Everyone instantly looked to the left!

I saw a young man with a rigid face, sharp corners, and a soaring murderous aura all over his body, standing on a horse, not angry and self-threatening!

Behind him, he was followed by three iron-boned generals!

Everyone's eyes are like torches and naked!

This sudden four-person four-horse made everyone's eyes stop instantly, and the brush fell on the young man at the head.

Kill Liang Shidu and Xue Ju's father and son, conquer the Turks, and force that Wang Shichong to surrender naked!

He is the legendary Li Zhiyun who is invincible with one hundred enemies and divine bravery?

But he's just a teenager!

Above the Bauhinia Pass two miles away, Li Yuan and Li Shimin also saw this inexplicable four-person four-horse!

But for a moment, Li Yuan didn't see clearly who these four pens were.

"Go and find out the identities of these four people!"

Li Yuan immediately gave the order, and the scout left quietly.

Li Shimin chuckled in his heart, and a strong premonition surged into his heart.

Could it be... Lee Ji-yun?

To be able to fight three hundred thousand with four people in front of him, only Li Zhiyun can do it!

But isn't this too much to put Liu Heivalve in his eyes?

Sure enough, Liu Heiyuan's eyes burst out with raging fire!

Just now, this milky smelly child shot his only relative in this world in front of him!

"Come on, tie up this Li Zhiyun to King Ben!"

"King Ben will cut off his flesh piece by piece with a knife!"

"King Ben will drink his blood and eat his flesh!"

Liu Heiyuan kicked the pillar of the salute on the broken step, grabbed the Mo knife and pointed it at Li Zhiyun!

Li Zhiyun noticed the familiar strange knife in Liu Heiyuan's hand.

This person is not simple!

To be able to popularize the Mo Dao to everyone in such a short period of time, there is still some wisdom!

A group of cavalry behind Liu Heiyuan came out and immediately raised his spears, swords, horizontal knives and other weapons to target Li Zhiyun.

"Everyone, surrender and don't kill!"

"Grey Law!"

Li Zhiyun's roar, accompanied by a long roar of Wuchi War Horse, unexpectedly made Liu Heiyuan's cavalry stunned in place, and no one stepped forward.

This picture is like 10,000 mice meeting an Elvis.

Even if the other party is a person, there is a suppression of the innate bloodline, which makes them fearful!

But the next scene is even more embarrassing!

Only listening to a few loud "bangs", the three peerless iron horses under the crotches of Cheng Yanjin and others fell to the ground in response!


" The Wuchi War Horse suddenly raised its head to the sky and roared—

"Gray Law!"

The Wuchi War Horse seemed to be worried about the three Peerless Iron Horses!

Li Zhiyun immediately dismounted to check the situation of the Peerless Iron Horse.

Fortunately, it should be overworked from a long run and fainted temporarily!

Su Dingfang and the soldiers immediately fed the only half pot of water to the three horses in turn, and their eyes were full of distress.

Cheng Yanjin, Luo Shixin and Yuan Tiangang were even more sad!

On the battlefield, in addition to the soldiers, the war horse is also a warrior!

But in order to rush from Luoyang City to Baoding, which is thousands of miles away, the four people and four horses did not stop for a moment!

Cheng Yanjin and the others were originally full of doubts, why didn't Li Zhiyun lead the army to help Li Jing, but now they finally understand!

Looking at the extremely complex and urgent situation in front of him, if Li Zhiyun leads Luoyang's army to come to the rescue, it is estimated that when he comes here, the cucumber vegetables will be cold!

And this picture of unfinished love became funny in Liu Heiyuan's eyes!


" "Haha—

" "Still surrender and don't kill, it's up to you?"

"This... Before King Ben killed you, you were scared to pee? "

That's it?"

Liu Heiyuan looked at Li Zhiyun playfully, and suddenly said angrily to the hundreds of personal tiger guards beside him:

"You guys are on!"

Huwei immediately pulled out the strange knife and stepped forward with a smile, with a disdainful expression on his face!

"What are you laughing at? Your mother is about to die, and you still laugh?

Suddenly, an extremely discordant voice came, and it was Yuan Tiangang who spoke!

One of them, Huwei, who was smiling happily, was stared at by Yuan Tiangang:

"Are you talking about me? Are you looking for death..."

Yuan Tiangang stepped forward and pointed at the tiger guard,

"It's you!" You are eight out of twenty this year, and you have a wife at home!

Huwei suddenly looked shy, as if he remembered the coquettish mother-in-law at home.

"Oh, no, what does this have to do with my mother?"

Yuan Tiangang said with a smile: "A red apricot sprig from your family came out of the wall, and the old king and old Zhao Lao Sun and Liu next door came to pick it, you said that your mother can not be angry to death?" "

Next door, Lao Wang, Lao Zhao, Lao Sun, Lao Liu?"

Huwei suddenly looked startled, his heart beat fast, who is this person, how does he know the surnames of his neighbors before and after his house?

"Who are you? Hugh to babble! "

Poor Dao, Yuan Tiangang!"


Huwei suddenly collapsed to the ground, and actually cried:

"I want to go home, I want to go home!"

The others gasped, and even the smile on Liu Heiyuan's face stopped abruptly!

This is the famous living immortal today, the Taoist master Yuan Tiangang who never came out of the world!

Yuan Tiangang suddenly shifted his gaze to another poor tiger guard and spoke, "

And you!" Are you born with a chicken, what kind of strong man is pretending here, and you still don't get out quickly? "

Everyone: ???

Behind Liu Heiyuan, there was a twitter discussion, obviously Yuan Tiangang was right!

"You... You have insulted me too much, ah! The

next moment, I saw this tiger guard angrily turn and leave, hiding in the crowd and not wanting to come out again to embarrass people.

"And you two, don't think that the poor road does not know, you have... Longyang is good!

"If you are not convinced, dare you take off your clothes and let everyone see your gorgeous chrysanthemums?"

Huwei duo: ???


of you have to die, because the poor road has long been calculated, and anyone who follows Liu Heiyuan will never end well!"

Yuan Tiangang's bottomless eyes scanned everyone and shouted.

Sure enough, this move played a great role, and everyone's discussion rose and fell one after another, all with hesitation!

Is what Yuan Tiangang said true?

All of a sudden, Liu Heiyuan's many tigers and tigers, and the invincible tiger guards, were actually defeated by Yuan Tiangang!

The others were also calmed by what Yuan Tiangang said!

Is it really going to die here?

"Gentlemen, Hugh listened to a stinky Taoist priest talking nonsense here, kill him for me!"

Seeing that the army's heart was unstable, Liu Heiyuan said angrily and angrily.

Li Zhiyun and the others looked at Yuan Tiangang's broken mouth with a smile the whole time, and even Li Jing, who was kneeling on the ground, forgot to get up!

In sharp contrast to Liu Heiyuan's anger and corruption, it was Luo Yi not far away.

At this moment, he was stroking his beard and staring at the boy in front of him.

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