it dimmed again.

For Li Zhiyun, although he was submissive to him, he had never met him!

And now it seems that this person is indeed unreliable!

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to calculate with you, kill King Ben!"

Liu Heiyuan had lost patience and gave an order to Liu Shishan!

Liu Shishan had long been itchy, and if Liu Heiban hadn't been hinting at himself along the way, he would have beheaded Li Jing and Su Dingfang under the horse!

When he boarded, Liu Shishan rushed up again with everyone!

"Li Jing, take the life la..." just

when Liu Shishan had not yet put together the last letter of the word "come", "i".

Just listen to a loud "bang", and the air seems to be torn apart!

An arrow whistled with the breaking wind and plunged straight into Liu Shishan's neck!

Through it!

Suddenly, Liu Shishan was bloody and fell from his horse, and he couldn't die anymore!


This sudden scene stunned more than 300,000 people in the audience!

Even Li Yuan, Li Shimin, Qin Qiong, and Xue Wanjun above the head of Bauhinia Pass in the rear looked at this suspiciously.

What just happened?

Where do the arrows come from?

Liu Heiban saw Liu Shishan lying in a pool of blood, and he suddenly planted himself from the step rope!

"Second brother, second brother!"

"You, you!"

"Who put the arrow, there is a kind of stand up for King Ben!"

Liu Heiyuan pulled out the horizontal knife on his waist, and his eyes were full of anger!

Li Jing suddenly looked at Su Dingfang, and Su Dingfang also looked at Li Jing.

The two shook their heads at the same time.

"It's me!"

Suddenly, a thick and powerful voice came.


"Grey Law!"

I saw that from the direction of the left flank of Bauhinia Pass, four people and four horses came quickly!

Li Jing immediately burst into tears, the waves were turbulent, and a pair of knees couldn't help but kneel:

"The last general... Li Jing, see Emperor! "

PS: Hello readers, the author Jun changed the name of this book, wait a minute, put away your big knife first~ Explain the reason for the name change ha:

1. The original title of the book "Great Tang, Weichen Li Shimin, see Emperor!" " is a little small, not enough to support the overall layout of this book, this book is not only to conquer Li Shimin, but also to conquer the four seas, so that every piece of land belongs to me!

2. The original title of the book is not very attractive to traffic, which is not conducive to the recommendation of this book.

I hope that everyone will continue to support this book, and I hope that you can send the author a free power generation with love, thank you!


The author has something to say:

Thank you to the Demon God Huayan, the crazy old cat, 521 Yi, Yifan, look at that big guy, Shifang Yunshan, Buddhist master, a little orange meow, Cheng Ziyong, Stars Like a Dream, Tian Qiuyu, Fried Heavenly Gang - Elder Rough Strong, Father Wu Nai Ru alas! Thank you all for the gift!

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