Luo Yi recalled that when he joined the army, he had an intersection with that Li Yuan.

This fifth son is Li Zhiyun, the king of Chu, and he has seen it.

At the beginning, he couldn't help but be weak, not learning and no skill!

Now, overnight, he has become a god of war, like a king!

Excuse me, on what basis?

That Li Yuan has long been called emperor, but he is the governor of Youzhou?

That Li Yuan's sons Li Jiancheng and Li Shimin are all wise and brave, and now there is another Li Zhiyun?

Suddenly, the balance in Luo Yi's heart began to be unbalanced!

It's like in modern society, where your former colleague suddenly becomes your boss.

Are you angry or not?

Luo Yi stepped forward and said to Liu Heiyuan: "

King Handong, there are only four people on the other side, are we cheating more with less?"

In an instant, Cheng Yanjin and the others behind Li Zhiyun looked at Luo Yi with some appreciation:

"General Manager Luo, Old Cheng has long heard that you are a benevolent and righteous person, and now it is indeed like this!"

"Yes, yes, General Manager Luo also knows that this is to deceive more and damage face, why not retreat quickly?"

Cheng Yanjin and Luo Shixin licked the dog frantically, and what they did was nothing more than to make Luo Yi retire.

Who knew that the next moment, Cheng Yanjin and Luo Shixin were slapped in the face!

Luo Yi suddenly changed his tone:

"How about letting General Ben meet this kid for a while?"

Without waiting for Liu Heiyuan to answer, Luo Yi had already stepped out, and a silver spear in his hand was fiercely rushing towards Li Zhiyun!

And behind him, he followed the eighteen iron horses!

These eighteen iron horses are the most powerful personal tiger guards under Luo Yi's account!

Each with one enemy ten, sharp and invincible!

Although Liu Heiyuan is furious, he might as well take a look at this scene first!

If you kill Li Zhiyun, you will be greatly boosted!

Anyway, who killed him and did not kill?

Well, offend Li Yuan's things, let this guy come!

It's just that this Luo Yi really doesn't want to be faceless, and a moment ago he said that he bullied more.

The next moment, he took eighteen people to besiege people's houses.

Could it be that the "many" in his eyes is calculated in tens of thousands?

These eighteen people are not much?

"Emperor be careful!"

Li Jing looked at Luo Yi, who was rushing towards him, and fought hard to pounce on Li Zhiyun.

However, Li Zhiyun suddenly turned around and grabbed it vigorously and handed it to Cheng Yanjin and Luo Shixin behind him.

"General Li Jing, you stay with those mares for the time being and rest, this emperor has not killed for a long time!"

Li Jing: ???

Why do you want to laugh a little?

Could it be that the emperor was deliberately joking to comfort everyone?

And Li Zhiyun had calculated in his heart that his Lu Xiang's divine power was currently close to 300 points, which was equivalent to the combat power of three and a half Lü Bu and three and a half Xiang Yu!

This power must not be a simple addition, but one plus one is greater than two!

But 300 combat power is still less!

Cheng Yanjin and Luo Shixin set up Li Jing and sat down in the rear.

Yuan Tiangang, on the other hand, was stunned on the ground, a little overwhelmed.

Although he is a high-ranking person in the eyes of the world, he can drink everyone away with his mouth.

But when have you seen this picture of life and death in front of you?

At the moment of a thousand shots, Li Zhiyun still did not turn around!

But Yuan Tiangang behind him had already seen a silver spear that did not slow down, rushing towards Li Zhiyun's backyard fiercely!

At this moment, Luo Yi chuckled at the corner of his mouth, and his face was full of disdain!

In this world, Li Zhiyun is the first person to point his ass at him when he attacks!


However, today I want to bring your legend to a successful end!

A strong killing intent flashed in Luo Yi's eyes, and he stepped on his horse with a kick, and a silver spear stabbed at Li Zhiyun!

Everyone looked at this scene with a breath of breath, even Liu Heiyuan couldn't help but feel shocked.

He is also a divine brave general, but compared with this Luo Yi's explosive power, he is slightly lost!

Just when everyone thought that this silver gun would stab Li Zhiyun, Li Zhiyun suddenly turned around, and while smiling strangely at Luo Yi, his body suddenly turned to one side and caught Luo Yi's silver gun with his bare hands!


The silver gun was blocked by Li Zhiyun because of the huge inertia, and the gun body was bent into a semicircle that was almost connected end to end!

"Luo Yi, your grand governor of Youzhou actually attacked behind your back?"


Li Zhiyun's left foot kicked upwards fiercely, and Luo Yi in the air had no time to land, and was hit in the abdomen by Li Zhiyun's sudden kick.

Suddenly, he felt an irresistible force coming towards him!


Luo Yi fell heavily to the ground ten meters away, and a smear of blood spurted out from the corner of his mouth!


Everyone was stunned at once, and the tongue bridge could not fall!

With one hand and one foot, two simple moves, he knocked the extremely brave Luo Yi to the ground!

What kind of power is this?

Just by this eighteen-nine-year-old student in front of you?

The loyal eighteen iron horsemen saw their master spitting out blood, and immediately rushed towards Li Zhiyun!

"Kill! Kill! Kill! Li

Zhiyun suddenly got on his horse and sacrificed the Red Flame Halberd, like a ghost rushing between the eighteen iron horses!

In an instant, Li Zhiyun returned to the same place, leaving eighteen headless corpses behind him!

Everyone was stunned, and the last trace of doubt in their hearts disappeared!

Li Zhiyun, really as invincible as the legend, is invincible!

Liu Heiyuan immediately sat back on the step guard, causing everyone to surround him, for fear that Li Zhiyun would kill him with an arrow:

"All the soldiers obey the order, attack with all their strength, kill all these people to the king, and avenge General Luo!"



The soldiers under Luo Yi were excited, sharpened their knives and formed a favorable formation, pressing towards Li Zhiyun unstoppably!

Luo Yi, who was lying on the ground and was seriously injured, glared at Liu Heiban angrily.

Fuck, I'm not dead yet, what revenge for me?

It was actually put up by this house!

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