Cheng Bitjin and Luo Shixin immediately moved closer to Li Zhiyun, and Cheng Bitjin said: "

Emperor, the enemy army is menacing, why don't we ask His Majesty Li Yuan of the Bauhinia Pass for help?"

Li Zhiyun looked at the Bauhinia Pass behind him, and saw the battle flag flying on the city wall, and the crowd was moving!

Before he came, he did not expect that this Li Yuan, who had never left Chang'an, would actually drive his own family!

I didn't expect that Li Yuan would be stationed in this Bauhinia Pass!

Deep down, Li Zhiyun had a slight improvement in Li Yuan.

It seems that this old man listened to his own words!

"Hehe, then if Li Yuan wants to send troops, he won't wait until now, right?"

Li Jing and Su Dingfang's expressions tightened, solemnly nodded, immediately got up from the ground, and shouted angrily:

"All the soldiers, that Li Yuan refused to go out of the city to save us, but His Highness Li Zhiyun was desperate to support us!"

"All the soldiers obeyed the order, quickly formed a defensive circle, and protected His Highness!"

In an instant, the soldiers covered in blood gathered around Li Zhiyun without hesitation, even though their hands could not stop shaking due to the long grip of the weapon, even if their feet had been worn out of blood bubbles, even though they knew that there was a dead end ahead, they still did not turn back!

In their opinion, at this time of crisis, although Li Zhiyun only came four people, it was enough to have this sincere heart of not abandoning or giving up!

Let me ask, in this chaotic world, how many kings can take care of the lives of their soldiers?

Facing Luo Yi and Liu Heiyuan's black-pressed military array, which was coming fiercely with powerful steps, Li Zhiyun actually jumped out of the protective circle:

"Soldiers, you have worked hard, leave it to us next!"

"You guys are optimistic, how this emperor is attacking, how much can be learned!"

"Well, to learn is to earn!"

All of them:???

Li Jing and others faced Li Zhiyun's rather second-class lines, and they wanted to laugh, but their hearts were also full of emotion!

From this moment on, Li Jing knew that for the rest of his life, whether he lived or died, there was only one master, and that was Li Zhiyun!

None of them retreated, and all stood behind Li Zhiyun!

"Cheng Yanjin, Luo Shixin, Yuan Tiangang, follow me to battle!"

Grey Law!

Li Zhiyun stepped on his horse and brandished the Red Flame Halberd to kill into the army of thieves!

The Shadow Iron Rider stood up from the ground again!

Cheng Yanjin held two battle axes, Luo Shixin had a silver gun, Yuan Tiangang was carrying a marching bag, and the three of them rode on the Peerless Iron Horse and followed closely behind Li Zhiyun!

Liu Heiyuan in the crowd shouted dismissively:

"Who can take Li Zhiyun, this king will reward him with a city!"

"In addition, the gold and silver treasures of this king are also taken!"



Everyone's fierce gaze instantly focused on Li Zhiyun, not seeking to spend time in peace, only to survive in the cracks!

Especially the temptation of this gold and silver treasure is invincible! In this chaotic world today, only gold and silver can make them feel at ease!

Moreover, what did you come out to fight for yourself?

Isn't that just for that?

With this thought, everyone rushed towards Li Zhiyun!

"Physical rush, unparalleled rush!"

"Where are the 10,000 tiger iron riders!"


With Li Zhiyun's roar, the ground shook, and the sky and earth changed color!

I saw a cavalry rushing out from each of the east and west wings, holding sharp spears in their hands, knives in their waists, and large bows on their backs!

The entire air was filled with a thick murderous aura.

Even the not cool weather in this autumn seems to have been pushed to winter all of a sudden!

But these did not attract Liu Heiyuan's attention, even, he had long expected that Li Zhiyun would definitely have an ambush!

But what is this ten thousand cavalry?

In front of an army of 300,000, it is simply not enough to see!

And the next moment, the tiger iron horse was like a violent lightning, rushing towards the 300,000 army!

Li Zhiyun's physical strength rushed, unparalleled rushing firepower was full of firepower, like a fierce cheetah, a red flame halberd tore through the void, everywhere he went, his head flew in the sky and blood rushed out!

Lu Xiang's divine power also soared rapidly from 300 points at this time!

Cheng Yanjin and Luo Shixin became more and more fierce, and Yuan Tiangang followed Li Zhiyun closely, desperately protecting the marching bag on his back!

For a moment, Liu Heiyuan's army was difficult to advance half a step!

Li Jing and Su Dingfang looked at the scene in front of them, and their blood boiled!

The blood of all the soldiers was ignited, the fatigue in their bodies was replaced by fighting spirit, and they resolutely rushed into the crowd!

To live together, to die together!

At this moment, Li Yuan, who was standing above the city gate of Bauhinia Pass, looked at the shocking scene in front of him and immediately realized something.

"Second brother, quickly see if those two cavalry are Li Zhiyun's troops?"

Although Li Yuan has never seen Li Zhiyun's tiger iron ride, he has heard others describe it!

How could Li Shimin not know, he didn't want to answer this question, but now it was impossible to hide it.

"Father, these are the personal soldiers of the fifth brother, and the sons and daughters suspected that these people were the secret troops that the fifth brother took away from Chang'an!"

Li Shimin deliberately spit out the word "private soldier", but Li Yuan's mind was not on this, but realized a serious problem.

So, the boy in the four people and four horses just now is my son Li Zhiyun?

At this moment, the scout quickly came to report

: "Your Majesty, in front is Li Zhiyun, the king of Chu, and the generals Cheng Yanjin and Luo Shixin..."

Li Yuan's old eyes were full of essence, his sword pointed forward, and he shouted angrily:

"All the soldiers obey the order!"

In an instant, the banner hunted and the war drums were beating, and everyone knelt down.

PS: I've been rushing the manuscript recently, writing a little fast, there may be some typos, please forgive me~

It is expected that the author may have to go for an operation next week, so I am afraid of breaking the change, and now I write late every day to save the manuscript.

The author Jun also thought about two changes a day, but he still couldn't bear to face you, so he still gritted his teeth and sent three more every day!

I hope you support the author, don't ask you to spend money, send a free "power generation with love", give a five-star praise to support, thank you!

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